NYT - With Anti-Muslim Campaign, Canada Has Its Trump Moment


Sr Member
Apr 25, 2004

Stephen Harper
OCTOBER 16, 2015
Montreal — IT is easy to tut-tut the overindulgences of the American right. For Canadians, it is practically a birthright. None of our politicians, many of us would like to believe, would dare invoke the Trumpian galaxy of Mexican rapists, or ponder publicly, as the Republican nominee Ben Carson did, that Europe’s Jews would have fared better against Hitler if only the Third Reich hadn’t instituted gun control.

Yet over the last several weeks of an increasingly caustic election campaign, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Canada’s ruling Conservative Party have managed to erase much of our trademark smugness.

Faced with a stalling economy and a corresponding dip in the polls, Mr. Harper had a stroke of luck. The Federal Court of Appeal dismissed his government’s ban on the niqab — the face veil worn as part of the hijab by a small minority of Muslim women — from Canadian citizenship ceremonies.

Rather than accept the ruling, the Conservative government proclaimed its intention to appeal to the Supreme Court, and then took the issue to the hustings. During a recent campaign debate, Mr. Harper declared that he “will never tell my young daughter that a woman should cover her face because she is a woman” — as though his political opponents would do just that, given the chance.

Effectively, Mr. Harper hopes to win his fourth term on Oct. 19 in part by demonizing those few who wear the niqab — and much of Canada’s Muslim population by extension. In one particularly pungent mailing to voters, the Conservative Party suggested that the election of one of Mr. Harper’s opponents would turn the country into a dystopia of high taxes, high unemployment and citizenship ceremonies clogged with covered Muslim faces pledging allegiance to the queen.

The truth is decidedly more banal. Since 2011, all of two women out of 700,000 new citizens have refused to doff their niqab during the ceremony, according to a Radio-Canada report. And those who do wear the niqab must remove it before the ceremony for identification purposes. But nuance and perspective only impede the Conservative narrative.

The campaign has since announced its intention to start a police tip line for “barbaric cultural practices,” so that Canadians can report such things as forced marriages and female genital mutilation. Mr. Harper himself mused that he would seek to forbid federal public servants to wear the niqab.

In this fear-mongering, many see the hand of Lynton Crosby, the Australian political operative who had been advising the Conservatives, according to a campaign spokesman. A veteran of winning campaigns for the former Australian prime minister John Howard and Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, Mr. Crosby is known for his use of divisive social issues, if only to spur political apoplexy from political opponents and populist outrage from the masses.

If Mr. Crosby was indeed involved, then his work is done. Both Thomas Mulcair, the New Democratic Party leader, and Justin Trudeau, the Liberal Party leader, have called out Mr. Harper for stoking the fears of the voting public. This very voting public, a government poll suggested, is staunchly against the wearing of the niqab, a sentiment that the prime minister has used as a cudgel whenever he speaks about the issue. (A national poll from The Globe and Mail this week had the niqab well down the list of voter concerns.)

But the Conservative Party’s scapegoating of Canadian Muslims dates from well before this campaign. The government first banned the niqab from citizenship ceremonies in 2011, but its directive was successfully challenged by Zunera Ishaq, a former high-school teacher from Pakistan.

More recently, government officials said Syrian refugees would be prioritized, with first dibs given to the country’s religious (read: Christian) minority. Mr. Harper’s own office was found to have personally intervened in the processing of Syrian refugees. Coincidentally or not, Canada has admitted only about 10 percent of the 10,000 the government had promised it would accept.

The foot-dragging is a marked deviation from Canada’s history of accepting refugees fleeing strife. In 1979, the Progressive Conservative government of the time began admitting some additional 50,000 Vietnamese refugees. The comparatively modest number of accepted Syrian refugees has riled some within the Canadian military, with which the Conservative brand (the “Progressive” was lopped off in 2003) is closely associated.

“We’ve got to stop being afraid of our own shadow,” said Rick Hillier, a beloved retired Canadian general who says the country could easily accept 50,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year.

Though Mr. Harper’s anti-niqab gambit had some initial success, there are indications it might not ultimately be a winning strategy. The latest poll numbers have the Liberals ahead of the Conservatives for the first time in this campaign. The separatist Parti Québécois tried similar fear-stoking in last year’s Quebec election, but the tactic failed miserably.

And Zunera Ishaq recently recited Canada’s Oath of Citizenship from behind those few square inches of face-covering cloth. This is what progress sounds like in a campaign of fear.

Martin Patriquin is the Quebec bureau chief for Maclean’s


Mar 31, 2009
Oh no, not the niqab thing again.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was simply doing his job representing the Canadian populace. If a poll is taken (and maybe one was taken) the vast majority of Canadians, including Muslim Canadians, disapprove of the niqab. This disapproval includes some members of Miss Ishaq's own family. Question: When is covering one's face consider "progress"?

