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NASA chief supports Rossi E-Cat but says its Not Cold Fusion


New member
Sep 22, 2004
North America

Dennis Bushnell is a Chief scientist at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. He is also an inventor, author, and has been a consultant to countless government and military agencies. A few of these include the DOD, Air Force, DARPA, and the NRC. To read a more complete summary of his background, a good review can be found here. Recently, he was interviewed during an EV World podcast.

During the show, he addressed what he called "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions" as being the most interesting and promising alternative energy technology being developed. In fact, it was first on his list, ahead of salt water agriculture, cyanobacteria, energy conservation, geothermal power, nano-plastic solar panels, solar thermal concentrators, and high altitude wind power.

"The most interesting and promising [technology sector] at this point ... [is] low energy nuclear reactions."

Bushnell went on to say that LENR technology could potentially solve all of our energy and climate problems. He stated the technology could be used for any application, including to power rockets for space travel. It is quite refreshing to hear such positive statements, in support of cold fusion, from a mainstream, credible, and respected scientist!

Actually, I cannot think of any other scientist off the top of my head, that I would have rather made a statement in support of LENR (cold fusion). His extensive scientific background, career history, and status as a Chief NASA scientist make his supportive statements very significant. Hopefully, they will inspire other scientists to take LENR research seriously! I would like to hear a naysayer like Bob Park (who has attacked cold fusion researchers for 20 years) try to criticize him for his comments.

During the interview, Bushnell specifically mentioned Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) technology, and seemed very supportive of it. He reviewed the tests that have been performed and the large amount of excess heat produced. At one point he made a remark scientists across the world should notice...

"I think we are almost over the "we do not understand it" problem. I think we are almost over the "this does not produce anything useful" problem. I think this will go forward fairly rapidly now. If it does, this is capable of, by itself, completely changing geo-economics, geo-politics, and solving climate issues."...

Read the entire article:

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
As I stated in the original post on this topic, the scientific response is what it should be - skepticism - until the proof is made available.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
North America
As I stated in the original post on this topic, the scientific response is what it should be - skepticism - until the proof is made available.
There will always be skeptics to just about anything new and different. But in this case skeptics who are highly credible scientists are gradually being converted to believers. Don't expect Rossi et al to come right out with a detailed "proof" given that the Powers That Be (Big Oil, Big Energy etc.) would crush him in an instant if they could.
Please also note that even for the Deuterium/Platinum cold fusion, and as shown in the 60 Minutes coverage, an eminent physicist who was among those who discredited this in 1989, has now done a turn about.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
There will always be skeptics to just about anything new and different. But in this case skeptics who are highly credible scientists are gradually being converted to believers. Don't expect Rossi et al to come right out with a detailed "proof" given that the Powers That Be (Big Oil, Big Energy etc.) would crush him in an instant if they could.
I think the "proof" could be merely a reasonably detailed account of the setup
of the fusion experiment. Such requirement applies to all publications of
academic research in refereed journals. You cannot publish a report of, for instance,
an organic synthesis of a chemical of interest without providing the information
needed by other researchers to duplicate your results which in this case would
be an outline of the procedure to complete the synthesis. If Rossi for whatever reason
wants to withhold such information it is only natural for other researchers to
be skeptical.

As for the threat from the power that be I can speak from my own
experience as a research scientist. I was once involved in research
projects partially funded by the big oil. The major restriction I faced was that
my boss could not publish the work without the permission of the funding
agency. I also had a brush with an ex-Exxon-Mobile scientist who later turned to
alternative energy research after his move to a major school. I can tell you if
my works in turning water into diesel fuel ever shows any sign of hope
the last thing I have to worry about is Exxon sending in an assassin to
destroy my works preemptively. I am glad I am living in a free and safe world.
I can surely publish my findings that could bankrupt the big oil without fears
of any retribution.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
North America
I think the "proof" could be merely a reasonably detailed account of the setup
of the fusion experiment. Such requirement applies to all publications of
academic research in refereed journals. You cannot publish a report of, for instance,
an organic synthesis of a chemical of interest without providing the information
needed by other researchers to duplicate your results which in this case would
be an outline of the procedure to complete the synthesis. If Rossi for whatever reason
wants to withhold such information it is only natural for other researchers to
be skeptical.

