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OMG, CMJ isns't perfect!


Nov 2, 2006
I like the CMJ concept and I have a lot of respect for Jasmin. Although I am by no means a regular, my too few visits to CMJ have been pure pleasure until just recemtly, when I had a session woth Peyton. It was really just oridnary in a place where one is used to the extraordinary. The first part was OK, but after the flip all was very very mechanical with too often checking of the clock. In fact, she was actually turned away from me for most of the finish.

If this were any other place, I'd let it go as a bad and necessary experience in the pursuit of hobbying, but this is CMJ. I was really surprised. I was taking advantage of the July special, this being my first visit with Peyton, but one would expect the same level of service. Full marks for offering specials, but maybe next time I'll stick with the tried and true.


New member
May 8, 2005
Yes BiffC I had a simiilar experience at CMJ but with a different MP. Phone interuptions and mechanical...not what I signed up for... I even left a note to J but got no much for customer service. So no repeat. Honestly I think there's better value out there.


Jun 29, 2006
Phone interruptions huh?? Interesting. I didn't think you could hear the phones once the door closed to the room your using?


New member
Pesterer said:
Yes BiffC I had a simiilar experience at CMJ but with a different MP. Phone interuptions and mechanical...not what I signed up for... I even left a note to J but got no much for customer service. So no repeat. Honestly I think there's better value out there.

I never received any note - and leaving to answer a phone, well that would have to be a first, to which I would be very interested in knowing the details - Please be so kind as too PM me and tell me your info and I will look into it.


New member
Sep 27, 2005
Not what I got!

BiffC said:
I like the CMJ concept and I have a lot of respect for Jasmin. Although I am by no means a regular, my too few visits to CMJ have been pure pleasure until just recemtly, when I had a session woth Peyton. It was really just oridnary in a place where one is used to the extraordinary. The first part was OK, but after the flip all was very very mechanical with too often checking of the clock. In fact, she was actually turned away from me for most of the finish.

If this were any other place, I'd let it go as a bad and necessary experience in the pursuit of hobbying, but this is CMJ. I was really surprised. I was taking advantage of the July special, this being my first visit with Peyton, but one would expect the same level of service. Full marks for offering specials, but maybe next time I'll stick with the tried and true.
Hey BiffC - That's too bad you had that experience. I've seen Payton twice and both times were very good. She seemed very into it and I didn't sense any rushing or clock watching. I did notice once she checked the clock - but I thought it was because she had another appointment and didn't want to have someone waiting. I guess you could call that clock watching but I didn't feel it was a case of her wanting the session to be over. She's young and I think in time she will only get better. :)


New member
Apr 16, 2006
I also took advantage of the July special and saw Peyton. Been a regular at the club and have seen almost everyone, and thought Peyton was really cute the few times I saw her around the club. However, my opinion was a little different than BiifC’s.

I really enjoyed my time with Peyton and thought she was very special in her own way. I am a HUGE fan of the Jasmins and Trishs of the world, but thought I would try someone different. Someone mentioned that one of the girls once reminded him of someone’s little sister; well, Peyton is that type of girl, and let me just add someone’s innocent cute little sister. Peyton is probably the youngest person there, petite and shy, but extremely cute and adorable, not to mention the milky soft skin. I personally like variety, and I have never spent time with anyone like Peyton before; definitely not the type of girl you expect in this industry. Even though I said she is shy, she is very welling to please, but you have to work a little with her to get her over her shyness ;)

So yeah, I had a great time with her and would definitely see her again. If you like the cute and innocent type, you will definitely like her; and I would definitely hurry up and take advantage of the July special.


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2003
East of here, west of there
There is always the matter of connecting with a specific MP. Sometimes there is a great connection and sometimes not. I know for example that many people love Gia. Apart from the fact that she is tall and blond, I found nothing to like. She's a nice girl and was attentive in our session but there was just no connection or attraction for me whatsoever.


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
phone interuptions???? Would never happen at CMJ

You must have went soomewhere else for sure.


Nov 2, 2006
qwerty said:
There is always the matter of connecting with a specific MP. Sometimes there is a great connection and sometimes not. I know for example that many people love Gia. Apart from the fact that she is tall and blond, I found nothing to like. She's a nice girl and was attentive in our session but there was just no connection or attraction for me whatsoever.
You're right. I'll mark it down as that. I for one loved Gia, but I just didn't seem to connect with Peyton.


New member
May 8, 2005
Communication Breakdown

....really drives me insane.

J did respond with a discounted offer and my incorrect email information prevented it from reaching me. MY mistake. Apparently customer service and satisfaction are alive and well at CMJ.

The phone did ring a number of times during the session and since I was adjacent to the reception room it was pretty obvious(maybe no music?)...the problem is that one of you, yes YOU kept calling and calling...disturbing my moment of Zen...

As for "better value" well until I have one of those "amazing" sessions that you CMJ regulars rave about I guess I'll have to continue to weigh the options.

I too would have high praise for a respectable, clean and legal MP that had a really high level of service...


New member
Aug 7, 2007
No club or person is perfect. My experience has almost always been pretty damn good to excellent. Sometimes however, I don't click with someone - no one's fault, just chemisty. Always professional and it is disappointing that phones and clockwatching was your experience. Better luck next time.
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