I don't think too many Canadians questions Miss Ishaq's legal right to cover her face, just like Canadian women have the legal right to go topless. However, there is a time and place to cover one's face, just like there is a time and place for a woman to go topless. Taking the oath of citizenship is not the time nor place.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
The New York Times was once a great newspaper.
Yes, it's simply a printed version of FOX news......

I do support the tip line, more for hockey fights and seal clubbing than religious attire.

I don't think there is any fear of Canada's tradition of smugness waining anytime soon.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Yes, it's simply a printed version of FOX news......

I do support the tip line, more for hockey fights and seal clubbing than religious attire.

I don't think there is any fear of Canada's tradition of smugness waining anytime soon
Yea for OTB calling us on our own home-grown and favourite barbarisms. Although with all due patriot love I execrcise my own cultural preference, and point out that 'wain' is an archaic form of 'wagon' as in 'wainwright' and the word he was looking for was likely 'waning' as when the moon wanes from full down to a sliver.

As for niqabs for or against, that's just another personal fashion statement. When Harper — or anyone passes a law or tries to — then they will become government and politics. Until then, it's all just personal prejudices and preferences.


Mar 31, 2009
Harper is anti-sex.

Most Muslims are also anti-sex.

Harper and Muslims definitely have at least one thing in common. In fact, some have called Harper a blue-eyed Taliban.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I actually prefer slutwalk women myself.
Ahh! But unlike Harper you're not trying to force your preference on women, claiming it was what 'our old-stock values require'. A view any burka-loving Taliban male would endorse for 'his' women-folk.

OTB reminds us that other traditional values, like seal-clubbing deserve their proper time allotment. We've already wasted far to much time on the classic we share with barbarous cultures world-wide (including his): Not letting women decide for themselves.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Ahh! But unlike Harper you're not trying to force your preference on women, claiming it was what 'our old-stock values require'. A view any burka-loving Taliban male would endorse for 'his' women-folk.

OTB reminds us that other traditional values, like seal-clubbing deserve their proper time allotment. We've already wasted far to much time on the classic we share with barbarous cultures world-wide (including his): Not letting women decide for themselves.
Don't forget hockey fighting....


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Don't forget that at the fake swearing in ceremony at the Sun News Network, Jason Kenney not only was okay with the 6 fake CIC employees portraying themselves as citizens, but also there were a couple of citizens partially covering their faces. What hypocrites, who suddenly after this fake ceremony, decided to bring in this law that is somehow all about Canadian traditions.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Don't forget hockey fighting....
Not all Canadians are forced to fight on skates, y'know.

Some choose to, some are agnostic, and some think it's all too silly. But dark and early every morning mini-vans and SUVs across the land are filled with the wailing of kids being forced into this barbaric cult.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Don't forget that at the fake swearing in ceremony at the Sun News Network, Jason Kenney not only was okay with the 6 fake CIC employees portraying themselves as citizens, but also there were a couple of citizens partially covering their faces. What hypocrites, who suddenly after this fake ceremony, decided to bring in this law that is somehow all about Canadian traditions.
Puhleeze!!! There is NO such law; they never brought in any such law. That is why the Court said, 'You cannot stop someone from taking the oath veiled, if she says that is her personal religious belief.'

They additionally pointed out that there is a law that explicitly requires Citizenship and Immigration to do everything reasonable to accommodate oath-taking according to the varying religious preferences of applicants, and that the government was acting contrary to that law trying to ban a religious choice with out any authority to do so.

If they had "… decided to bring in this law", and had it debated and passed in Parliament, we'd be having a different conversation.

But it seems they thought they were above mere laws.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Harper is anti-sex.

Most Muslims are also anti-sex.

Harper and Muslims definitely have at least one thing in common. In fact, some have called Harper a blue-eyed Taliban.
Gee, up to four wives, easy divorce and they're anti-sex? On the dictating beliefs to others against their will, Harper and the Taliban share moral values, but haven't you drifted off religion?

The Wikipedia definition of the Taliban would fit Cromwell's Puritan Roundheads; they too were a political movement of religious fundamentalists. But calling the Taliban synonymous with Islam is like saying the Sally Ann is the model for military force.

Mind you the protestant Puritans happily took their turn burning and hanging Catholics and others who defied their 'universal values'. And Harper's Rump — like Cromwell's — reports themselves much more religious than average Canucks … .

But I'll never believe the Sally Ann as J2F2.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Puhleeze!!! There is NO such law; they never brought in any such law. That is why the Court said, 'You cannot stop someone from taking the oath veiled, if she says that is her personal religious belief.'

They additionally pointed out that there is a law that explicitly requires Citizenship and Immigration to do everything reasonable to accommodate oath-taking according to the varying religious preferences of applicants, and that the government was acting contrary to that law trying to ban a religious choice with out any authority to do so.

If they had "… decided to bring in this law", and had it debated and passed in Parliament, we'd be having a different conversation.

