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Okay ladies - time for a reality check


DrRogers has left the Bld
In all my years of hobbying I have never seen an economic environment such as what we are experiencing currently. I'm glad that I can now just sit back as an observer and shake my head at what is going on.

So how does this effect you ladies? I know, as many of you have told me, that things are slow now - I am even getting girls that I haven't seen in several years getting in touch with me "inviting" me to get together to catch up. The truth of the matter is the high rollers aren't rolling so high and the regular guy is having fears about his job and his mortgage. The first thing to go is the non-essentials and that is the luxury of seeing a beautiful woman.

So what has to be done - ladies - look at what you are charging. It is no longer a question of your worth but that there are only so many dollars out there that you will all be chasing. Take care of your regulars - either give them more time for the same money or reduce the rate for them. Give your new clients something to get excited over other than the excellent experience you will give them. Do the same for them.

You are a business person. You have to do the same things that any other private "contractor" has to do to compete. Many of you have the advantage as you don't declare your income so your dollars earned are real whereas unless your client is a plumber or electrician they have to deal in most cases with 60 cent dollars and will think twice before spending $300 for an hour escape but say $200 or $220 will make it an easier decision.

Nothing is forever. Just a good times roll so do bad times. Things will get better. The smart individual will ride out the storm and be there when the tide turns. They will take the chicken shit economy that we are experiencing and turn it into chicken salad. The smart money is not selling now, they are buying - so give them something to buy.

Good luck to eveyone - keep a cool head and we will all have fun again soon.



Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Hey dr, you are SO right about whats going on. If only the Ladies will look at what you said and give things a Try.

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
Right you are Doc,

I wonder who will heed your call.

I know that I need to curtail my hobbying budget due to slowing business. And it will get worse before it gets better.


Mar 24, 2002
The Houdini said:
I know that I need to curtail my hobbying budget due to slowing business.
So I guess you'll only be hobbying, what, twice a week now, Harry? ;)
I couldn't agree more than what the Doc has posted. Hopefully some ladies were smart with their earnings and invest it into a home, rental properties etc etc.

Things are getting weird now as I too have notice my clients shaking a little. Just today I was in Toronto for meetings and after that, the meeting turned into the stock market. One client office is littered with computers, and screens with direct access to his investment's. He was actually so nervous and these are guys which you think that money is no object, but today it was. Curious to see what the up coming week for the TSX.

A.J. Raven

New member
Sep 17, 2007
drrogers said:
Many of you have the advantage as you don't declare your income so your dollars earned are real whereas unless your client is a plumber or electrician they have to deal in most cases with 60 cent dollars and will think twice before spending $300 for an hour escape but say $200 or $220 will make it an easier decision.
What would you suggest for those of us who wisely DO declare our income, pay our taxes, and experience this economic downtown just like our electrician & plumber clients?


New member
Mar 23, 2007
Spadina and King-downtown
So far, business has been the same for me. I haven't seen any decrease in clients wanting to book with me. If my number of clients reduces to a point that it is affecting my income, then I'll reduce my price. They say that prostitution is recession-proof because men will always be horny. I hope that is true.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
You think that really great providers are going to lower their rates when they have to pay the same inflation in prices as everyone else. Higher gas prices, food prices, hotel costs, advertising, etc. :rolleyes:

You don't see companies taking away raises to employees or lower their wages completely. Yes, private contractors may reduce quotes to get the job, and I guess I can see the similarity, but I don't see the industry being as slow as you say. Not for the good providers. The good ones are still making money. Maybe not as much as before, but that means less shopping money, the bills are still getting paid.

If anything, all providers should up their game to compete with other great providers. Ensure that time paid is time played, and locations are top-notch and clean. They are on-time, not 30-60 minutes late for an outcall all the time. No bad attitude, no druggies, no bad hygiene, no issues at all.

Guys are still hobbying, they are just not taking as much risk on unknown providers, or YMMV providers. So the consistent, great providers will still be making their money, therefore there is no need to lower their rates.

