I hope everyone like linking facts so here's what I've come to understand.
1. Governments are trying to go cashless and are happy for a "reset" of society.
2. Many cops and government officials have been doing the opposite of the so called covid protocols, lockdowns and wearing masks. Like those vids of Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Texas governor etc.
3. The initial lockdown has gone from 15 days and we've been lied to all the way to the new year. Furthermore, the masks won't prevent you from getting the disease but you still need them after taking the shot and in regular doses??? Talk about a huge lack if efficacy.
4. However, Large pharmaceutical companies have invested in vaccines:
AstraZeneca at 8.19 Billion Dollars
Pfizer/BioNtech at 2.25 Billion Dollars
Moderns at 1.9 Billio Dollars
Novavax at 1.79 Billion Dollars
Sinovac at 1.62 Billion Dollars
Curevac at 1.25 Billion Dollars
Johnson & Johnson (family company?) At 786 Million Dollars
Sanofi/GSK at 572 Million Dollars
Sanofi/ Translate Bio at 300 Million Dollars
It seems they spent a lot on research, rushed out the vaccine in record time, Buttt a lot if people are reporting side effects. Luckily for us though a new strain of "deadly virus???" is coming out so we should keep taking this vaccine? Btw vaccines contain all sorts of unhealthy toxins and non-human cells.
-MRC-5 male aborted fetal cells
-Wi-38 female aborted fetal cells
-MDCK dog kidney cells
-Fetal bovine serum is blood harvested from baby cows
-MSG a neurotoxin
-Formaldehyde cancer causing poison found in ants
-Mercury dangerous toxin/ neurotoxin
-Polysorbate 80 known to cause cancer in animals
-Aluminum associated with Alzheimer's
-Glutaraldehye is poisonous if ingested and known to cause birth defects in experimental animals
-and many, many more
5. Oh btw if you are traveling, even with free healthcare in Canada and probably the same and other countries. You must be test before you leave from your country, another 2x depending the country you want to visit and again in your country as per the new rules. That's $300.00 plus HST a test. Seems like some people are going to be very happy and get their money back. Mind you, that the general consensus of the news is about new cases of covid but never or rarely ever about how many millions recover or are "asymptomatic". There is no news about the common sense we all know and should apply to this situation.
Examples below:
Eating less processed food and having access to truly organic grains, fruit, vegetables and meat
Getting enough exercise and fresh air, without a mask XD
(Not spending your money wastefully during the winter due to seasonal jobs for most people and because higher chance if getting sick due to cold weather and more time indoors)
Getting enough sleep
Performing hobbies and even finding new hobbies that you would like to reduce stress
Social human contact as per our tribe mentality
Love, affection and warmth from our family or significant others
If you see any hindrances to these, perhaps there is a block somewhere. Either from social media, news and tv media and new covid protocols, then there might be a problem. Also they took our guns which were not just for hunting. Protection is key in certain places.
Protect yourself, your family and loved ones and then protect your friends and others if possible. Your humanity is on the line, don't lose it.
6. Ask yourself: Does this make sense? how do I feel about this? Is there something I'm missing? What about their point of view, did I interpret or understand them correctly? We should be sharing ideas and our own thoughts, regurgitating what others tell us will not always benefit us if we never think for ourselves.