But it seems they thought they were above mere laws.
Okay it was an act or legislation that was intended to become the Jason Kenney Law. My bad.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I don't think there is any fear of Canada's tradition of smugness waining anytime soon.

What drive Americans crazy and label Canadians as "smug" is the fact that we DON'T want to be American.

Americans were raised thinking that the United States is THEE greatest country in the world. That everything is better in the USA. (Rah rah USA.) That everyone around the world is jealous of the United States, and that everyone around the world wants to come to the United States, to live in the United States, live the American dream. You were taught this in school and you drank the koolaid.

Then along comes Canada.

A tenth of your population inhabiting this massive chunk of largely frozen land married to your northern boarder.

For the most part, we look just like you.

We speak the same language (save and except with the grating accents).

We have mostly the same morality and ethics. (And we won't chop your heads off any time soon either.)

But fuck me, we DON'T want to be American. We don't envy you, and we laugh at you when you say that you are the greatest country in the world because we know WE are the greatest country in the world. It drives Americans CRAZY that we don't want to be American. Not in the least. You could build a fence a mile high, it wouldn't matter because we don't even bother to cross one that is a painted line on ground because we don't want in. (We're happy just to visit Florida in March, spend our money, and come home.)

We are the north.

And we are not American.

(Besides, you seem to have this fascination with us from what I can see.)


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

What drive Americans crazy and label Canadians as "smug" is the fact that we DON'T want to be American.

Americans were raised thinking that the United States is THEE greatest country in the world. That everything is better in the USA. (Rah rah USA.) That everyone around the world is jealous of the United States, and that everyone around the world wants to come to the United States, to live in the United States, live the American dream. You were taught this in school and you drank the koolaid.

Then along comes Canada.

A tenth of your population inhabiting this massive chunk of largely frozen land married to your northern boarder.

For the most part, we look just like you.

We speak the same language (save and except with the grating accents).

We have mostly the same morality and ethics. (And we won't chop your heads off any time soon either.)

But fuck me, we DON'T want to be American. We don't envy you, and we laugh at you when you say that you are the greatest country in the world because we know WE are the greatest country in the world. It drives Americans CRAZY that we don't want to be American. Not in the least. You could build a fence a mile high, it wouldn't matter because we don't even bother to cross one that is a painted line on ground because we don't want in. (We're happy just to visit Florida in March, spend our money, and come home.)

We are the north.

And we are not American.

(Besides, you seem to have this fascination with us from what I can see.)
I wouldn't mistake me liking this board with Americans being interested in Canadians wanting to become Americans - I bet 3 Americans in history haven't cared about that. Americans don't define themselves by their relationship with another country - unlike Canadians.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Okay it was an act or legislation that was intended to become the Jason Kenney Law. My bad.
Even at that you are giving them more credit for proper democratic process than they deserve. It was neither an act nor legislation of any kind. It was merely an order from the Bossman to the poor schmucks who hafta follow such orders that they must turn away anyone who shows up to take the oath unless they will do so bare-faced. And if the person did swear veiled, the officials were ordered to remove and invalidate the documentation saying they had sworn and were now a citizen.

As the various Courts said, that was an illegal order of no validity, and what those officials were required by law to do was to allow such a preference to remain veiled while swearing, if it was a religion-based choice.

Especially after Jason Kenney asked the Grand Mufti for Allah's word on the topic, it's very tempting to think of Harper and Co. believing they rule by Divine Right and the law is what whatever they make up today. But that's overstating it. Nevertheless for 800 years even real Kings have had to obey the law.

And only Parliament makes our laws.


Mar 31, 2009
That is why the Court said, 'You cannot stop someone from taking the oath veiled, if she says that is her personal religious belief.'

They additionally pointed out that there is a law that explicitly requires Citizenship and Immigration to do everything reasonable to accommodate oath-taking according to the varying religious preferences of applicants, and that the government was acting contrary to that law trying to ban a religious choice with out any authority to do so.
If the court had asked, over 400,000 Canadian Muslim women would have told the court that there is no religious requirement to wear the niqab and they don't. It is a fiction created by the Taliban and the Mullahs that Muslim women must wear the niqab because of their religion.

On the other hand, male Sikhs are required to wear the turban.
" Wearing a Sikh turban is mandatory for all Amritdhari (baptized) Sikh men."

When I was a young child growing up in Northern Ontario I heard stories from Canadian WW II veterans of Sikh soldiers in the British army marching into battle in defense of Singapore wearing turbans instead of helmets. Sikh soldiers captured by the enemy refused to remove their turbans even though that meant certain death. I have absolutely no issue with male Sikhs wearing turbans at the citizenship ceremony.


Mar 31, 2009
By the way did you that in new testiomony in the bible it's a requirment for christian women to cover their head according to Paul?

Corinthians 11:6

Unlike the bible nowhere the Koran mentioned explicitly that women should cover their head or their face
So, a Christian woman should cover her face or at least her head on religious grounds. Not so for a Muslim woman.
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