Online horror stories.......


New member
Jan 18, 2003
I have a few of them I'll share for now, and possibly the rest later.

The first one is the case of the fake picture........(I'm watching Scooby Doo at the moment)

I had chatted to this girl for a while, and well, I got the feeling that she wanted more than just some casual fun, so I made it clear that's all I wanted. She said that was great with her, so I said I needed to see a picture first. She sent me a picture, and it wasn't too bad. In fact, she reminded me of someone I dated and liked looks-wise, so I invited her to a Red Wings game as I knew she liked them. Here was my big mistake, I told her to meet me at my place first, then we'd go to the game. Stupid me, now she knew where I lived, and I didn't really know where she lived. So, she finally shows up, and let me say, what a disappointment. It wasn't even the same girl. She sent me a fake picture!!!

Well, needless to say I wasn't too pleased with that. I confronted her about it, and she said that I probably wouldn't have seen her if she sent a real one. I told her she is very observant!!! I'll give you an idea why........the picture was of someone that looked similar to Alexa Taylor in her pictures, very good looking, and what showed up was a 5'4" 250 lb. very scary person I'm assuming is a woman. It wasn't good at all. She could have lost 125 lbs, and it still wouldn't have been good.

Anyhow, I tell her that since there isn't much time to find a replacement, we may as well go to the game, and then that's it. Which isn't good because I know the guys around where we sit. Let's just say I took some ribbing the next time out. We get back home, and I ask her how she got to my house, and apparently her brother dropped her off, but she assumed she'd be staying at my place........and starts to move in for a kiss!!!! I nearly put my hand in her face as I moved away, to tell her that wasn't going to happen. In a huff, she said she'd call her brother to pick her up (kind of creepy), and I asked her where he was going to come from to pick her up, and she mentions Belle River, a town about 45 minutes away!!! Well, I wasn't about to just sit there with a chick that I had just turned down for sex for that long, so I called a cab company, asked about how much it would cost, and put her in a cab and paid in advance. Needless to say, I didn't talk or see her again..........

Not sure where that ranks on the horror scale, let me know Sara, what you think. I have another that is much more graphic, but will hold off on that one until I see how this one is received.


New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
That wasn't very nice of you, pushing Goober's mom away - she was only trying to be nice. The least you could have done was dfk with Goober's mom. If that was so bad - you could have thought of Goober while you did it.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
horror ......

thecoolguyms72 said:
what showed up was a 5'4" 250 lb. very scary person I'm assuming is a woman........
Dang, coolguy, dang !!!!!!
So how much scotch you downed after you sent her home ?


New member
Jun 22, 2003
I'm unfortunately in the online horror stories club as well. I've managed to pick up two stalkers, one who's a metro cop and I think the second one is delusional. I haven't heard from the second one for about six months but the cop ended up putting another profile on Lava with a fake picture and I unknowingly set up a meeting with her...that was scary when I saw her and figured out what happened.

The only other realy scary moment came after the 3rd date and she infomed me that I had better meet her son if I was going to be moving in. Needless to say that was a bit of a shock to me. Informed her that I wasn't moving in and didn't think it was a good idea to meet her son just yet and wow did she lose it. Did my hasty exit and never looked back on that one.

It's been a few months since I've had a profile on any dating site and I don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon. I just seem to have an uncanny ability to pick the women with real problems. I've had a few good meetings but the number of bad ones have turned me off of this course of meeting people.


New member
Jan 18, 2003

I have a couple of stalker stories, an ultimatum story, and several really terrible sex stories. So you definitely aren't alone. If anyone wants to hear any of those, let me know.



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I had a similar experience...

In Ottawa some years ago on one of those telephone chat lines. What really pissed me off though was I stated very clearly in my V/M box that my preference was for petite women. This women leaves me a message... we exchange messages a few times... then I give her my phone #. We talked a couple times... she confided in me that she is not "exactly petite... but not huge either" (her words). She talked about working out at a the local YMCA... where I have been several times. Then one day she calls me to say that she is going for a work out to prepare for her beach vacation in The Carib somewhere so as to be ready for her bikini when she gets there. She mentions that afterwards we could meet up at a certain restaurant on Bank St. to finally meet each other (our last chance, as she puts it, before she leaves on her Carib vacation) I give her my description... tell her what I am wearing etc. I go to wait for her. I figure if she is working out at the Y and getting ready for bikini and she knows I like petite women she can't be all that bad. Why would she waste her time and mine. So I am sitting waiting. In walks this one patron that I give no second notice. I am looking for my 'date'. Well don't she walk up to me "Are you Nighthawk?" "Yes I am" I said to her "Are you ***" I con't. "Yes I am she says. I get up and say "Excuse me" I walked out the door and never looked back. She was and I am not kidding at least 280 if not 300 lbs. Not to mention her face... she looked like Frankenstein’s daughter. My only question to this day is "WHY?" Why did she do it? She must have known that any guy being so deceived would walk away. Never again.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
I met this 30something Chinese lady online. We met and she is attractive, 5'3 and slim, long hair. Unhappy with marriage. We got along well.
We continued to meet when time permitted. On 3rd meeting I try a kiss but she is too shy. 4th and 5th meeting same story. 6th meeting I present ultimatum and tell her I like her and want to sleep with her.
She says no problem, give me $500 and lets go to a hotel.
Unfortunately I am not prepared to pay that much so I said goodbye.

