Being racist is not a crime as long as it remains your opinion. Freedom to think.At the core of it it is racism and you know it. The acid test, replace it with "No WHITES", read every add in the backpage or wherever and at the end add the words "NO WHITES". Get the idea?
Despite the fact that an SP can choose who they have sex with, those that support SP's that are providing racist conditions for service, are supporting racism. There's no way for you to squeek out of it. You condone racism.
Many white folk say they aren't racist -and justify that by pointing out their few ethnic 'friends' or extended family, but if you aren't willing to have sex with an ethnic person, you do infact remain racist at a very core level. You are simply tolerant, but you are racist.
It's 2012 folks, this shit should be behind us as the human race, but instead we foster it and cater to SP's that say no black or no indians or no asians.
It would be so interesting to see an SP add that said no whites, I'm sure the day will come.
Racisim is bad for everyone. I urge you to put any SP that states such retarded conditions, out of business.
To the SPs that are racist, if it is hygeine or smell that bothers you state clearly in your ad that all customers must be very clean free of body odor, with fresh breath and no food smells so that you both can have a good time, or make up an acronym for it. CFBNBOFS
I second that. I haven't faced any serious racist attitude in this industry yet from anyone but a couple of elite Asian dancers and MPAs. They didn't dance for me cuz they thought I belonged to a certain race that they didn't like. However, a number of dancers, SPs, and MPAs I have had "dates" with always talked negatively about Blacks not because of their skin color or big dicks. They just didn't like Black gentlemen because of their past experiences with them such as getting robbed or assault which I strongly believe is a negative perception planted by mainstream media and others.Any thinking person would know racisim is not thinking, it is an ignorant judgement.
In a free society people are entitled to their judgements, no matter how ignorant you may percieve them to be.Any thinking person would know racisim is not thinking, it is an ignorant judgement.
Oh, lol........pretty good job there though!Dude, its photoshopped. They just plastered her head on some chicks body
wouldn't that make you pro-jewish ?Any thinking person would know racisim is not thinking, it is an ignorant judgement.
You must be confused, we aren't talking CRIME here, we are talking ETHICS. But just to humor you, what else do you magically make not a crime because you can think it? Human Trafficking? Anti-antisemitism? Oppression of women?
So is that how you "think" :crazy:
The only person to make a racist statement in this thread is winstar. He's brown Indian. He hates black males because he feels sexually inferior to them. He hates civilian white women and calls them racist (because they won't sleep with him). He thinks Canada is one of the most racist countries on the planet (lol) but only has problems with racism when it's directed towards him. He loves SPs since he can pay to have sex with them (and they pretend to enjoy it), however even his choice in SPs is questionable. He ONLY desires white women and won't sleep with black, brown, or yellow women. He's a purebred racist straight out of the Indian caste system. Although presumably born here, his mind is dedicated to a Third World mentality that would make his grandparents proud.Meh, nothing but a Knight Rider
Notice the warts all over her body. blech!
How do you?
Personal preference is a bit of a mis-nomer. If one is of the mindset that they won't fuck a black girl, simply go to the ivory coast for a while. You will become attracted to quite a few black women, and you'll probably have sex with them. Your personal-preference will expand.
If you aren't willing to test yourself in some way - not necessarily by going to the ivory coast or such - you probably are racist and need to re-evaluate your life.
If you are offering services as an SP, I'm not sure what preference has to do with it, if you are not being harmed or in danger.
If services of this sort were legal, you might have a leg to stand on. You could in theory take SPs to court for refusing clients on racial grounds (even if it is as innocuous as personal preference).Personal preference goes out the window, you've got ugly, obese, old, young, criminal, smelly, weird and the list goes on, but when you exclude based on race you are in fact racist.
Offering does not mean they are Obligated to do anything !If you are offering services as an SP...
well that is pretty easy. you're a smart guy, figure it out. just cuz you don't want to sleep with someone doesn't mean you have to hate them. i don't want to sleep with gay dudes, doesn't mean i hate gay dudes.NorthPole, how do you distinguish racism from personal preference?