need to make some $$$ tonight - 19


Active member
Oct 23, 2004
HIV testing is not 3 monthes,.. in fact,.. you can't test for HIV,. only the antibodies,.. they can take many monthes, even years to show up,.. Open up a text book and stop getting your info from google searches...
It takes 6 to 9 weeks for the average person to seroconvert , in that period of time some people might experience what is called "HIV seroconversion illness" or "primary HIV infection" wich is characterized by a flu like illness and can vary in symptoms from person to person, some people don't even experience it and can live an healthy life for over 10 years.
A test at 9 weeks will be reflective of your final test at 3 months.
Antibodies for HIV will show up at the moment of seroconversion wich is usually around 9 weeks and that's when your viral load is extremely high and makes you more contagious.


Sep 7, 2004
Usually 9 weeks. Yes. The problem is that the word used is not "always". There are examples where it has taken far greater time. 9 weeks is an average based on thousands upon thousands of test cases. It's an average. Not an absolute. Weird things happen with HIV all the time. It is a weird ass virus.


Aug 1, 2009
Point is no one really knows and none of you are doctors. If i want an answer don't you think I would ask or have asked a doctor, someone who actually knows something. They are free you know, which unlike this advice, is actually worth more than I paid for it.

Just think how stupid that sounds... You can't get tested for HIV, its the anti-bodies. Thanks. Did you think I am a scientist trying to discover a test, and that advice helped me out? Does it even matter? Open a textbook, yeah ok which one, I'm going to study to be a doctor to know what a test does? Atleast grow a brain before you speak and suggest a medical journal.. Geeze

I guess High School sex ed was the highlight of your life and you are just dieing to share, but please don't...

Folks, the 2 bit advice that I want to respond with "thanks mom", along with $1.50 is worth a cup of coffee at tims.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
That's rich, a guy foolish enough to pay $250 for bareback sex with an unattractive smelly woman in a car is calling us stupid.



Sep 7, 2004
Well,.. that was just about the responce I was expecting you to come up with.

Actually,.. to say no one knows is fallacious,.. they do know,.. and you can get that info from many textbooks. It does take a little thought and effort though to look them up. More thought and effort than you seem to want to spend on your own safety. Fine by me, we need less like you around. The gene pool is shallow enough as is and your only making it worse by your insistence on continuing to live. The rest of that "paragraph" of yours is unintelligible so,.. whatever.

You don't need to be a scientist to understand a few basics about how viruses work and what the risks actually are. No one is asking you or I to write a thesis on the matter just to spell out some common facts. In reality the post I made was for the rest of us that may actually want to know something about this issue,.. If you fuck off and die I couldn't care less as it seems you barely care yourself. Rather self centered to think that everyone here cares that much about you mate. I am not going to suggest to you a specific medical journal or any other such material as I doubt that you could follow it. What I did offer was some simple facts that may help educate a little and maybe prompt you to do some learning yourself. I'm not your mother. Wipe your own ass. And your right. I am not a doctor. I am a biochem major that has been working with science in one form or another for most of my adult life. What is it that makes you such a pillar of knowledge exactly?

Last but not least,.. if your going to attempt to insult someone, at least try to rise above something that is more apt to be written on a locker-room wall or a truckstop bathroom. Really man it's just sad and kinda pathetic. Anyway, enjoy your aids and your ignorance. Toodles.


Sep 7, 2004
"They are free you know, which unlike this advice, is actually worth more than I paid for it."

Seriously, I'm still trying to decifer this,.. whatever this is. I don't remember getting a cheque or anything,.. I'm pretty sure everything here is free,.. seriously,.. wtf. Mabye I need to "grow a brain" before I can decifer ignorant jibberish.... are you trying to say that my "advice" of which it was not by the way, is worth nothing, and that you paid nothing or that doctors are free, which they are not unless you don't pay taxes, are more valuable than nothing that you payed nothing for,.. but you paid nothing for nothing,.. right? errr,.. soooo, hrmmm,... wow ok,.. Tomorow thats the first thing I'll do,.. I"m off to grow a brain ye'all,..

okok,. wait,. lemmy see here,.. how about,

""If I wanted your advice on the matter I would have asked for it. I would rather ask a doctor that has more knowledge about the subject instead. Thanks anyway.""

See how that whole language thing works? I know it can be tricky and stuff. You know, like tyin' your shoes and all, but you'll get there. Keep on truckin' lil guy. Keep on truckin'.

And if you don't want advice well too fuckin' bad mate. I'm pretty sure our freedom of speech trumps your freedom to not have to read stuff you don't want to. Deal with it.


New member
Mar 15, 2007
V_M, as a Bio Chem Major or Lab Rat or whatever you are you ought to know that in fact it is relatively hard to get infected with HIV. There are some substantial amounts of blood, open wounds and other things required. Not to forget the fact that here in Canada Gays and Homosexual are still the mainly infected group of people. So how odd are the chances unless this provider had a sex gender and used to be a drug addicted homosexual ? Read the stats, man.