Not really a horror story, but I found it pretty bizarre.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
sex horror stories plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

If One Were Two

New member
Oct 1, 2003
I can't understand why anyone would do this. If someone did this to me - even if she turned out to be attractive - I'd leave immediately. Discovering that I've been lied to isn't exactly my idea of a good first encounter with someone. What makes these people think they can get away with it?

I haven't met anyone online, but I played around on for a bit. One girl sent me a message, so I checked out her profile. She had one picture and looked incredibly good. We emailed each other a few times and she seemed like a decent person. I'm not sure what prompted me to ask for more pictures, but I'm damn glad I did. In all of her other pictures, she looked absolutely nothing like she did in the one she displayed in her profile. I can't accuse of her of lying, because it really was her (I could tell by her eyebrows and hair), but it's amazing what a good angle and certain lighting can do for someone.


New member
Jan 18, 2003
Roommates said:

Does the stalker story involve a big chase scene where you end up jumping into the river, ending up in Detroit ?
No, but it did involve someone stalking me at work, at home, and where I park my car.......and she was from Kitchener, me from Windsor no less. She drove down from Kitchener a total of 15 times in a month to try to hook up with me. My problem, when I met her in person for the first time, I was incredibly horny. So, I did the deed, and apparently "rocked her world" according to her. And believe me, I'd like to believe I'm that much of a stud, but I know I'm not. She was just fucked in the head and thought she loved me. And she did this weird thing where she kept jamming her finger in my ear like it would turn me on or something.......I had to tell her to stop it because it hurt. I thought I'd have to go to the doctor to get her Lee Press On from my Medulla Oblongata!

But the worst was when she kept stalking me at the office, and there's only one way out, so one night I had to stay overnight. Luckily I have a nice couch that pulls out to a bed, got up really early and snuck out. She wasn't there that I could see, but who knows?

Sorry, Sara, no car chases, or international incidences, but that was just one of the nutbars that stalked me.

Oh, and Miranda, I'll start a new thread for my sex horror story, just for you.


Ophelia Black

Hey! Nice tits!
Sep 4, 2003
Lookin' fer love ground zero...

I actually met some decent people - but of the first three guys I met, not one, but two of them were next door neighbours - one from each building on either side of my house. Which was a bit whack - but convenient, as one turned out to be rather hot, and my walk 'o' shame was conveniently short ;)

Vancouver's small, but still...


New member
Aug 23, 2001
Horror dates

Well...although i work in the business...i do have a personal life-and i have a good one for ya. I was single-and NOT dating-but a friend of mine implored me to go out with this guy-which-i hadn't 'been' with anyone in awhile and i thought-what the hell. My friend tells me this guy has a great job-really good looking etc. I don't much go for the flashy guys-and she knows this. So he calls me-and sounds pleasant we agree to meet for drinks-me thinking-that way-if it doesn't work-i can leave right?
We a local restaurant...and he is great-nice looking-smells great....good conversation. Our waitress was really cute (i'm bi)..and he noticed that the waitress and i seemed to get along he asked me right out if i fancied her...i said she had a great ass...he said-'are you bi' and i reply 'yes'...i thought he was going to pop right there-but-being a lady-i don't want to appear too i ended the night. The guy calls me every day for a week...sometimes leaving 12 messages in one day on my machine. I finally call him and agree to meet....he says he wants to make dinner for me-so i drive to his house-in a nice neighborhood-and am really looking forward to a nice night in (i'm not into the bar scene).

He answers the nothing....and strewn over his living-room are 5 naked women.....i was shocked (and believe me-being in this business-there is not too much that does shock me).....i knew 2 of the girls-and we had some wine-and all decided to leave the freak that was jacking off in the corner just watching us all. We walked out-but that wasn't the end.

He kept calling me...then he found out where i lived (i've since moved)-and changed my#.....the worse part is.......i found out he's married.....and his wife had just been away for the weekend....what a dick!


New member
Mar 1, 2003
the horror... the horror.... great stories ^_^

I've experienced the picture not matching thing before... twice actually and I'll tell ya I haven't been back to talking to people on the internet for anything more then casual conversation ever since. It only takes a couple people to make you suspect everyone online is telling you lies..

If One Were Two

New member
Oct 1, 2003
After reading this thread, I've devised a plan for if I ever decide to meet someone from an online dating service. First off, I'm going to want to see numerous headshots: Front, front-left, front-right, right. Turn up the lights, repeat.

Then, just to be extra cautious, I'll give her a secret 6 digit number which she'll have to write down on a piece of paper and hold under her chin like a mugshot before snapping the final photo.

Only after the secret number has been confirmed will I meet her. Although by this point, after putting up with my stupid requests, I'll have to assume she's quite desperate and has stability issues that would make me not want to meet her anyways.


New member
Mar 1, 2003
most people on the net describe themselves better then they actually are just like all ads. Some just take it too far
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