This was horrible, went for an Hour massage. Reached at location. Messaged I am here. She walks out of her place and starts smoking and asks me to wait. Looked total mess and felt like she was asleep and just woke up. Messy hair, messy Jeans. Walked into her place totaly mess again. Empty room with a massage tabel with a who knows how old sheet over it.
Massage started and it was barely her even touching my body and sliding hands over, no pressure only baby oils all over me. Kept yawning all throughout. Turned around she starts to give HE with again lot of baby oil and she was going crazy with HE. Felt like she was gonna rip my cock of my body. Finished HE and guess what no towels, No wipes no Bathroom to clean up. Had to use my shirt for cleanup and left.
She has added FS to her menu now. But dont want to risk it again.
She has a decent body,boobs, face and ass. She could do better If she quits stuff.