Natural or Implants

which do you prefer

  • Natural

    Votes: 76 90.5%
  • Implants

    Votes: 8 9.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 16, 2002
Across the bridge
Natural !

First of all, the main reason why i don't like implants is because most of them don't even come close to looking like natural breasts.
I don't know if it is the type of procedure or if they just went too big, or if they got a cheap price but they often look horrible.

My opinion is that even small breasts look better than those big fake ones, kind of the way a bald guy looks better than one wearing a rug on his head.

As far as penis size goes, yes most men would prefer to have a large one, but too big is not good either as told to me by numerous women.

I guess my point is that if implants looked natural, they wouldn't be so bad but that is the exeption rather than the rule.

And Sasha, i wish i could have gotten the opportunity to see you with small breasts-no bra-and a little shirt, i bet you looked sexy as hell.

just my 2 cents


New member
Nov 12, 2002
Liquid space
Does not matter

First of all I would consider myself a breast man, I don't care wether they are real or not because in order for me to even get that far the lady had better have 3 important things (for me anyway). 1. a great smile and contrary to popular belief you do not need perfect teeth to have a nice smile. 2.nice eyes(this is subject to interpertation). 3. Last but not least she has to have a good personality(again YOMV). My point is women are putting more pressure on themselves then they need to. The portrait of the ideal women is a joke, look at all the escorts who make a living in this business and all the different shapes, sizes, and age groups that they come in and you soon realize that there is no such thing as the ideal figure as far as men are concerned. Men are concerned with sleeping with women period. Women are concerned with the rest. Kathaleen, Sasha ,Diane, Jenn, are all very attractive for different reasons and those who are fortunate enough to have partaken are truly lucky. So did I even answer the original


Dec 24, 2002
My own personal take on this is if they are done right, not to the extreme, and make a women feel more sexy go for it.
My own comparison is at a very young age i started to loss my hair. It made me feel very uncomfortable and very self consious. Made my mind up one day to shave my head bald and i have to say made a world od difference. Kind of a similar situation.


New member
Jan 25, 2003
Natural is great

I voted for natural

Why do you ladies want to put yourselves in danger of possible infection, implant ruptures, possible cancer, etc, etc....

I have heard some serious risks of having boob job, I already had few surgery(not a plastic) and hate my scars with passion

I rather have smaller breast then pay $7000 for another scar and risks.

Always, Kyoko


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
I don't care...

There should be another choice: I don't care.

For my personal taste, I'm not concerned whether they are real or fake. I am more interested in whether they are well-shaped and in proportion to the woman's body.

From the woman's point-of-view I think that it's not really a great idea to get implants unless she's really unhappy with how she looks. It's a major surgical procedure and has associated risks. Why take all that on unless there's a really good reason.



senior member
Aug 18, 2001

I voted "natural" only because breasts really are'nt the contributing factor to my attraction to a lady!
I love a beautiful smile, beautiful eyes,beautiful hair and a great tush! nothin like a hot tush in a nice tight pair of hip huggers! lol

I'm not against implants at all! if it's going make a lady feel better about herself,all the power to her! just don't get them so big they look like they are going to burst!! lol
IMHO I think Sasha and Kats implants look fantastic!!! they picked the proper size for their body type! like I said nothing worse than the bursting look! lol

You guys have no idea has uncomfortable it is walking around in a Tshirt, when you have small breast knowing its the first thing a guy is looking at, and judging me on. Does that make more sense?
I feel for ya Kat! but believe me! not all of us men stare at the breasts first!! *wink*

the only thing that i worry about is .....simply what happens if you have a lump and they cant feel it, see it...due to implants?
LFL makes a good point here! are there complications in check ups due to implants???
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Stung with Desire!
Jul 22, 2002
If anybody out there uses Microsoft Excel you'll see that this arguement is similar to a "Circular Reference Error". For those that don't understand its like having 2 formulas:

A + B = C where B = C - A. You can't get a solution to this.

This argurement is the same in that we almost all like natural better but the ideal breast size and shape that we want and we've all bought into (established by Movies, TV, Magazines, Porn, etc.) is incredibly rare in nature.

In the summer time when the clothing reveals more we do check out women's breasts as they walk by (thank god for dark sunglasses). As men, we do judge women initially by their breast size. The psychologists would probably think it is due to us looking for a women who is, how we may say, more capable of nuturing our offspring because she is more well equipped. So, women we are sexually attracted to have larger breasts (to a certain size - too large is too large) and the women with smaller breasts are less attractive to us initially. Can't blame a woman getting them done to feel attractive if we are the root cause of making them feel unattractive.

You should try a poll on the best size regardless of natural or enhanced then try to find out how many "natural" women fit into each category and I'd bet there would be little correlation.

Yes, I voted natural because a bad enhacement can be much worse than small or unshapely naturals.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
The only complications I know of as far as checkups are concerned is that you must have a mammogram done byt a person who is trained in performing the procedure on women with implants. There is chance of rupture if not done properly but if the implant ruptures during a mammogram it was likely going to rupture in a matter of time anyway.

In regards to increased risk of cancer, saline implants do not increase your risk for breast cancer at all if filled properly. Silicone may increase the risk if they rupture or leak.

As for the concern of not feeling a lump if there was one I don't see how anyone could come to that conclusion unless they really don't have a clue how the surgery is performed. The implant is placed UNDER the breast tissue in all cases, sometimes it is also placed under the pectoral muscle as well to give a more natural looking shape and feel when there is minimal natural breast tissue to "cover" the implant. So with that said the natural breast tissue is ALWAYS the first thing you can feel, if you can't feel a lump with the implant in place, you likely wouldn't have felt it without the implant either.

Kyo, I can only assume that you have no idea what it feels like to go through life with nearly non-existent breasts. As Kat and I have both said, if we had been even one cup size larger (or even had a cup size for that matter) we would not have bothered with surgery, but when you have incidents where people are not sure if you are male or female without seeing your face first it is a BIG problem, and that is an inadequacy you could never understand.

It is all a mattter of personal choice and as I mentioned if you don't like fake that is fine, but don't judge or criticize those who have made the decision. It was our decision to make and unless you are in the same situation you could never know how if feels to be faced with that decision in the first place.
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C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I voted for fake, because implants make the world a much better place. For a given size, natural is probably better, but the chance of a woman having my ideal proportions naturally is pretty remote. There is actually a legally largest allowed size in Canada, for political correctness reasons. It is 700cc. You can get larger, it is just a little more effort. Of the many women I know with implants, half are happy with the size they chose, half wish they had gone larger, and none wish they had gone smaller. For me, even bad fakes are better than small. As always, it is a matter of individual preference.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Sasha Jones said:

If given the chance to do it again I would, in a heartbeat.
At the end of the day that is all that matters .


New member
Jan 8, 2003


I'd rather be Boating
Jun 12, 2002
My Boat

Why dont you stat a new thread. Every ones tastes are different.
Much like the conversation here there is no right or wrong way to approach this. There are no Best Natural "Breasts" Go and investigate this and decide.


Engorged Member!
Jan 31, 2003
Niagara Falls
Re: Natural--one caveat...

The exception to au natural is: NO FRIED EGG or FLAPJACKS--pump those puppies up, but not TOO much, please.
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