The main reason that I considered becoming a sex provider in the first place is because I genuinely love both sex and being sociable. For someone like me, there could not be a better way to occupy myself and provide for my family's needs. One of my favourite quotations is that the happiest people on earth are those who both figure out what it is they love to do, and then figure out a way to get people to pay them to do it! It seems to me that I have indeed stumbled upon that!
When I welcome you at the door, I truly am glad to see you. I work hard to make my incall a place that is not just clean and comfortable, but is filled with things that please the senses. Frankly, it is much nicer than my own home. It makes me love being there, and I hope it adds a nice dimension for you, too.
I love getting to know you, to the degree that you are open to that. I am interested in the person whom you are, and the things that are affecting your day. I love and enjoy a witty sense of humour and repartee. I love watching your transition into a state of relaxation and contentment by the end of our time together.
It always surprises me when I get comments such as: you seem so real, I feel like we have had a real date, I love your honesty and openness. But some of the comments in threads here on terb have downright shocked me about how some men perceive our involvement with our guests; comments such as our not wanting to look at their ugly faces, wanting to "get it over with quickly," about our "tolerating" it. That's just not the way it is at all.
And the sex itself--it is definitely not just you who enjoys it! I am not a pretender. You will see by the stiffening of my nipples, by the swollen wetness of my pussy, the pulsing of her walls and squirting of her fluids when I climax that a good time is sincerely being had. Sometimes I have almost felt guilty taking money for it!
Of course, I can only speak about my own experience, but gentlemen....I want you to know that most women who entered this profession of their own volition are very likely fully enjoying it!