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My keto diet for y'all


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
This is the reason I dont do keto because eating fat quickly adds up calories and the portion sizes are too low for me which leaves me hungry all day.
That would be frustrating being hungry. I don't count calories anymore and eat according to when I should eat. I really don't get hungry. I noticed the hunger my first time doing keto. I could not fulfill that hunger even constantly stuffing my face with keto food, until a month or 2 had past. I questioned if it even was working. After 6 months I went from 210 to 190. Then I put it back on over the same time period lol


Making your life special
Nov 6, 2023
I tend to have higher protein levels and shoot for a gram a pound. Haven't noticed any reduction but then again I don't track key tone levels nor do I track my intake percentages. I used to track through an app but once you get into the eating habit it becomes rather easy.
It kicks me out when I go over 30% 😭😭😭

But still, low carbs high protein is another good way to lose weight.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
The stripes and the scale. I will gain about 2lbs in one night. Carbs retains water.

I suspect you might not be in keto anymore with your protein counts...

There is a 48hrs of delay with the stripes. Those are 8$ and works.

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I see. I keep things simple. I find the more things become complicated and labourius the less interested I become in doing it. As long as I'm seeing loss week to week and a reduction in inflammation and pain I dont have the need to test and watch my macros.

This week has been out of sorts since I moved. Eating more pecans(alot Costco has a kilo bag for $16) this week which due to convenience.
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
You can buy ketone test strips and a meter. I have one. The test strips are insanely expensive though.

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View attachment 322050
I've heard of the strips. I get people want to know if they are in ketosis. Id rather not spend the money when ultimately it's my body's results on being keto which measures success. Inflammation and weight loss is why I do it. Morso inflammation.
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Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
Weigh in on day 6 at 219. I was 221 but I naturally flucuate .If I get to 215 that would mean it is working.
I cannot remember last time I saw 215

Keto sticks turn red in urine but can go to deep purple indicating stronger ketosis but seem stuck at same colour.

I feel normal so all seems good but I want the keto sticks to get purple
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Weigh in on day 6 at 219. I was 221.

Keto sticks turn red in urine but can go to deep purple indicating stronger ketosis but seem stuck at same colour.

I feel normal so all seems good but I want the keto sticks to get purple
Good man. Have you had the flu like symptoms yet?


Nun on the streets and a feak in the sheets
Sep 24, 2015
Can-Am Girl
I have started one and if Terbites wanna follow my progress I will post updates

I started 4 days ago

I bought some keto sticks that tell you if you are burning ketones which is the whole idea

To day they started turning red which tells me diet is working as it takes 4 days to start so time to do daily weigh ins

All I do is count net carbs IE total carbs - fibre. I want to keep net carbs down to 20 gm per day.
althought to start so low may result in "keto flu" but I have not experienced it so all is good.

So, I am off and running

I feel good about this because OHIP will pay you to see a keto MD but it all seems so easy I will try it on my own

It is easy as you can get all the info you want about what foods have carbs on the net

So far, for food I have fried a lot of spinach , that removes the water and makes it wilt, combined with fried mushrooms

with chicken and mozzarella cheese

I have bought red fish and they go well with asparagus

I have baby greens and tuna sald with olive oil dressing

I also have red meats and carb friendly nuts .

I bought a bourbon chicken and sprouts and brocolli dish from the oriental kitchen at the mall.
I passed on the noodles

When I get tired of that food the net has keto recipes

You never go hungry as you can eat as needed but that does not mean you eat all you want.
Just eat enough so you are not hungry as excess protein will be stored as fat

Have u tried the dr.stkins diet?
He's the originator of all ketone diets.
Me n my dad did it years ago and the recipes were great. Mostly protein with a cup of salad and carbs. It's gotta be mostly protein if u wanna get ur body into ketosis n lose weight, but body still needs carbs n veggies. Atkins diet was the best diet I've ever tried, with the south beach diet coming in second.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The problem is all diets will fail if you can only do them temporarily. Once you are off, your weight will find its way back home. One needs a lifestyle change, a nutrition/exercise plan that can be stuck to day in and day out with the occasional cheat day or weekend to get your junk food cravings out of the way. Everyone needs a little food porn now and then but after that day or weekend back to the nutrition plan which should be low-calorie high-volume food that one enjoys. Also never compromise long-term health because that day comes up fast. Veggies, fruit and lean protein are your friends.


Active member
Nov 6, 2011
Pure protein and real veggies in the evening...real fruit in small serving every meal..add variety every week...will hold you all next day.

Weights first thing in morning, starts the losing process.

Lotsa' coffee.

Oh, ya, and no unnatural food, only hunter gatherer and nothing with an ingredients list.

More prep time required, but can be an enjoyable part of your day..
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Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
Good man. Have you had the flu like symptoms yet?
Some diarrhea but that is all

By the end of day six I lost another pound in one day to 218


Like I said, my weight naturally flucuates so 215 is the magic number as I cannot remember last time I was 215

All I do is not eat carbs . Just google and ask is this food keto friendly

I will keep you updated as long as there is interest

I want to get off this diet as I do not belive it is healthy but a few weeks should be fine
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Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
This morning I am down to 2016.5 pounds

I am losing over a pound per day

This is crazy

I weigh after shower so clothing is not involved

At most I was thinking 3 pounds a week but closer to 2

I bought a quality digital scale

Must be water loss or something as body will not sustain this weight loss


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
This morning I am down to 2016.5 pounds

I am losing over a pound per day

This is crazy

I weigh after shower so clothing is not involved

At most I was thinking 3 pounds a week but closer to 2

I bought a quality digital scale

Must be water loss or something as body will not sustain this weight loss
Eating very little carbs will cause water loss. I am going to assume you are also taking in fewer calories as opposed to prior to your diet. If you succeed which I suspect you will and reach the 214 and return to your routine pre-diet, you will gain it back.
Apr 12, 2017
Eating very little carbs will cause water loss. I am going to assume you are also taking in fewer calories as opposed to prior to your diet. If you succeed which I suspect you will and reach the 214 and return to your routine pre-diet, you will gain it back.
I agree, the biggest initial drop will come from water due to less carbs and less water being stored. The pounds lost should start to be less as you move forward also as your body adjusts to less calories.
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