As for the threat from the power that be I can speak from my own
experience as a research scientist. I was once involved in research
projects partially funded by the big oil. The major restriction I faced was that
my boss could not publish the work without the permission of the funding
agency. I also had a brush with an ex-Exxon-Mobile scientist who later turned to
alternative energy research after his move to a major school. I can tell you if
my works in turning water into diesel fuel ever shows any sign of hope
the last thing I have to worry about is Exxon sending in an assassin to
destroy my works preemptively. I am glad I am living in a free and safe world.
I can surely publish my findings that could bankrupt the big oil without fears
of any retribution.
Sorry, but if big oil and its obscene profits feel threatened they could and probably would make life very difficult for Rossi. And Rossi has given a reasonably detailed account but info on his catalyst has yet to be revealed.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Amazing that respected scientist fail to notice the difference between chemistry and physics.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Sorry, but if big oil and its obscene profits feel threatened they could and probably would make life very difficult for Rossi. And Rossi has given a reasonably detailed account but info on his catalyst has yet to be revealed.
There is trillions to be made from cold fusion if it works

Every big oil company would be fighting to be the first to profit from it instead of suppressing it

As well, there will always be nut bars who claim conspiracy but neither Rossi nor any other scientist has come out and claimed conspiracy

Also, such a conspiracy would involve international governments that hate each other along with their scientists. Why would China agree to such a conspiracy ? ( I use this same argument to debunk UFOs)


Active member
May 3, 2006
How to Prove that the Rossi/Focardi eCAT LENR is Real

A new "Cold Fusion" device was demonstrated at the University of Bologna, Italy on Jan 15, 2011. Unlike the Pons and Fleischmann setup, which uses Palladium and Deuterium and can take months to perform an experiment, the Rossi/Focardi eCAT uses Hydrogen and Nickel, produces large amounts of power (more than 10kW), and can be turned on and off on command.

Several experiments have been performed : One in December 2010 by a panel of independent scientists (led by prof Levi), one in January 2011, attended by the same scientists and invited press, and one in February 2011 attended only by Levi, and for which a formal report has not been issued. An experiment was conducted in March 2011, by Kullander and Essén. Two experiments were conducted by Mats Lewan in April.

This paper attempts to prove that the Rossi/Focardi device is real, by ruling out all known fakes. For any particular fake the total energy and run-time is computed, assuming that the ENTIRE unknown volume is occupied by the fake material, and that its conversion to heat energy is 100% efficient. If the fake could run LONGER than the experiment, then it is NOT eliminated. If the fake would run out of fuel before the end of the experiment, then the fake is eliminated.

If ALL known fakes are eliminated, then the device must be real.

The December/January experiments were too short to rule out ANY of these theoretical fakes. But if Levi's informal reports on the February trial are accepted, then ALL chemical fakes are eliminated. However, neither the January or February reports rule out a Tarallo Water Diversion Fake.

The March report probably rules out a Tarallo fake -- but since the Horizontal arm was NOT unwrapped, it does NOT rule out all chemical fakes.

Two new tests were run in April. These definitely rule out a Tarallo fake. The experimental setup was adequate, but since the eCat was NOT unwrapped the time of the run was NOT long enough to rule out ANY of the chemical fakes. (Only some of the stored-heat fakes are eliminated).

At present EVERY known fake has been eliminated by at least ONE of the experiments, but the Rossi eCat has NOT been proven to be real by any ONE experiment. Some will argue that this means it's real, while others will argue that it could still be fake.

It must, however be noted that Rossi made the "Calorimetric Black Box" eCAT available without any restrictions (other than the use of radioactive spectral detectors), so the lack of proof is due to defects in the observers instruments or techniques, not due to his attempt to conceal anything.

