Toronto Escorts

Need help with Git (again!)


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Hi gentlemen,

I'm a newbie at working with Git, and having trouble setting up my git workflow. Trying to follow these instructions: combined with this git flow branching model:, but cannot figure out how to adapt the web focused model referenced above to add a separation for a staging and live sites on the server. Tried the suggestion here:, with the post-update hook in place, but it doesn't work. Ie, whether I push from my local develop or master branch, the changes are sent to live (instead of pushing to dev sending changes to staging).

Google search and StackOverflow haven't helped, nor have any of the Git reference sites I've found.

I'm hoping there are some Git experts in the room who can help. I'm happy to compensate you for your time. You can email me directly at

Thank you.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
WOO-HOO!!! I finally figured it out! Thanks to all who offered their help. Turns out, it was a wrong path and a typo in my post-update hook that was screwing the whole thing up. Took me only three days to figure it out! *rolleyes*

If there's ever a Nerds-Of-Terb get-together, I'll buy each one of you a drink!

I've simply avoided git entirely. Good luck.
Why have you been avoiding Git? In favor of another VCS I assume?

I came to git from no VCS at all. Although I find the learning curve quite steep (let alone learning to work with the command line), once I finally figure out how to do what I want to do, it certainly beats FTPing and doing my own sorta version control by copying files on my machine and trying to keep track of all the versions I have of the same file. It also makes trying something new or fixing a bug - without breaking everything - relatively easy.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
Use Git for personal website?? that's an overshoot I think. Unless it's a software project involving many engineers, I see no need for revision control.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
It's one of those things that seems unnecessary until it isn't. Once you get used to using Git or whatever tool it's trivial to use and can be a life saver when you "fix" something and in the process break a bunch of stuff. A very basic but decent intro to Git:
Indeed. I didn't know I needed git until I started using it. Now, after getting used to pushing a bunch of changes with 4 words in the command line, instead of FTPing (and potentially breaking or losing stuff in the process due to a stupid mistake), I couldn't go back. Working with Git also forced me into developing a better, more efficient workflow. Less repeating > more work gets done > more money comes in.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Don't get me wrong - I'm fully in favour of source code repositories, of version control, and of being able to try different things.

But git ain't all that and a box of potato chips.

I've known people who have sworn by in-house version control systems. People who have claimed that CVS was the way to go. Who wouldn't talk to anyone who wasn't using Subversion. Who paid their money for ClearCase. And who have evangelized git.

The right answer, as some indicate above, depends on what you're doing, how interrelated various projects may be, how many people are on the project at any one time, and most importantly the nature of the development work.

Git is a great repository system, and has plenty of adherents today. But there are other great repository systems out there, too, and there are advantages to any particular (reasonable) choice.

But no version control system fully addresses running a sandbox (or even a testing environment) and a production environment on the same system at the same time.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Don't get me wrong - I'm fully in favour of source code repositories, of version control, and of being able to try different things.

But git ain't all that and a box of potato chips.

I've known people who have sworn by in-house version control systems. People who have claimed that CVS was the way to go. Who wouldn't talk to anyone who wasn't using Subversion. Who paid their money for ClearCase. And who have evangelized git.

The right answer, as some indicate above, depends on what you're doing, how interrelated various projects may be, how many people are on the project at any one time, and most importantly the nature of the development work.

Git is a great repository system, and has plenty of adherents today. But there are other great repository systems out there, too, and there are advantages to any particular (reasonable) choice.

But no version control system fully addresses running a sandbox (or even a testing environment) and a production environment on the same system at the same time.
Oh I see.

I never really get on board with people who swear by only one system, applied to all cases. Defies common sense to me.

I started with Git mostly because people who do stuff that I work with are using Git. It just made sense to me to go with Git as well, since it allows me to easily fork/clone what I need.

As for running a sandbox and a production environment on the same system at the same time, I managed to do it fairly painlessly with Git (if you don't take into account the time it took me to find the typo and path error in my code, and my own learning curve using Git). And so far, it works well. At least for what I need it to do.


Active member
Jul 4, 2007
Git is awesome. I've been using Git on a daily basis now for about a year. My team and I found SVN painful for some reason but after we migrated to Git we're all quite happy and our workflow has improved. Glad it's working out for you.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts