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Nfl Season Is Almost Here


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Anyone else excited for the start of the NFL season?

Any predictions?

I predict that my Chargers will probably not win the Super Bowl... but I don't think that the Patriots will win again.

I am excited to see how Alex Smith performs

Randy Moss in Oakland.. how is that going to work out?


Active member
Aug 12, 2003
NFL Excitement

I'm always excited when the NFL starts I can't wait. San Fran is '201 to 1' to win the Super Bowl, 49ers all the way!


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
I've got the Bengals making the playoffs this year with 10 wins.

I've also got Buffalo going on a downward slide with Losman on the helm.

Wait...I'm getting ahead of myself here...

Let's start with -

The AFC East

I see the Pats winning at least 10 and being in first place. Dillon in the backfield and a tried and proven Brady will be tough to beat. Plus, though in tough; I'd love to see Flutie win one even as a backup. NE recieving group is solid. The Jets can win 10 as well - but will be in tough vs NE. The Bills will be below .500 maybe 6 or 7 wins...tops. Miami will stink.

AFC North

The Steelers are for real 11 maybe 12 games. The Ravens should be close behind them, but no QB...problems. Bengals ...I'm hoping for a breakthru year (betting wise).Cinnci may pass Baltimore....hmmmm.... Cleveland will line up with the Dolphins.

AFC South

Indy.end of story. The Jags have to get better after 7-6-6-5-9 win seasons they might break 10 this year. Houston will be a .500 team. The Titans will be in the basemant with 4 maybe 5 wins tops.

AFC West

The Chargers will take this with a solid 10 win campaign. I love their backs and recievers. The Chiefs may be a game over .500 - they need better D. I'm not too sure on the Broncos - If they stay healthy they might take over the Chiefs - LB position looks great...worried about the running game. The Raiders will be in the bottom - I know, I know - Moss will make a difference, so will Woodson but the rest of the team is shaky at best - 6 wins...maybe 7.

NFC East

Even with TO's bitching, Eagles will take this one. The Cowboys might break .500 this year but it'll be tough. The Giants might win 6...but they have no D line,and no DBs. The skins need new recievers...but everybody else is just ok maybe 5 wins.

NFC North

Vikings until proven otherwise- I see 12 wins. Harrington will be under a microscope this year - but at 8 wins he won't finish the year. Look for Garcia to play. GB .500 team -O line needs serious help. Defense sucks. Da Bears will get 5 wins - no QB, no recievers, no O line.

NFC South

Falcons with 9 maybe 10 wins. Carolina a .500 team. NO too unpredictable - maybe a 500 team as well. TB needs help....lots of help.

NFC West

Seattle will take this but there's really nobody else. Rams? Martz is a mad man - maybe a .500 record. Arizona....hmmmm....maybe a shot at being second? Maybe. Niners will have the worse record in the NFL.


New member
Oct 3, 2002
I think Buffallo with Lossman is better than Buffalo with Bledsoe. Bills also made a good move in getting Kelly Holcomb in the event that Lossman struggles


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Losman is a better athlete not a better QB than Bledsoe.

Bledsoe is a throw back QB- hard arm, pocket passer who can take a lot of punishment. The Bills had 4 huge losses last year to start off the season but almost rallied in the end to make the playoffs ...behind Bledsoe.

Losman is fast, athletic and has a good arm. But, the Bills have to simplify things for Losman (not enough snaps will do that). They might use more boot legs and rollouts to take advantage of Losman's athleticism. But I see Losman the way I saw Palmer in Cincinnati last season. Losman will struggle - the game is a bit fastr than he's used to. Assuming he's fully recovered from last years' broken leg I suspect he might try to do too much. Holcomb has had some sucess as a starter and knows the ins and outs of the simplified Buffalo offense. He manages the clock well but he'll be more of a mentor for Losman than an actual starter.

For Buffalo suceed past my estimates, 3 players have to have a standout year.

OG Bennie Anderson and OL Mike Gandy will have to do better in pass protection. RB Willis McGahee will have to control the temperament and the clock for the offense.

Look to WR Lee Evans to be a legit target all year- he may be the go-to guy on the recieving team. Moulds is getting old and his numbers are down.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
The Pats are a different team come playoff time - experience and winning does that.

I wouldn't discount them this early in the game. They are definite contenders.

I'm more worried about Pittsburgh - sophomore jinx? I hope not.

Big Papa Smurf

aka:The Original Dr. Funk
I love the Chargers also. I haven't been this hyped for an upcoming season since 1992. The Chargers have a brutal schedule, but they had an outstanding draft. A healthy Tomlinson, along with the addition of Shaun Merriman on defense is great if you are a bolts fan. If Brees plays like he did last season, then expect Rivers to be dealt for more defensive help.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
healer677 said:
NFC North

. Da Bears will get 5 wins - no QB, no recievers, no O line. You gotta be kidding me right? If the injury bug doesnt hit again this year i see 11 wins for DA BEARS and the division title. I think the extra week of trainig camp and 5 preseason games will help Da Bears more than it will hurt them.I do have 50 bucks at 80 to 1 to winn the Super Bowl. Anything can happen! :D


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
I hope you're right mrpolarbear. But - I base my picks solely on spreads and scores, I have no allegiance to any team.

For me - football is about the betting. I can't even watch a game if I don't have any action on it.

The Bears will live and die with Urlacher. The team features a playoff caliber defense, but; after ranking 32nd in total offense last year - they have to do more on the offensive side of the field.

Grossman QB (coming back from a torn ACL in September 2004) needs help - in comes Mushin Muhhamad WR and a horse like Cedric Benson RB.

Grossman is unproven - 6 starts and suffered 2 season ending injuries (is he soft?maybe). Grossman is a wild card. Chad Hutchinson is pick prone - don't even count on him. They struck out in the off season with Warner, Fiedler and Brad Johnson. For the bears to win more than 5 - IMO Urlacher, Ogunieye and Tillman have to light up the D end of the field.

In the last 3 seasons the Bears have won 4,7 and 5 games (mind you I love the Bears to beat the spreads). This year - straight up wins - I see them beating ...maybe Washington in Washington, maybe Cleveland in the dogpound, NO, SF and Tampa - the rest of the schedule looks tough for the Bears.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
right here
Go Bills!!

I heard a long-time Buffalo sportscaster say that Losman appeared to be immature and could be a flop. I agree. He may come around, but I think there is a good chance he just might not get it in time. I hope it'snot a painful season. Eight and eight would be a good start for the new team.


New member
Dec 7, 2002
Well I'm a die hard BEARSfan so my heart is rooting for them. Unfortunately with all my football pools I'll stay away from Da Bears except Benson in my keeper leagues.

I got big hopes on Willis McGahee! Go Willis!!!!!!!
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