An Italian patent has been issued : Patent granted for the energy catalyzer. World-wide and US patents are reportedly still being pursued.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
North America
There is trillions to be made from cold fusion if it works

Every big oil company would be fighting to be the first to profit from it instead of suppressing it

As well, there will always be nut bars who claim conspiracy but neither Rossi nor any other scientist has come out and claimed conspiracy

Also, such a conspiracy would involve international governments that hate each other along with their scientists. Why would China agree to such a conspiracy ? ( I use this same argument to debunk UFOs)
Tell some big oil company executive that he now has to do an entire switching of gears from a technology, namely oil, that he knows how to manage profitably, to some upstart like cold fusion where the profit margin per unit of energy is drastically less. See how happy he will be to make the switch when it might be much easier to use his considerable power to just suppress the new technology.

So called "nut bars" have been correct in the past when there have been conspiracies. Rossi would be a fool to claim conspiracy and I'm sure he knows it. His very careful actions speak louder than any words he could say.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
There is trillions to be made from cold fusion if it works

Every big oil company would be fighting to be the first to profit from it instead of suppressing it

As well, there will always be nut bars who claim conspiracy but neither Rossi nor any other scientist has come out and claimed conspiracy

Also, such a conspiracy would involve international governments that hate each other along with their scientists. Why would China agree to such a conspiracy ? ( I use this same argument to debunk UFOs)
How does that debunk UFOs?

If a UFO contacts one nation (or there's a discovery from a crash, etc.), why would they share that info with others when the knowledge that they can garner could be of enormous strategic importance?

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
How does that debunk UFOs?

If a UFO contacts one nation (or there's a discovery from a crash, etc.), why would they share that info with others when the knowledge that they can garner could be of enormous strategic importance?
So the aliens came from across the universe to talk only to the USA?

Alternatively, if UFO was discovered by a crash only the USA has discovered a crash?

What are the odds ?

One of the most famous "crashes" occurred in Nova Scotia. England has a famous crash as well as other countries

I cannot see a cover up even in the extreme unlikelihood only the USA has evidence of a crash

Way too many people involved

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Tell some big oil company executive that he now has to do an entire switching of gears from a technology, namely oil, that he knows how to manage profitably, to some upstart like cold fusion where the profit margin per unit of energy is drastically less. See how happy he will be to make the switch when it might be much easier to use his considerable power to just suppress the new technology.

So called "nut bars" have been correct in the past when there have been conspiracies. Rossi would be a fool to claim conspiracy and I'm sure he knows it. His very careful actions speak louder than any words he could say.
What conspiracies ? What nutbars ? We are not talking illegal acts of war here or a hanging "chad"

Neither Rossi or any other scientist is afraid of being killed by big oil, you read to many conspiracy stories

Also, Japan and China have brilliant scientists and have no reason not to use cold fusion as they are major importers of oil


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
So the aliens came from across the universe to talk only to the USA?

Alternatively, if UFO was discovered by a crash only the USA has discovered a crash?

What are the odds ?

One of the most famous "crashes" occurred in Nova Scotia. England has a famous crash as well as other countries

I cannot see a cover up even in the extreme unlikelihood only the USA has evidence of a crash

Way too many people involved

I never said that the UFO phenomenon is exclusive to one nation.

Each nation has it's own secrets relevant to protect their own interests.

A cover-up isn't necessarily a conspiracy. When you're in the military (at least in the USA), you waive your rights as a condition for the government to keep matters secret. That's not a conspiracy. It's called classified information or maintaining national security. The number of people working or involved is irrelevant and has nothing to do with debunking conspiracies in those circumstances. It's not gossip for crying out loud.

Otherwise there would be Area 51 employees on talk shows.

Anyhow, I'm not sure what you meant by conspiracy regarding cold fusion but I don't see any signs of one. Oil companies would wait for such experiments to be proven conclusively or patented, and then they would buy the patent rights or buy off the scientist asap like any commercial transaction. But they're not going to spend a nickel if it's bullshit.
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