I am impressed a first time user if shill or not but you used the smilies and the thumbs up in your first post. I didn't know about all that the first time I registered. By the way out of curiosity how did you know about terb? It is not advertised on their website? Did Nikkita ask you to give her a good review?
Hey I have no beef with this agency, I even give people their number if I can't do the call, so I just want to set the record straight before the shit hits the fan as it has in previous posts.
I wonder if he has anymore info on her. Since his review was so bland, no real discription or what was on the menu nothing.
I will not say this person is a shill maybe he is maybe he is not all I want to see is if he will post more than one thing as did LAZYLEO if anyone can remember him, he said something about all angels and then about one of the playgirls but I am still waiting to see which one it was no more replies since my last comment.
Want to see if this will be the same..