Now, I have seen some providers have lowered their rates. Those providers have always known they were not worth $250-$300/hour but enjoyed it because that was the "market" rate would bare.

So I think what you have suggested as already started, just not with the escorts anyone would really want to see.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY

Rylan said:
If anything, all providers should up their game to compete with other great providers. Ensure that time paid is time played, and locations are top-notch and clean. They are on-time, not 30-60 minutes late for an outcall all the time. No bad attitude, no druggies, no bad hygiene, no issues at all.
There won't be so much in the way of price reductions, but here is going to be a major shake out.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Wishful thinking.

1. It's supply and demand and the market will truly determine the worth of and SP's time.

2. The news these days is positively frightening, however, unless unemployment hits 10% again (hopefully not), then nothing will really change. You're still working making the same salary.

3. Many SPs rates vary wildly. There are differences between SPs (obviously) and there are differences between what an SP charges different clients. A guy who has been seeing a certain SP for the last few years is probably paying lower than the posted rate. I know for a fact that there are a couple of well known SPs on here who post high rates for 2 hours (Say) but have lower rates for regular or old clients.

4. The only way rates are going to come down is when she begins to notice business falling off and feels that she has to be more competative. Until that happens, don't hold your breath.

On the flip side....

1. A lot of hot shot financial guys are going to have a lot less "fun money" to be blowing it on SPs. The days of huge bonuses for the fat cats are over. Your average guy making $16.00 an hour isn't likely to be dropping 3 or 350 for an hour of fun. That equates to roughly 30 hours of his hard work for her 1 hour. Those guys were never her target client anyway.

2. SPs are definitely "Discretionary Spending" and that spending will be the first thing to be scaled back, or eliminated (if one finds oneself unemployed anytime soon.)

Liber Pater

New member
Feb 27, 2007
I guess the other way to look at this issue is to ask if the current economic environment is going to affect your hobbying.

I'll start. I do OK financially, but I have taken a 20-30% hit on my portfolio in the past two weeks. I also risk losing business down the road as the effects of the crisis start to ripple out throughout the economy.

I don't plan on stopping, but I have taken my foot off the accelerator. I will definitely be more prudent in my TERB adventures...


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Sp's are only as good as there last positive revue

It's a rough gig. Some girls are naturals and some are just not into it.
A few agencies, are providing special rates for the new ladies on occasion till they have notable revues. Duo specials, client loyalty incentives. Keeping the phones ringing, name of the game.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
I have seen some of the nasty posts where the lower priced sp's are referred to in less complimentary ways than the higher priced girls. Some of us give excellent service for reasonable rates but are called the equivelant to 'trailer trash' because we are not raking in 5 bills per client. (We can't all be lovely, young, Asian chickies lol ) I have heard from more than one girl (considered attractive even to the oober critical terbites ;) who is afraid to lower her rates because she does not want to be referred to as a 'cheap whore' especially in a business where word of 'mouth' is crucial to our success. If some of us were to lower our rates in sympathy of those affected by the recent economical catastrophes are we going to be critisized or lauded for our efforts to make our services more affordable for our beloved clients?


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
On the other hand, people's vices tend to stay constant over the long haul. Even those who are down and out will still go out and get their booze or whatever it is that makes them feel good. Fortunately for me, my occupation is recession proof, and although my investment portfolio has taken a substantial hit, I'm in it for the long term. In fact, I just invested some money to take advantage of the good deals out there. Getting back on topic, the current economic crisis may see SPs get a spike in their business. Some guy who's been watching the rollercoaster ride on the markets will say Damn! I need to get laid to take the edge off! *lol*:D


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Rylan said:
You think that really great providers are going to lower their rates when they have to pay the same inflation in prices as everyone else. Higher gas prices, food prices, hotel costs, advertising, etc. :rolleyes:

You don't see companies taking away raises to employees or lower their wages completely. Yes, private contractors may reduce quotes to get the job, and I guess I can see the similarity, but I don't see the industry being as slow as you say. Not for the good providers. The good ones are still making money. Maybe not as much as before, but that means less shopping money, the bills are still getting paid.

