Toronto Girlfriends

OK, you WebWeenies! Why Java? Why Flash? Too much coffee? …in the pan?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Kathleen, thank you for your gracious inquiry, and apologies for my tardiness in reply. Yes, I think "Best viewed with…, or "May not be fully functional except with… would be less forbidding. For all I know, Opera—my current browser—might have coped just fine, but with that warning I wasn't about to try.
Awhile ago, the brand-new site of a new spa—whose HTML also lacked a doctype and had over 180 other errors (according to the checker in iCab, which I occasionaly still browse with)—seized me up somethin' fierce. I've been cautious ever since. FWIW after saving that page, even I was able to eliminate all those errors with BBedit Lite and iCab's HTML error list. It warn't so hard as I expected (though I'd never done anything with HTML before), just plumb tedious. After which, except for the java junk, 'my' page worked just fine. Which proves an idiot can do it, so… [thinks: and only an idiot would write himself into a corner where "…so you'll master it I'm sure" will sound like he's welcoming her to the club. Done it again, haven't you jones?]
I'm very impressed and admiring of your efforts, and, if I may, I'll have a peek now at your site. I do hope this seminar continues; my compliments and gratitude to all who posted, 'specially Average and letsgo
Sorry, i was away for a bit.

yeah, it totally is confusing to start off with, and man those errors can tell you nothing at all sometimes, but you figure it out eventually.

If you're down to just 45 errors on your main site, that's doing pretty good.

In fact, you should keep in mind that your code doesn't have to validate completely to be passable in most browser flavours. In fact, I'm willing to bet that if you look at your site in Mozilla/Netscape (download at, the site should look fine.

Opera is a great browser too and I bet the site will look fine.
Every new site that I do is validated right off the bat, but when I'm converting old invalid web sites (like you're doing), I usually look at it as a weekend project, or "i'll do it when I have the time" and that's exactly what I tell my clients.. :)

Look at it this way, on your next redesign, you'll have a pretty easy time making a completely interoperable website.

oh, and feel free to PM me with an error if it throws you for a loop, god knows it's happened to me a kajillion times... some of those errors can be bastards.

oldjones, no sweat.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
I use CSS and XHTML mainly so my sites validate easily and are very simple to change and now flash uses CSS my life got a lot easier.
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