Hi y'all! I just wanted to say that I appreciate the objectivity and the obvious good judgement you gentlemen have. My feathers aren't totally ruffled and thank goodness I had some sense not to react to someone that knows so little or nothing about my life and certainly not my family. I am very disappointed and frankly disgusted with "alexinto". I work very hard to keep my personal life and family out of the impotent clutches of such heartless haters and their limp accusations. The funny thing is that when this alexinto says that one should "Tread very carefully. Severely addicted to multiple hardcore drugs: crack, fentanyl, you name it. She was really strung out pale and sick when I showed up. Lots of issues. Kids were removed by CAS and the whole nine yards. After hearing the whole sordid tale and watching her doing the drugs in front of me, I couldn’t go through with it."
I am having difficulty pinpointing who this is, because I have yet to encounter a client that I have not provided service for (for any reason, especially if said client "couldn’t go through with it."
Just sayin', alexinto: we both know that's not true and very little else is true about your claims/accusations. I am also a very independent provider. In no way does my landlord (who, also is not as far as I know a pedophile) pimp me out as you suggest.
Just wanted to clear those things up, Big Guy.
I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe... Thank you All, who had my back. I'm still me and hoping to see you soon