Allure Massage

New Oriental MP


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Last week I noticed a new Oriental MP ad and finally had the chance to stop by and check it out. I assume it's a new ad because I've never seen any previous comments by anyone. Located on George Street in the Galt section of Cambridge. Good parking... but signage is limited to a simple "30" on the window. Looks like you're entering the front door of a home... but once inside it's quite nice. I always find it exciting going to a new place in anticipation of finding out "first-hand" whether it's legit or not. I sat down in the reception area and looked around while waiting for someone to come to the front. Everything looked "office-like" with certificates posted on the walls, nice furniture, water cooler and plants. I looked over by the desk and there was a folder and a pen. I thought it was probably a medical questionnaire and started preparing myself for a RMT massage. Just in case... my name today was going to be "Indiana Hammertm". I went over and peaked inside to notice some handwritten notes with appointments for the day and then returned to the couch with a great big smile.

Finally after a few more minutes... a young lady (guessing 25-30 years of age) came out of one of the rooms. Shy and soft spoken... she confirmed the 1/2 rate of $40. She lead me into a room and asked for ten more minutes to "finish" with the previous client. The room was plain looking and nothing special. But the giveaway was the box of kleenex up on the shelf over by the massage table. Wendy came back in the room and proceeded to offer a very nice and sensual massage. Not the normal karate chop massage techniques... but a soft and gentle touch. She still did that Oriental finger popping move that doesn't do a thing for me. It was time to roll over and she continued to softly massage my front with a couple "accidental" touches of the mid-section. Finally I had to give in with the thoughts that this may be a RMT facility and went to full attention. Without any required conversation... I was well taken care of. She has a very plain "librarian" look to her... wears glasses and seems to be a very nice lady. Apparently there is another part time attendant available. Hours of operation... Monday to Saturday 10am-8pm

The only complaints I have were the phone rang three times and two guys came in the front door. The room I was in was terrible because whenever she left the room... you could see in from the reception area. All five incidents obviously did take away from the overall experience. She apologized as I got dressed and then I handed her a tip... but she smiled and gracefully declined. What a deal... $40. I'll be back... ;)

Chinese Massage Therapy Relief from stress, sore muscles and headaches. 30 George St. N., Cambridge. Call 590-8300.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Yep... although the chapter titles are a little long :p

Chapter 1 - How to hold them without poking your eye out
Chapter 2 - Librarians actually do have nice bums under their skirts


I am Teflon !
Mar 11, 2003
Nowhere Land
Did she clean-up the glued pages afterwards ?

heavyweight said:
When she was holding your book, did she allow you to explore the different chapters?
Good question! However, this type of "teasing" the answers out would really "piss off" other fellow Terbites (such as Ulysses or Bigbooby).

The root cause is Calloway, of course, who was not "up-front" with ALL the inform so "busy" Terbites can "Read and Run" and "Slam-bam" their way around. :D


Nov 6, 2004
Ya I tend to find that when it is the main woman (owner, only worker..what ever you will) Sometimes you dont get charged extra for the happy ending of the story. As in the case with this place.. I must say.. it was the best "Story" I have had to date in one of these places. She through a towel on me so I was thinking maybe she is being carefull and is not sure about me, (she said it was because it was cold..shrug). Anyways I caressed her leg while she did her thing so she would know I am interested in a real good story. She offered to play show and tell as well for a very small donation the the book fund. Showed me something about very nice mountains the kind with the very high peeks, i could swaer I could feel them in my hands as if I were really scaling the mountains, which in turn made me thirsty, all nice glass of milk did the trick. She was in no rush to finnish the story, she very slowly took her time readding the finnish of the book.
I will go back for sure. Perhaps there are other novels I can look through.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Dugath... are you referring to your personal experience at "30 George" or is this a generalization of these "types" of operations in your opinion?


Nov 6, 2004
calloway said:
Dugath... are you referring to your personal experience at "30 George" or is this a generalization of these "types" of operations in your opinion?
This is a personal story I got at 30 george(and I WILL be going back). But I found a few other places here and there you could get the complete story including happy ending for only 40$


Mar 10, 2005
i just got home from 30 George street and will never again go back...

