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on health, gossip, and ethics


New member
Aug 30, 2003
One of the people around these parts (who shall remain nameless but who is, I must say, nice and really hot in person) has a picture on her site in common with the picture attached to a profile on another site.

That other site is a fantasy-fiction site. Having met the woman in question, and having had it suggested to me that I look for some things of hers on that other site, I have reason to believe the profiles share a photo because there is a single human behind the two profiles. (I know that's long winded. I'm trying to be precise and not overstate anything, and this _is_ the interwebtube world.)

Now, if you look up the other-site profile in just the right way, it includes the metadata that the person in question has HIV. Sorry to be coy, but I can't hardly give the details without effectively smearing the person in question, so I won't include the URLs.

It is of course possible that the person in question just added that information to the profile in an effort to deter stalkers and so on. Or maybe it's just a fantasy alter-ego, or a coping mechanism "just in case", or whatever.

Anyway, I have never known what to do with this information, and I've struggled with it rather a lot. Anyone else have any views on what one should do? Keep in mind that none of this is actual evidence that someone has HIV -- I haven't that evidence (in fact, given my own medical history, the best I can say is that I have no evidence of any transmission of anything, since I didn't get anything). It's just sorta creepy, and I puzzle over it a lot. Posting anything with specifics of an individual would seem to me to be like sourceless gossip. But I'd hate for the (self-induced?) rumour to be true and people not to know because I stayed quiet.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
One of the people around these parts (who shall remain nameless but who is, I must say, nice and really hot in person) has a picture on her site in common with the picture attached to a profile on another site.

That other site is a fantasy-fiction site. Having met the woman in question, and having had it suggested to me that I look for some things of hers on that other site, I have reason to believe the profiles share a photo because there is a single human behind the two profiles. (I know that's long winded. I'm trying to be precise and not overstate anything, and this _is_ the interwebtube world.)

Now, if you look up the other-site profile in just the right way, it includes the metadata that the person in question has HIV. Sorry to be coy, but I can't hardly give the details without effectively smearing the person in question, so I won't include the URLs.

It is of course possible that the person in question just added that information to the profile in an effort to deter stalkers and so on. Or maybe it's just a fantasy alter-ego, or a coping mechanism "just in case", or whatever.

Anyway, I have never known what to do with this information, and I've struggled with it rather a lot. Anyone else have any views on what one should do? Keep in mind that none of this is actual evidence that someone has HIV -- I haven't that evidence (in fact, given my own medical history, the best I can say is that I have no evidence of any transmission of anything, since I didn't get anything). It's just sorta creepy, and I puzzle over it a lot. Posting anything with specifics of an individual would seem to me to be like sourceless gossip. But I'd hate for the (self-induced?) rumour to be true and people not to know because I stayed quiet.
Bottom line is that you think a SP (who has Terb clients) has HIV? Hmmm, if that's the case, that's a toughie. Have you tried to contact her via PM. On one hand, you're right, if you "out" her, she'll lose all of her business, but on the other hand, if she does have HIV, this is definitely something that her clients need to know. I don't know what to tell you. I hope smarter people post on this thread and give you better advice.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Tough call! Unfortunately there's always a lot less we know about an SP (or from the SP's perspective the client) than what we do know. Hobbying is full of inherent risks; not the least of which are STD's. It is incumbent on each of us to be as safe as we can be. At the end of the day, we can only hope that that's the case for all parties involved and that if either an SP or client had something like HIV they would take themselves out of circulation.
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