Billy Gray, Bud in Father Knows Best?hint: famous teen from the 50s
Damn, I feel old.
Billy Gray, Bud in Father Knows Best?hint: famous teen from the 50s
Ha ha ha Abe "Fish" Vigoda still going strong at 91 years young even though he's famously been reported deceased several times.
Damn Schumacher's looking old.....Hint: 7 races, 7 first place finishes
LOL!, correct!Damn Schumacher's looking old.....
Hang on, wrong racing medium. Thart would make it Mark Spitz
hint: people often confuse him with a famous rocker from the 50s
noperafterman said:Ha ha ha "Don't do the crime if you can't to the time".
Robert Blake aka Baretta who, in his later years, acquired notoriety in a high profile Hollywood trial in which he was acquitted of the murder of his groupie, scammer wife Bonnie Lee Bakley.
correctBilly Gray, Bud in Father Knows Best?
Damn, I feel old.