La Villa Spa

Need advice on Internet provider


Nov 19, 2002
Hi , I am using AOL and want to change to digital/ high speed.

Aol do not supply high speed to Scarborough area.

1. Anyone using basic bell DSL. The $29.00 monthly one. Can I hook up two or three computer and go on line the same time ???
This DSL serice do not require renting any modem.

Any other good suggestions ??? Hate to pay for rental of modem.

you can PM me if you don't want to post. Thanks


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002

I am on Bell DSL, 44.90 month, yes a 5 GIG download limit, thats quite a bit, as along as you dont download to many 800 mb movies, you should be ok, yes you can hook up 3 computers to the same line, but they will slow down if they are all on at the same time.
DSL is a bit slower than cable but its consistant and in 2 years , I have never had a problem with dsl and service is 24 hours and usually only 5 minutes away unlike cable which says to you, if you dont have service in 2 days call us back and wait online another 3 hours.

service is the key, I have not tried other dsl but a freind had a third party dsl and when she had peoblems, the company and bell both told her to talk to the other company ... run around for 3 weeks.

my 2 cents

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth

Since you use AOHell, I have to assume you are a n00b at this kinda thing. Here's the take:

  • No matter what, do not buy / rent / accept a USB modem, period. Ask for ethernet.
  • You can connect all your machines. To do this, you buy a router. This does two things, by means of Network Address Translation. It translates all traffic from your machines into one IP address - important since most ISP's won't allow your multiple boxen to use the net without it. The more important thing it does is act as your firewall - since it translates all the IP's into something else it stops hackers, who cannot see through this. Being hardware, it has the advantage of not having a vulnerability in the OS and furthermore, all your machines continue to have their band regardless of the status of your array.
  • You will need a network interface card for each machine. You will have to set up TCP / IP on each machine in turn, depending on which router you choose. You will need straight network cable, not crossover. Explain what you are doing in the shop and they will sell you the right kind.

For the most part, configuration is easy - the router will have documentation on how to set its protocols and you access it through a browser. Make sure to write everything down when the ISP visits to hook you up.


New member
Apr 18, 2002
He's Everywhere!
Sympatico is what?

I waited a full month for Bell to get service working. I was billed for that month.

When I moved (essentially next door) I did everything they told me to do. Then nothing worked. This went on for a while. After many phone calls, I found out that they'd changed the DSL modem I could use. Of course, I didn't have the new modem, they did.

My service no longer worked with the old modem.

I asked them to send me a new one. They told me that it would be there the next day.

A week later an empty box arrived. It was a pre-paid shipping box. Evidently, I was supposed to send the old modem back first. Once they received the old modem, they would probably send me the new one. Real soon now.

More phone fun. More promises of next day results. A few days later (yes! improvement) another empty box arrived. Yes, pre-paid shipping. Incidentally, I was within spitting distance of several of their offices (just down the road from Trinity Square) and retail outlets as well.

I spent several more hours on the phone reaming out some unfortunate schmucks -- something I hate doing.

Finally, the new modem arrived.

While marginally faster (the Alcatel modem was 2MB, I didn't get that though) the new modem had a poorer wiring design (meaning I had to run other wires across the room) and disabled my CallerID service on the main phone. Which meant that if you wanted to know who was calling, you had to go to another room to check. Despite the fact that it all worked before moving. They tried to fix it and took extra money for it but to no avail.

Only the fact that someone else in the place was paying for phone service kept me from ripping the whole thing out.

Bell is more than willing to give people the runaround without a third party to blame.
Last edited:


New member
Apr 18, 2002
He's Everywhere!
Re: Re: DSL

nearlynormal said:

... had just amazing service from them.

... I've had their service people in my house twice.

... have really high tech gear so you can't help but be impressed. Very professional.
Not to belabour the point but generally 'very professional' means they lube you before they drill your butt and kiss you afterward.


Prairie Princess
Dec 23, 2002
Your internet service provider

You can get multiple dial-ups, very little down time. Fast downloading/uploading. 'Round the world' experience with the dynamic IP. Static or stagnic is never an issue.

Oh surgar, your talking about the high speed internet providers, I thought you were talking about us. (smile)


Nov 19, 2002
Any winner ?

Thank you very much for the advice.

I cannot stay off line for more than one hour let alone 72 hours.

Any suggestions for DSL supplier that is reliable and fast repair service.
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