I cannot believe what I'm hearing! After a decade of Politics of Fear, supression of Freedom of the Press, and running the country like a little dictator, there are still people out there who would support The Harperman.
The Liberals are not going to bankrupt the country! That's NOT a forgone conclusion. In fact, many economists have said that the best way to get out of an economic depression is to stimulate the economy. Visionaries are those who think outside of the box!
All these are fear mongering bullshit from the Conservative propaganda machine. Just like the way the Conservative tried to frame Trudeau, when he opposes the Prostitution bill, they automatically framed him for supporting Brothels in all neighbourhoods. That's jumping 3 steps ahead on something that was not there.
Lies, after lies, after lies from the Conservative propaganda machine. It makes me want to puke!
People, have some faith! Justin Trudeau IS READY!!!!