Cardinal Fang said:
What a wonderfully myopic view of the world you have. You choose to be a citizen of the U.S. rather than a citizen of the human race. Your talk of freedom and democracy only pertain to those ideals that directly affect you. The rest of the world can go to hell. I guess it's about "do as I say and not as I do."
Myopic? i have to look up that one in the dictionary, but i can guess the meaning of it.
American foreign policy for the most part is neither vicious nor mean spirited. Have we always done the right thing? No, but that is easy to judge in retrospect.
We give billions in foreign aid. We are always the first on site, when help is needed. See the Tsunami relief effort as a late example.
what do we get in return? we are characterized as stupid, primitive,gun loving,uneducated and narrwow minded.
Sooner or late i get sick and tired of being hit over the head because I am an American.
Hey you want us to stop meddling in other peoples affairs? No problem here.
All to often we are the cash cow for all the problems in the world.As long as we pay we are allright, but god forbid we have our own opinions or problems. People love our money, but hate our guts.
To those I say, hey get up and take care of your own problems.