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Nazi World?

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
If the Germans won, America would have joined them and started looking at the Russians as the enemy. They would spend the next decades fighting communism around the world but this time with Hitler side by side with a young Nixon.
Arnold Schwarzenegger would have been made eligible to become US president and he'd be serving his 6th term by now.


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Hitler is only a personification of a twisted idea, based on hatred and own superiority. People tend to forget that even when HE died, he never really died if there is a single human on this planet believes he is better than the one beside him in EVERYWAY. In a sense Hitler never dies, and the evidences are all around you, ingrained in the human psyche. The only "winning" over such idiocity is to fight the urge to say out loud, acting out on the selfish belief of ME FIRST, ME BEST and try as best you can to treat others as EQUAL. We will never get rid of the demon, but we can fight on so it can not control and cloud our minds. I'll give you an example of Hitler survival: just look at those TROLLS on Terb, aren't they all sporting a unique mush?


Nov 20, 2006
And here is another tibit for your next Storm Front gathering.
Amateur hour. If you want to have real fun do this.
Ask them if the holocaust was real or a Jewish lie. They will probably say it is a lie.
Ask them if they really believe that Jews are monsters that should be exterminated. They will say yes.
Then ask them why when Hitler controlled half of Europe and was such a hero who knew "the truth"tm that he didn't try something like the holocaust, and wouldn't a lack of a holocaust make Hitler a race traitor.
Then point at them and laugh like Nelson Muntz because they just be pawned.

he never really died if there is a single human on this planet believes he is better than the one beside him in EVERYWAY.
What if you are better than somebody else in every way. It is a regular occurrence when you live in Cornhole Ontario. Also try living on the corner of Crack and Meth in downtown Hamilton.
Racism is just lazy, if you are willing to put in the effort you can usually fine some better person specific reason to hate somebody.

One thing we can be sure of, if Hitler took over the world, the Maple Leafs would still suck.

The more things change...


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Kraftwerk would have been bigger than The Beatles.
What Beatles?! There would have been no rock music. And no long hair. Every guy would have a military haircut and marching band music would be king!


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
... asked if Hitler could have won World War Two. ..
Maybe he (sorta) did ...

OSS, CIA, NASA, Bio-weapons, LSD, mind control experiments, drugs, human experiments, Operation: Paperclip, rockets ... and so on.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Thanks for the reference. Caused me to order the book from Amazon.
It's a 3 book series. IIRC, the first book is "The Coming of the Third Reich" and the 3rd volume is "The Third Reich at War", which is featured on the cheap book rack at The World's Biggest Bookstore this week. Fascinating reading, but prepared to be deeply disturbed by some of the contents.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
I am not jewish,but;
If 15 million Jews control the whole world of 7 billion ,finances,economies,media,gov't, mind thoughts,wars,like everything, all the way back from biblical times, then where do I join up?
That's really amazing stuff.


Aug 6, 2006
I am not jewish,but;
If 15 million Jews control the whole world of 7 billion ,finances,economies,media,gov't, mind thoughts,wars,like everything, all the way back from biblical times, then where do I join up?
That's really amazing stuff.
Start by joining a kibbutz... :D

btw, I trolled you guys with those google links...


Aug 6, 2006
Thanks. I have all 3 on order now. Thanks also for the warning but I have a documentary on the Nazis in which children and women are shown being shot. Just for being Jewish. That was absolutely horrific
What's the name of the documentary?

You can download the PDF version of Evan's book, I have the link if you're interested.


Nov 20, 2006
Diehard, seriously, are you a 10 year old Nazi skinhead?
Does that site look anywhere close to being neutral? Pure racist hate shit.
BTW, 'JEW" is not a nationality. There is no country called Jewland unless you are Borat.
Hey! You don't have to be 10 to be a dumbass. Although it does help to dig that Borat fellow.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
I am not jewish,but;
If 15 million Jews control the whole world of 7 billion ,finances,economies,media,gov't, mind thoughts,wars,like everything, all the way back from biblical times, then where do I join up?
That's really amazing stuff.
I know eh. Why do so many poor and middle-class Americans always complain that the top 1% in America control everything in America?


Nov 20, 2006
At least we known there will be room for rappers in a Nazi world.

Pretty good clip actually. Not just because of the hotness factor.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Hitler is actually a very interesting dude. The thing you have to remember about Hitler is that his idea base was formed in the period 1900-1920. This is well before any modern social sciences took hold on a mass level - i.e sociology, anthropology and psychiatry. And in his day, history wasn't the sociology and economics inspired discipline it is today. Rather it was a nationalistic narrative of kings and heroes and battles. In the context of his period, Hitler was NOT a crazy, drooling maniac. His unorthodoxy was that he espoused an agenda to radically transform his society from the stodgy, monarchist, hidebound world of the 19th Century into his vision of a Teutonic paradise.

One of Hitler's major problems is that his ideas were outmoded in the West by the 1940's as Britain, France and the USA all progressed intellectually into the mid 20th Century while Germany became ideologically frozen in the 1910's. By the 1940's, Nazism was beginning to look quite nutty and repulsive.

So the difficulty in imagining a world where Nazism survives is that you have to imagine a world where every social science development or popular culture norm since 1930 simply hasn't happened.
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