Naked Woman on Beach


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
This is an interesting thread - especially since this is being posted on a escort review forum.

This forums which among other things talks about which escorts allow visits to the Greek Islands, which escorts swallow, which escorts allow someone to spray their faces with their seed, which escort allow multiple "shots on goal", which escorts allow a hard pounding -- I think you get the picture...

Oh of course you share all this with your family members.

Let's not impose our morality on others.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Had your female counterpart called the police and mentioned it was a guy nude on a non clothing optional beach,

all the Kings horses and all the Kings men would have responded urgently to dismantle him.

Same principle as if you have a house break in.

If you call in and you were robbed, the robber got away and your life is not threatened, wait several hours or even days.

If you say you killed or injured the intruder, they'll be there in a jiffy to arrest you.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
oh noes! the problems of North America!

its just nudity.. weren't having public sex or something right? relax buddy! i bet your wife would be more horrified with your secret life on TERB xDD

you sound like an uptight guy who needs to loosen up... name of beach withheld? are you afraid we'll hunt those girls down? or strip naked there ourselves? xDD


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Kids or not my camera on the phone would have been busy
Just to document the incident for the police. You couldn't expect the police to act without at least a few hundred pictures worth of evidence. It's your civic duty.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
My personal opinion is "why does this never happen to me?"

But seriously,

Topless is no big deal imho.

Bottomless, well, if the beach in question is not a nude beach, the Russian Poutana should respect the law. (More power to her if she tries to get the zoning ammended to allow a nude beach). But in the mean time, if it's NOT a nude beach - which I suspect is the case, despite the OP (for some god knows why reason) refusing to name the beach.

Respect the law, if you don't like the law, then work to get it changed.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
The smart thing would have been to tackle and hold them while someone called 911.
While waiting, cover their bodies with yours so other people wouldn't see them.


Well-known member
If she had no problem with her nudity, my "natural state" of a raging hard on and big grin should not be an issue either.I hate the term naturalist.If you want to be nude and state it's a normal natural thing.Please go ahead......but my playing with my tally whacker and staring at your tits is also a natural state.I got over your should get over mine.

If I were at a beach(non nudist) and my children were there and some guy or gal stripped down to nothing and then snidely stated"It's natural.why are you making your kids ashamed of their bodies?".I'd quietly pack up the kids and drive them away.I'd then come back.....and piss on one side of this person......and then shit on the other.If female, i might even get a few strokes off for good measure .I'd then explain my worries about the children being ashamed of their normal, natural bodily's all about shame after all.


Apr 24, 2005
Some interesting viewpoints from our TERBIEs. In hindsight, I suspect the young lady simply forgot she was bottomless when she decided to get up and take her empty water bottles to the recycling bin.

I am a bit surprised that a lifeguard's job description does not include ensuring all beachgoers are properly attired:hand:.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
I understood that full nudity was ok legally, as long as people were not using the nudity to promote. It would be against the law for girls to stand outside a strip joint nude and put on a show to bring in customers.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Eh? That's called anarchy, and it's not generally regarded as "better" than - say - modern canada.

This world really would be a better place, though, if we (and the government) made it our number-one aim to treat everyone fairly, and always with dignity and respect. Simple concept - but No.1. Everything else is secondary.

The reason we have nudity laws is that folks like Rocky feel embarrassed when their kids see nude people. There is no other reason. Seeing a nude person obviously does no harm to the child.

But we gotta have nudity laws. Not even terbites think nudity should be legal everywhere, in our society. It does seem like a good solution to ban nudity in general, but to have designated areas. It really wouldn't do for us to be faced with nude people on the train, in church, in parliament, etc, etc.
We don't 'gotta' have nudity laws. We 'gotta' sort out and agree—mostly—on how we behave when together. Everybody just doing their own thing with no regard for anyone else is just too painful and messy, but manners and conformity generally handle that. We do gotta have laws against the dangers of causing needless pain and destruction, but we don't need to stretch them into laws of polite behaviour.

We truly need laws with penalties only when precise limits and physical enforcement are required to bring the neanderthals who don't understand anything but force into line. And of course some of those un-evolved types will become lawmakers and making laws because forcing their views—or dress codes—is "righteous" and force is the only debate they understand.

As to public nudity: Times and attitudes always change and I think Rockslinger was a tad behind the wave these women were riding. No harm was done, and that's why attitudes have progressed from the days when men were arrested for going topless. The only laws we need on the matter are the ones against interference with people because of how they're dressed, or not dressed. The polite exchange Rockslinger and the women had was the appropriate way to resolve it, and it was productive, even if no one got everything they wanted. Everyone did get a measure of respect for their views, and they did compromise to stay on the beach together.

That's life.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
What he said

We were born naked Rock..I really don't see a big deal here. Kids are not going to get "messed up" because they see a nude person, they are going to get "messed up" because adults make a big deal about being naked, and run to authorities. Adults make a big deal about this, and kids now think there is something wrong with the naked human body, and become "ashamed" if some other kid sees them without clothes.
What beach was this...I like the idea of nude Russian women!

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
I understood that full nudity was ok legally, as long as people were not using the nudity to promote. It would be against the law for girls to stand outside a strip joint nude and put on a show to bring in customers.
I think that's for topless only, it can't be in a sexual setting.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
You are becoming an old fart.
+1 . You were offended ? Were your sister's kids shocked or somehow scarred for life ?

Good thing you had your lesbo detector turned on or you might have gotten excited. :eyebrows:
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