Hornydog, please turn and walk away!
I really hope hornydog can take things easy and turn away after he wakes up tomorrow. Hobbing is for fun so there is little point to fight with Jasmin. There is no point to pick a flight with any woman to begin with anyway. It is all about fun!!!
If you do not like Jasmin, then just walk away. I am not sure what went on between you and Jas but what you did (exposing Jasmin's location) was really kind of low for a man. Even though you did not reveal the exact address, it was pretty clear where the location was based on the original description in the post, which got removed luckily.
It may really scare some of Jas' clients away in the short term knowing that hornydog may still want to revenge somehow.
Hornydog, if you are reading this, just turn and walk away. Forgetting and forgiving will make you happier as a hobbyist and will make you a better person too.