I consider other STD you could get a far more serious and realistic thing. So stop freakin' him out. He knows he has made a mistake, and I am sure the next time his brains will be stronger than his balls.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
I say we all just get on with our lifes . this could go on forever. he was dumb . we all know that and we can't fix that so lets just let him be dumb and we live our lives. he has taken up enough time in our lives and what he wants is attention and with all this crap that is what heis getting.. take it away . I am done. good night


Aug 1, 2009
V_M, as a Bio Chem Major or Lab Rat or whatever you are you ought to know that in fact it is relatively hard to get infected with HIV. There are some substantial amounts of blood, open wounds and other things required. Not to forget the fact that here in Canada Gays and Homosexual are still the mainly infected group of people. So how odd are the chances unless this provider had a sex gender and used to be a drug addicted homosexual ? Read the stats, man.

I consider other STD you could get a far more serious and realistic thing. So stop freakin' him out. He knows he has made a mistake, and I am sure the next time his brains will be stronger than his balls.
So PC incorrect, but ohh so true....

See what happens when someone spends their time with their eyes open, rather than reading textbooks to get an online degree from late night TV, in an attempt to impress a bunch of guys really here just to read about getting some?


Sep 7, 2004
Oh absolutely,.. I think I have even posted before just how bloody hard it is to get HIV, even if your trying to. The only thing that saves us from it being a plague is the fact that it is so damn hard to get. But you can't just use the argument that the gay population is the main source of the problem anymore. More and more non gay groups are getting the virus. In all honesty the sp community very likely has one of the lowest rates of STD's in general but that comes with a caveat. Responsible sp's who take proper precautions are very unlikely to have anything. Those that take risks are way way more likely to end up infected with something. Volume alone accounts for the variation. I would love to actually see some current stats on the issue but sadly, no one is really doing the research into the sex trades that is needed. At least not that I have been able to find. I haven't actually looked all that hard either really so the point is more or less moot.

The real point that I was making is not that someone that has bbfs is likely to have caught something. Only that taking that risk makes you way more likely to get something. That risk is on a scale of magnitude way out of proportion to say a bbbj or covered fs. If ya know what your up against I just find it insane that anyone would take those odds. If you don't know that those facts are then you need to learn to be able to make an actual informed decision. Am I blowing things out of proportion? Absolutely. Do I prescribe to the BBBJ services? Hell yes. It that hypocritical? Perhaps. But I have decided to take those risks with enough knowledge to weigh the odds of anything happening. Same reason I drive a car. Also a very dangerous thing to do but you have to weigh the pros and cons. I can't think of anything that would make me side bbfs with the pro- category.

This isn't really about this guy anymore,.. he even seems bored with himself. I was bored with him awhile ago,.. but this is an awesome venue to discuss things about this industry that should be out there. I'm no expert by any sense of the word. I do know a little though and maybe that lil bit I've shared as others have will help someone make more informed decisions or at least get someone to look into it more than they have. I have learned a tone from this board. Perhaps not much about this topic, but many others. If I can give back to the community, I try to do so. If I can entertain by by smacking the shit outa some douche bag then I'm all for that as well. It's hard to let up on someone who responds with a well timed "(yawn)" as his rebuttal. In almost the same breath he says that he thinks what he did was stupid but attacks everyone seemingly at random. I highly doubt this guy has learned a damned thing. I sure as hell hope I'm wrong.


Sep 7, 2004
So PC incorrect, but ohh so true....

See what happens when someone spends their time with their eyes open, rather than reading textbooks to get an online degree from late night TV, in an attempt to impress a bunch of guys really here just to read about getting some?
Your eyes aren't open man, your just a fucking moron. I'm not trying to impress anyone. Least of all you. I'm trying to tally up all your reviews and to my nonsuprise you have so far offered pretty much fuck all in the way of useful posts around here. Hope I'm not offending any morons by calling you a moron,.. that would be very Politically Correct incorrect of me. Idiot. And your not here to "get some",.. your here like the rest of us to "buy some".


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I'm curious to know what you boys hope to accomplish with this stupid argument that is now beyond the scope of the original post and has turned into an ad hominem schoolyard shout fest?


Sep 7, 2004
I'm not shouting at all,.. pretty calm really,.. more or less just wasting some time while doing other stuff lol,.. and I'm mildly amused soooo,.. guess thats what I hope to accomplish,.. and come on schoolyard? I got pure gold here man,.. gold I tells ya,.. at this point I'm just fuckin' with the poor bastard,..


Sep 7, 2004
Actually,.. you bring up a good point,.. no matter just how infantile this gets it's awesome that people STILL read this crap,.. The moment your no longer amused please,. move on,.. this thread was long dead many posts ago,...


Sep 7, 2004
I agree with you agreeing with me,.. :)


Aug 17, 2008
I agree with op as to the seemingly manufactured shock of a thread discussing BBFS. I have only been in this hobby for a short while and yet I have already discovered the option of BB. I haven't done it yet, but probably will as the thrill of the risk itself really does it for me. I think that the future will hold BBFS as being more common. From what I understand BBBJ was not the norm only a few years ago, but of course, now it is.
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