Nuclear Plant struck????



Actually, back in '93 when they tried to take out the WTC.. I thought to myself.. "why would they not just fly a plane into the building as there would be a much better chance of destroying it"... then sure enough a few years later it happened.. I guess I just have a knack for thinking like a terrorist.

I can see it now.. after reading this thread... the next attack takes place in north america.. and CSIS & the FBI take in a few terbites for interrogation.
bbking said:
This family of virus has no history of being airborne. There are lots of virus that never become airborne - you can't get aids because someone sneezes that's because the virus has a hard time living outside the body well actually it dies and the same is true with Ebola and it's various forms. I beg to differ about the first symptons as being a mild flu bug - in all cases you get a very high fever with a very with ugly rash and you can't even hold down, not the description of mild flu like symptoms. By the way the on set of the flu symptons is hours not days after infection. Yes the incubation period is between 2 to 20 days but lean closer the 2 day period but it is very noticeable that you have some sort of hemoragic fever and you would seperated from humanity. I quess I could give you one, if you manage to live thru an attack of Ebola you are still able spread the virus for up to 7 days. Since the survival rate of living after being infected without proper medical care is extremely low maybe we should encourage Al-Quada to try to get some of these 7 day carriers maybe they will do us all a favour and kill 95-98% of their membership.
The less virile version of Ebola is called Marburg and even though it kills less than Ebola (30%) it is very much airborne and easily cultivated.
I'm not saying that I'm losing sleep over it, bking. I'm merely stating facts and if you think we are invincible against mutated or bioengineered pestilences then you probably also, 2 years ago, thought that no terrorist would ever be mean enough to fly a couple of charter flights through someone's office buildings.

I, quite frankly, laugh at smallpox and everything else cause I really believe in Vit. C therapy. see website:
It's worked for me I can tell you!!
Actually I never would have seen it coming either.
But I dont like making the same mistake twice so I almost expect there to be some type of biowar or chemical war at some point in the future. I Hope I'm wrong

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Why try to blow up a nuclear power plant when you can poison the water supply? Come on guys, if you're smart enough to think of it, then the terrorists are smart enough to think of something else that we're not protecting well... (and yes, I know the water supply isn't poorly defended). That's one of the few things terrorists do well - they're creative.
Bking is right, its very difficult to do because it would take an enormous amount of poison to pass the critical mass level. Also the city would immediately shut off h2o supply and sound the alarm.

I have a much scarier terrorist idea but I'm not sure if I should post on this board. It's kinda freaky.
OK here it goes. It's kinda sick and was thinking perhaps its good for a hollywood movie.

You round up 2,000 terrorists. Divide them into groups of 10 and arm each with a stinge surface to air missile launchers.

You then set up these lads at all the major airports of every american city thats larger than 1 million pop. I'm not sure how many cities this is but I'm guessing about 50-100. You then, simultaneously, have them at exactly the same time shoot down 747 airliners that are either taking off or landing at these airports. Out of the 100 shots fired there ought to be about a 50% hit rate, and assuming that each plane carries an average of 200 passengers you could kill many people and also strike a huge psychological blow to the US. The death toll would be around 10,000 and even more if the planes go down over residential areas. It's really sick folks and please dont PM me telling me how gross of a plan it is. It's perfect for a hollywood flick though


Any bets on which one of us in this thread will be investigated first?!!
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
as would the insurance industry
And the total cost for the terrorists is minimal. The price of a few stingers and a few hours of labour adds up to very little money.


What if high voltage transmission towers were destroyed at multiple locations?

I think the FARC in Colombia has used this tactic a few times.
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
What if high voltage transmission towers were destroyed at multiple locations?

I think the FARC in Colombia has used this tactic a few times.
The little terrorist in you has awakened, daddy.


johnnyhandsome said:
The little terrorist in you has awakened, daddy.
I think instead of the terrorists destroying anything or killing anyone, they could have a much bigger effect on everyday life for about 1 billion people.... if they figured out a way to somehow disrupt the internet for an extended period of time.... can this be done?

This would be very effective as many businesses now depend on the internet ie: web based businesses, businesses with multiple locations (internet is less expensive than dedicated telephone lines) and communications (some international long distance).

I know the company where I worked would be shut down or service would be extremely limited, temporarily.

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region
OK, as a reasonably well educated Canadian, the following things I understand:

No one is going to blow up Pickering. It has been designed to withstand far greater than a 747 crash on the roof of the domes. I have been reliably informed by someone involved in the original construction that the concrete is specially reinforced and 4 feet thick.

The characterisitics of Ebola are such that it tends to "burn" itself out. The reason for such widespread death in Africa has to do with the handling of the sick and dead and local culture and customs. Ebola is not SARS.

By it's very nature, the internet as a whole would be extremely difficult to bring "down". The reason for the development of the internet in the first place was as a secondary communications conduit for the US military in the event of a nuclear war. Taking out one or two SP's will not bring down the network.

On the other hand, loss of power for the east coast during the middle of a cold winter would really screw things up.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts