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New film suggests that the Royals killed Princess Diana..


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I wonder what would happen to a prince who gets a ***********? because, really, what is the fucking point of being a king if you cannot afford a **********?

* a******** means more than one wife. The original word was censored for unknown reason.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
New film suggests that the Royals killed Princess Diana..

Of course they did.
Diana overheard Elizabeth and Charles plotting to crash planes into the WTC. She was caught eavesdropping and had to be 'taken care of'.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
*yawns* this has been talked about the day Diana died.. don't need a film to bring it to light


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Its a new documentary, the only thing that disturbs me about this is that Dodis father financed the film, so there could be some bias.
Gee you really think that a movie entirely financed by Mohammad Fayed is biased, what's next the moon rising in the east!

It isn't a documentary rather it is yet more propaganda for Mohammad Fayed’s delusions.

Two extensive and expensive independent judicial inquires in France and England went into all this in exhaustive detail and showed that Mr. Fayed didn't have a scintilla of evidence to support his ideas, his British Barrister admitted just that during the English Inquest. Further both established that that the cause of the crash was Henri Paul being massively intoxicated, and that he was driving at the specific request of the Fayed family.


Well-known member
I think she was pregnant with Dodi Fayed's baby which would have been......unfortunate for the Royal Family.A Muslim child in line to be the King or Queen of England?....not likely.These people have kept their arcane line of dominance alive for hundreds of years.I'm surprised the general public thinks they have done it with waves from a balcony , and charm.There's a 50-50 chance they killed her.


Active member
Sep 23, 2002
Hey Scarey she was divorced the time she was pregnant therefore she was not inline to be Queen, get your facts right


Jul 20, 2006
LOL at the title of this thread. It implies that this is the first time this has been brought up.

Old rumours are old.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Whew! And here I thought we wouldn't get our conspiracy fix today.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
If Diana was still alive you think her 2 sons would be in the R.A.F.? Diana was vistiting sick children with AIDS, she was against land mines, the Royal Air Force kills many more people then it saves. The royal's are using William and Harry to make the RAF look good, they save lives.

Charles and the Queen had complete control over William and Harry. Diana being killed was the best thing to happen to the Royal family. If Diana would had more children they to would be part of the royal family--can't have that.

William is on his 10 day delayed honeymoon, then he has to go back and save more lives, what a joke. Mean while the RAF is bombing away in Libya...what would Diana say or think....

The only reason I blame Diana a bit was for her running away from the press, so she was dating a darker skin man, so no pictures..lets flee. Diana should had been more careful, she was hated by the royals and when she had an accident nobody came to help her for 2 hours, figures.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
If you know a car is always speeding every night its not that hard to cause an accident. Yeah the driver was half drunk, well I driven fast while drinking, it can be done but if some little white car shines a bright spotlight at your car you might likely crash.

There is witnesses that seen a white car yet it was never found..why did the white car flee, who was in it?

I woke up at 4am to watch the wedding and thought it was great but felt so helpless each time I heard the reporters say Dania would be so proud, how does anybody know that. William marrying some commoner who is older than him, I'm not too sure Dania would be proud...its the royals wanting fresh blood in their stale DNA, William is the first in 350 years to marry outside the family....I'm sure the Queen is thrilled, Dania might be rolling in her grave.

I have to admit 10 years ago I shook my head when people said the accident was caused by the royal family but now looking back and seeing how the royal's have used William and Harry-- I have to say, HMMMM


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Bigfoot killed her at the request of Queen Elizabeth. He also killed Elvis and Marilyn. Elvis and Marilyn were expecting a baby who might have been the next king of England and Queen E wanted them taken out as well. JFK knew about it and that's why he was killed in Dallas.

Queen E herself was replaced by an android controlled by aliens back in the early 1970's. Paul MacCartney died in 1969 and was replaced by an android as well.

My neighbour's cat told me all this through my TV.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
If Diana was still alive you think her 2 sons would be in the R.A.F.? Diana was vistiting sick children with AIDS, she was against land mines, the Royal Air Force kills many more people then it saves. The royal's are using William and Harry to make the RAF look good, they save lives.

Charles and the Queen had complete control over William and Harry. Diana being killed was the best thing to happen to the Royal family. If Diana would had more children they to would be part of the royal family--can't have that.
Let's see: a) Prince William joined the RAF on his own accord. Courtiers thought he was going to start with public duties - instead he shifted to a long service Commission and the RAF - A wise move on his part in my opinion b) As for that total control thing - I think "a" covered that c) since the late Princess of Wales was an in-law (and divorced at that) how would her children been members of the Royal Family? Half-Siblings of Prince William and Prince Harry but that would be it - and I might add there have been a number of those through the centuries.

Or on the other hand, I think Oagre has it just right!
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Active member
Oct 16, 2002
Bigfoot killed her at the request of Queen Elizabeth. He also killed Elvis and Marilyn. Elvis and Marilyn were expecting a baby who might have been the next king of England and Queen E wanted them taken out as well. JFK knew about it and that's why he was killed in Dallas.

Queen E herself was replaced by an android controlled by aliens back in the early 1970's. Paul MacCartney died in 1969 and was replaced by an android as well.

My neighbour's cat told me all this through my TV.
I've always wondered. Now I know.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Everyone in the politics group knows that Harris killed her so stop trying to spread your malicious lies. :biggrin1:
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