I made the appt. got there on time, was led into a room , lid down and awaited her. she came in and gave me a decent massage and then flipped over. massged again...after 20 min in total, she pated me on the head, adn siad OK....
we made small conversation but nothign major. She left the room, I awaited her to come back and "finish", and she popped her head in again about 5 min later and said you are done now....
I got up and walked out the door, she came out form another room and asked me for $40.00. I told her a friend of min was ehre a few dasy ago and got "full-service", she says she "not understand english" i slowwwwwwww-ly explinaed to her in real basic hand gestures, she smiled and giggled, then said, me no i said....! Good bye! and i left...what a crock of shit!
20 min massage for 40.00 i dont think so!!!!


I am Teflon !
Mar 11, 2003
Nowhere Land
A number of possibilities..

terblurker1 said: i slowwwwwwww-ly explinaed to her in real basic hand gestures, she smiled and giggled, then said, me no i said....! Good bye! and i left...what a crock of shit!
20 min massage for 40.00 i dont think so!!!!
Maybe :

1)She thinks you want to "self-serve" a la Calloway's method ?
2)You look like LE ?
3)You were not initiating any "probing" during her rub ?
4)You have found the last living virgin MPA ?
5)You were not "upfront" with what you want ?
6)She was reading Terb and really worry about the "possible busts" ?
7)You did not use the "secret words" ?

Better luck next time, Bro.. :rolleyes:


Mar 10, 2005
well then , do tell the secret wods, cause this girl does not underatnaD ENGLISH...her perplexed look gave me no indication that she can undersntad more then 5 english words...
i shouldve grabbed her ass and slid it


Nov 13, 2004
terblurker1 said:
well then , do tell the secret wods, cause this girl does not underatnaD ENGLISH...her perplexed look gave me no indication that she can undersntad more then 5 english words...
i shouldve grabbed her ass and slid it

I guess that would be one way of doing it. I'm not too sure if that would be direct enough though. LOL


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
terblurker1 said:
i shouldve grabbed her ass and slid it in
Pinz... Pinz... Pinz. You sure know how to treat the ladies don't you? I stopped by for "coffee" today and she looked completely wiped out. Non stop appointments and she couldn't figure out where they all came from. If anyone ever doubted how many people read Terb... just go ask Wendy.

Since I am the so called expert at looking like a cop and getting treated to self-service... I can only say that this lady was obviously not comfortable with you for whatever reason. She's far from a pro and I think that shows. Her english is not great... but you're visiting an Oriental MP... what did you expect? With the massive increase in business and obvious new service expectations... she's obviously overwhelmed. I don't own the place... I don't know the woman and therefore I will make no apologies for her. My review stands as is. Maybe I was lucky... or maybe she had a problem with you. Telling this woman that you received "full-service" for $40 is an interesting line to pull by the way. Is this price range and service package a common occurance for you?


New member
Jan 5, 2005
Indiana said:
Flash: hmmm...with her limited english, and her not knowing me as I have never been there....and Hammertm has not likely been there (as he is an outcall type of guy)...that only leaves calloway...but he only had coffee there!
oh ok, saner minds prevail...i was thinking that showing up in leather spats, bomber jacket, bullwhip coiled at my side, and that famous hat, might make these girls think that a real north american man had shown up, not sure how i woulda explained myself if i hadda been pulled over on the way.


I am Teflon !
Mar 11, 2003
Nowhere Land
In defense of Prinz..

calloway said:
Telling this woman that you received "full-service" for $40 is an interesting line to pull by the way. Is this price range and service package a common occurance for you?
He did say that his "friend" (you-Calloway) received "full service" for $40 a few days back. So, he wants equal treatment under the Charter of Rights and Freedom, nothing more, nothing less.. :rolleyes:

I understand this was the EBC price range for a simple "covered" - R&R service. Shamelessly, I once received this basic "R&R" service to spike another MPA working in the same establishment (in EBC area) but that was a "long" story for another time. Typically, You should tip the MPA for other complimentary services as needed. Otherwise, the MP gets most of the $40.


Nov 6, 2004
Well as I said in my review. I got the impression she needed incouragement, maybe thinking I was LE or something not that I even look like I could be.. but one never knows I suppose.. I had a towel drapped on me covering anything important...So as she massaged me, I caressed her legs. And my oh my.. the ending I had was the longest, unrushed and might I say rather fun.


Mar 10, 2005
yes I agree calloway, i do look like LE as well...
but in my defnece, I am very new to the MP scene....never really done that Im not sure how to approach or gesture. My loss....she was kinda cute as well...
Im learning the lingo for MP's here and its hard to be so discreet and tlakning code when i m so used to being so
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