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Nerissa: no show

Do you ever try again with the same person after no-show?

  • Yes (everyone deserves a break)

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 12 28.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters


New member
Aug 30, 2003
I set up an appointment with Nerissa (in London -- 5473 -- there's an advert for her on Another Site, but it is apparently to disappear soon; also, a regular CL presence) recently.

Given the various soap-opera dramas she seems to endure, I attempted to put her at ease when setting up. She said she didn't usually book in advance, preferring same-day arrangements. I told her in that case that we might not hook up, and that I was looking for multiple hours and lots of extras. She seemed much more interested as a result. We set a time (actually, I gave her two options), and she asked me to confirm the day before.

I couldn't get through to her the day before: voicemail was always full. I sent a text message, but got none in response (I know, however, that she takes texts sometimes on that number, because we exchanged some when setting up originally).

The morning of, I managed to get through to voicemail. I left a message. She didn't get back to me. Later, when I tried again, the voice mail box was full again. So I gave up.


New member
Apr 21, 2005
I tried for couple days last week to setup something with Nerissa; same deal, not ready yet call back, i'm just moving hotels etc. Lots of drama not much action.

Time to move on.


New member
Aug 30, 2003
Despite getting stood up, I called again one day and saw her.

I've posted elsewhere on this topic, too, but I think the basic fact is that Nerissa is a freak. She'll do anything, as far as I can tell. She does seem quite disorganized to me, and I think she's genuinely overwhelmed by some of her recent personal troubles. She's also either got a sort of OCD need to pick at pimples on her body (that's what she told me), or else she has some other thing causing her to have welts that scab over (which sounds distressingly like a diagnosis of bedbugs). But she's totally willing and was nice to me. I left with a smile, and I'd had to towel off from being wet. I'll likely repeat if I can arrange it.


Jun 2, 2008
LOL Nice review. Any specifics on what she is willing to do?? And those scabs? Herpetic? What was the damage? Thanks


New member
Apr 21, 2005
THe scabby's would be a turn off for me bigtime...not sure what it was and if I would get it.

She is a high priced girl (200roses), so I would have expected a little cleaner


New member
Aug 30, 2003
LOL Nice review. Any specifics on what she is willing to do?? And those scabs? Herpetic? What was the damage? Thanks
In terms of what she was willing to do, I'd be very surprised if she said, "No," before you did. I certainly couldn't think of anything that was not on the menu. This includes any form of bodily output you can think of (though she's careful about fluid exchange. I had gloves).

I had no indication of herpetic issues. Also, note, the scabs were _not_ in the areas one might most worry about (and believe me, I looked carefully). Mostly legs and glutes (not inside, but on the wide surfaces). Acne and OCD is in fact one diagnosis consistent with what I saw. If it were all lower legs, I'd say that she lived with a pet with a flea problem -- it was rather like that, or someone who didn't know not to scratch mosquito bites and had been camping. Nevertheless, somewhat worrisome. I have not experienced any indication of issues since. She did make a very alarming joke about catching things; she was laughing as she said it, however, and I took her assurances about kidding seriously. (I still was rather careful.)

Her advertisements say that she likes to be paid $220 an hour for her company.
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