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Odd question/ scenerio - any suggestions?


New member
Sep 26, 2003
I thought this board would be different or more open minded, I guess I was wrong. Nobody yet has offered any advice on the actual question - how would you bring this up with a girl. She wouldn't have to go for it, but if she was interested, she could at least offer up some time to at least see it. If she doesn't like it, we go home. I've made $12K off of this with only putting in $300 total. One sitting I lost some dough, but gained it all back from $200 the next time.

Nobody said anything about taking anybody's money. It's not some scam, if anything it would be a way to take some earnings and legitimize them for tax purposes. I mean what else do you do with all that CASH.

BTW - only losers and disbelivers bash stuff they don't understand. Just because you're not smart enough to beat a casino doesn't mean it can't be done. Look at all the millionaires playing in poker tournaments.

Forget I asked, next time I win I'll just ask a girl what she thinks.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
She puts up the cash—which you candidly admit she may lose—and she provides her stock-in-trade as well. What's your risk, and how is it proportional to hers? How is she guaranteed that she'll get what's promised if you win?

How's about book and pay for the several days up front, and if she wants you to gamble her money, do so for a split of her winnings. That you might find takers for. And if you're not idly boasting, it should pay for your adventure.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
So you have a secret strategy that you don't want to share that's not a guarantee? :confused:




Active member
Nov 24, 2005
Writer said:
Nobody said anything about taking anybody's money. It's not some scam, if anything it would be a way to take some earnings and legitimize them for tax purposes. I mean what else do you do with all that CASH.

BTW - only losers and disbelivers bash stuff they don't understand. Just because you're not smart enough to beat a casino doesn't mean it can't be done. Look at all the millionaires playing in poker tournaments.

Forget I asked, next time I win I'll just ask a girl what she thinks.
What would I do with the cash? I would pay down any debt that I had, go on a wonderful vacation, golf for a few days, etc.

These people playing in poker tournaments don't have a guarantee either. Some of them are quite good but those people are few in numbers.


Jun 27, 2005
Out there; somewhere.
Writer said:
So the suggestions I'm looking for is how could I approach a girl with the scenerio without her laughing or thinking I'm crazy?
OK, I will attempt to answer your question without judging or insulting you. I honestly don't think you can approach a girl with the scenario without her laughing or thinking you're crazy. But if I had to answer the question as to how to do it, this is what I would do:

1) Book a session with a "hot" SP.
2) Enjoy the session, get to know the girl, have fun!
3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the same SP every week for several weeks until the two of you are really clicking.
4) Book a session with the same SP and take her to the casino for several hours. Pay her regular rate and show her how you turn $200 of your money into $2000 with her sitting beside you the whole time.
5) Suggest to her that if she could front $5000 the two of you would come back another time and turn it into $20,000 and she could keep it all in exchange for the pleasure of her company.
6) Repeat step 4 as many times as necessary to convince her you are not crazy! I suspect eventually when she sees you consistently turn $200 into $2000 she will be on board.

Who knows, if you consistently give her $20,000 every weekend I imagine you might even get a "freebie" now and then!


Active member
May 3, 2006
Lets see:
Day 1: $200 -> $2000
Day 2: $2000 -> $20,000
Day 3: $20,000 -> $200,000
Day 4: $200,000 -> $2,000,000
Day 5: Who are you kidding?


Jan 31, 2005
You guys are overlooking something. He says he has a system for making money "at the casino", nowhere did he say that he was gambling he only said it was "winnings".

Maybe he has figured out a sneaky way to steal people's chips, con them out of their cash, or otherwise defraud them, and he figures he could increase his take with a partner in crime.


Jan 31, 2005
OddSox said:
Lets see:
Day 1: $200 -> $2000
Day 2: $2000 -> $20,000
Day 3: $20,000 -> $200,000
Day 4: $200,000 -> $2,000,000
Day 5: Who are you kidding?
Yeah, so the white elephant in the room is if he has such a successful scam going why does he need anybody else's money?

All he has to do is roll half of his winnings back in and he is a millionaire quick. What does he need an escort's money for????

I smell bullshit.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Writer said:
I thought this board would be different or more open minded, I guess I was wrong. Nobody yet has offered any advice on the actual question - how would you bring this up with a girl. She wouldn't have to go for it, but if she was interested, she could at least offer up some time to at least see it. If she doesn't like it, we go home. I've made $12K off of this with only putting in $300 total. One sitting I lost some dough, but gained it all back from $200 the next time.

Nobody said anything about taking anybody's money. It's not some scam, if anything it would be a way to take some earnings and legitimize them for tax purposes. I mean what else do you do with all that CASH.

BTW - only losers and disbelivers bash stuff they don't understand. Just because you're not smart enough to beat a casino doesn't mean it can't be done. Look at all the millionaires playing in poker tournaments.

