Toronto Escorts

New Brunswick


Active member
Jan 20, 2010
Does anyone know why SP's in New Brunswick charge upwards of $350 per hour?

Lets say a person finds themselves stuck in NB for whatever reason. They are used to relatively good SP's from Ontario, recommended and reviewed by this forum. Now they are stuck in Atlantic Canada and the cost for one SP visit is basically what you can get for two hours in Ontario (and they don't offer half hours here), and the quality in terms of looks is worse.

Suggestions on what this person can do, short of flying back to Toronto right away?


New member
Sep 8, 2011
I haven't visited NB but if there's not a lot of options, the few there have the market cornered, set what they think they are worth and the market can bear. There's always internet porn or last call at the bar. :eyebrows:


New member
Mar 28, 2004
NB is bible belt. About three months ago, I saw a story where the last strip club in Fredericton closed down. Very small SP market means the handful of working girls can charge a fortune - no competition. Try Moncton, I once took a dancer back to my hotel from Miss Behavin (what an awesome name for a SC). Even Halifax, several hours away, has a very small SP scene. Try your luck at the slimier bars in town. The Maritimes are about picking up drunk gals, not about SP'ing. Just the way it is.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
While I haven't hobbied in New Brunswick for about a decade (Montreal and Toronto are much greener pastures) I'm absolutely shocked at those numbers!

At that time Moncton, was much better than either Saint John or Fredericton, I suspect it is still that way. In the same way Halifax was the bright spot of Nova Scotia.
Toronto Escorts