If anything, all providers should up their game to compete with other great providers. Ensure that time paid is time played, and locations are top-notch and clean. They are on-time, not 30-60 minutes late for an outcall all the time. No bad attitude, no druggies, no bad hygiene, no issues at all.

Guys are still hobbying, they are just not taking as much risk on unknown providers, or YMMV providers. So the consistent, great providers will still be making their money, therefore there is no need to lower their rates.

Now, I have seen some providers have lowered their rates. Those providers have always known they were not worth $250-$300/hour but enjoyed it because that was the "market" rate would bare.

So I think what you have suggested as already started, just not with the escorts anyone would really want to see.
It's been a while since I worked corporate but when I did, each company I worked for cut hours and or salaries during hard times so please don't think it will happen if the tough times continue. Now if you're talking upper management and CEOs etc, then of course, they won't take a cut, in fact, I bet their bonus' will increase.....

As for sp's having to pay the higher prices that everyone else does, that's union mentality. EVERYONE has to pay the higher prices for everything and if that is the case, then hobbying is one area that will get cut. Put it another way: you need gas to get to work, or you want to see an sp, a sane person will put gas in the car.

See, it is the optional items, services, goods, etc that get hit first during an economic downturn. Only the truly rich and shameless continue to purchase luxury items during tough times. Put it another way: if you're in fear of losing your income then you DON"T go out and buy those little niceties, least people with common sense don't.


Dec 18, 2005
Union mentality?

Hmmm...The United Association of Sex Trade Workers.

Me as their leader.

I think I may have a new destiny.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
tboy said:
It's been a while since I worked corporate but when I did, each company I worked for cut hours and or salaries during hard times so please don't think it will happen if the tough times continue. Now if you're talking upper management and CEOs etc, then of course, they won't take a cut, in fact, I bet their bonus' will increase.....

As for sp's having to pay the higher prices that everyone else does, that's union mentality. EVERYONE has to pay the higher prices for everything and if that is the case, then hobbying is one area that will get cut. Put it another way: you need gas to get to work, or you want to see an sp, a sane person will put gas in the car.

See, it is the optional items, services, goods, etc that get hit first during an economic downturn. Only the truly rich and shameless continue to purchase luxury items during tough times. Put it another way: if you're in fear of losing your income then you DON"T go out and buy those little niceties, least people with common sense don't.
Salaries are negotiated and hours can be decreased. That is not what I was referring to. I was referring to companies reducing the employees actual hourly wage. I don't know of a place that does that and if they did, I would not be working there.

As for union mentality, I think not. You are right EVERYONE has to pay it, so why should an SP reduce her rate? She has to pay the inflated prices too. I am not talking about making a choice between filling your car up with gas or visiting an SP. I am talking strictly about the SP rates. The choice is still yours to see her or not. That is up to you as the client.

As for common sense - it is common sense, if you can't afford it, don't do it. But to expect or hopefully wish for SP's to bring their rates down because economically things are not looking good for us right now is not the best idea either. Would it be nice? Sure it would. Would it give guys who are feeling the financial pinch a way to get their rocks off with a woman and not their hand and a porno? Of course. Realistically, is it going to happen? Nope.

The only way SP prices will go down are for the ones who got to enjoy the overly charged rate because that is what the market was at for that period of time, yet they as providers were not worth that rate based on service, looks, location, professionalism etc. An actual true proper provider is not going to have much to worry about because clients will still see the tried and true. Especially now with the economy being where it is.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Economics 101.

The supply line will eventually meet the demand line causing an equilibrium at the correct price that the market can withstand and substantiate.

It will all work out, it always does. No sense worrying about it.
Toronto Escorts