Forget I asked, next time I win I'll just ask a girl what she thinks.
Whoooaaaa here. Losers and disbelievers? You're dammed right about the disbeliever part. If you are cheating and get caught (which is the only possible way you can beat a casino) then you are toast.

It is obvious you don't even know what you are talking about to compare playing poker to beating a casino. Playing poker is against other people...the casino charges to host the game essentially...and if you win it is because you outplayed or outdrew your opponents. A very very big difference than beating a casino. I can win modest amounts at poker...but I know there is no chance of beating any casino game consistently. Eventually they take your money.

If you want someone else to "invest" in your scheme then you are, with certainty, pulling a con. If you believe it yourself, which you appear to do, you are stupid and will be taking a big fall. If it is just a con...then you are a criminal. No other options.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003

Writer said:
I thought this board would be different or more open minded, I guess I was wrong. Nobody yet has offered any advice on the actual question - how would you bring this up with a girl. She wouldn't have to go for it, but if she was interested, she could at least offer up some time to at least see it. If she doesn't like it, we go home. I've made $12K off of this with only putting in $300 total. One sitting I lost some dough, but gained it all back from $200 the next time.

Nobody said anything about taking anybody's money. It's not some scam, if anything it would be a way to take some earnings and legitimize them for tax purposes. I mean what else do you do with all that CASH.

BTW - only losers and disbelivers bash stuff they don't understand. Just because you're not smart enough to beat a casino doesn't mean it can't be done. Look at all the millionaires playing in poker tournaments.

Forget I asked, next time I win I'll just ask a girl what she thinks.

I didn't know Bernie Madoff had access to TERB while he was on parole.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I suggest that you place an ad in Craigslist, perhaps in the Misc. Romance or Adult Gigs section, I am sure that you will get some interesting responses.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
"Techie" has good advice if you are legit. As P.T. Barnum used to say: "I'll believe it when I see it" - show someone how you make the money most of the time and maybe they'll let you play with their money.

However, we get back to the oddball part of your OP and that is WHY do you need the Sp to bankroll your gambling? If you system is a success, store up your winnings for a few weeks, then pay the SP to come with you and let her watch you make money and have her good company and pay her and keep your winnings, less her fee, and you don't need her money to play with and you have company as you wanted.


New member
Sep 26, 2003
OddSox said:
Lets see:
Day 1: $200 -> $2000
Day 2: $2000 -> $20,000
Day 3: $20,000 -> $200,000
Day 4: $200,000 -> $2,000,000
Day 5: Who are you kidding?
Nice to pull numbers out of you ass isn't it? Nobody said that was possible. 15-20K would be the maximum because of table limits etc.

Some of you guys are just plain idiots. Why in the world would I be cheating or stealing chips? Have you ever been to a casino - those places have so many cameras you can't do anything without getting caught. As for the comparison to poker, whatever floats your boat. Maybe you've heard of black jack and counting cards or craps and dice throwers, recently in roulette we've found out that there are spinners that can pick the number and hit pretty close.

The fact of the matter is that it works, and I suspect you are all jealous that you aren't paying for your girls with casino money.

I'm not going to bother with you guys anymore, I made 2G last night and I'll be back again. I'll just see if I can find a girl to come for free instead of putting up the money and whatever we win she keeps. This way she could get 2G's and I get the time.

Techie is the only one that had any kind of reasonable advice and I think I'll go with that 2G's should get me a couple high end girls to pitch to.

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
Writer said:
Nice to pull numbers out of you ass isn't it? Nobody said that was possible. 15-20K would be the maximum because of table limits etc.

Some of you guys are just plain idiots. Why in the world would I be cheating or stealing chips? Have you ever been to a casino - those places have so many cameras you can't do anything without getting caught. As for the comparison to poker, whatever floats your boat. Maybe you've heard of black jack and counting cards or craps and dice throwers, recently in roulette we've found out that there are spinners that can pick the number and hit pretty close.

The fact of the matter is that it works, and I suspect you are all jealous that you aren't paying for your girls with casino money.

I'm not going to bother with you guys anymore, I made 2G last night and I'll be back again. I'll just see if I can find a girl to come for free instead of putting up the money and whatever we win she keeps. This way she could get 2G's and I get the time.

Techie is the only one that had any kind of reasonable advice and I think I'll go with that 2G's should get me a couple high end girls to pitch to.

I get it, you're trying to fish some poor girl into this. So you can take her money and fuck her for the whole weekend for free. How novel of you. Maybe you feel that EE's are the easiest to dupe, haaa.

You're the dumbest idiot/asshole I've ever come across in my entire existence. You make absolutely no sense at all.

Hey Sheik, don't ban me for this. This guy truly deserves it.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Instead of putting $20K into my rrsp this year I have decided to give it to this guy and let him make me really rich.
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