
My erotic Ottawa Tour #1- Barbarella's


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Found myself in Ottawa a couple weeks ago , and as I was only there for 2 days, had to cram in a lot. Fist stop was Barbarella's. Good location DT near lots of hotels etc. Nice place, not too big and lots of pretty girls, many with natural bodies. Unfortunately, on this Tuesday night, girls outnumbered customers 2:1, so I was not left for a moments peace, to get my bearings and have a beer and plan my LD strategy. Every 5 min, girl comes up asking for dances. Eventually I settle on a tall, superlonglegged slim french canadian with shoulder lenght curly blonde hair (help me wiht the name, I forgot) Quite private VIP, with lots of potential. DAncer very friendly, and very talkative. Good contact LD's, nothing more. I left, happy (yet not satisfied) with a lighter wallet.


New member
Apr 15, 2007
Been to Barbarellas many, many times when I am in Ottawa on business as I stay at the Delta across the street and its kinda hard to miss. According to the ladies, the crowd really varies depending on when payday is, but it usually gets busier from 10-1 am most evenings. I've certainly "invested" a lot of money there. Very friendly ladies for the most part who are willing to sit and talk when its not too busy and they aren't losing money sitting around, and even then they have on occasion come back to hang out with me. I have some great sensual dances from some of the ladies with Lea (also known as Leia) being my absolute favorite, but I have also had good dances from Maude, Veronica, and Kelly. Also have been offered extras by a few other ladies, and was propositioned once to follow me back to the hotel by a VERY young looking dancer (not my style) but that's the exception not the rule. Helluva lot more fun than sitting in the hotel watching reruns on TV.


New member
Apr 13, 2006
Have only been in a few of the Ottawa SCs and used to be a Bare Fax fan when I lived in the city. But on recent visits have become quite fond of Barb's. Very relaxed, and some very beautiful -- occasionally incredible -- dancers. Have had some superior mileage. On a recent visit one dancer left me aching, literally, as I whimpered my way back to my hotel. I've also had Kubrick's experience, though I was offered a duo! Decided the prudent thing was to decline but, damn, maybe I needed my head examined. Yes defintiely easy to leave with a lighter wallet, wondering if you could have spent the $ more -- er -- productively. But I've found Barb's dancers on the whole to be real and fun to be with so really can't complain about the entertainment value.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
The value is great inside the club with all the lovelies. I dont beleive their take out prices are realistic and they must think most dudes are made of money !!
If you want an SP just get one and save yourself a few bucks. ;)


New member
Apr 15, 2007
I've spent a ton of money at Barb's. Last December was the first time in over20 years I had been in a SC. No, I'm not kidding -- last time I was in a SC was at Jason's in Windsor back in the mid 80s. As I said in an earlier post on another topic, I'm a "lightweight" on these sorts of things. I had been coming to Ottawa on business, staying at the Delta, for almost a year before building up enough courage to walk in to Barb's. Never heard of the Champagne Room until Lea introduced me and, boy, was that ever culture shock (smile). I remember walking out of Barb's that night with the biggest smile on my face I've had in a long time. I am now in town once a month for a few days and spend most evenings over there.
Virtually every lady I have met is friendly and most are quite attractive, but you can go through a lot of money fast if you have an extended CR visit. I probably spent over $1000 during my last three-day visit just on drinks for the ladies and CR dances. ns-kid and jp so hot, what kind of prices were you quoted for take out, if you dont mind me asking? When I was propositioned, I politely said no thanks without even talking money, but I didn't know that was so available.

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Lol not to worry KF. I have been taking up the slack for 30 odd years in a few countries. While Barb's is not the classiest in the world, it has a charm I really like. Jo Jo is the absolute worst though. She's the hot Shooter Girl who likes to talk and drink... As for CRs, its the first I went too. Back in the 80's when the DJ was where the candy machine is.

That said, it's not the highest milage place in town... Or at least that is what my dancers tell me I should think. Some of which have told me they would happily knock me about to prove! There are a few that do and no I don't know their names, but one does hear things at 2 am hahaha!

I have also dropped more than my fair share of the Canadian GDP there and loved every second of it. Life will and has caught up to me on that score. Oh well, I am off to say my goodbyes tonight and a few other nights.

Sorry though Leah, Lea or what ever name the tiny, muscular blond calls herslf. While she is very nice, she plays for the other team and it's always funny to see guys try and bring her back. She is proly the hardest dancer there by a large margin. Really nice to get to know though.

One thing I am not a fan of though is the increase of "managers" that show up at 2 AM. To bad there are soo many preditors out there, so many of the ladies there deserve much better a life, i.e. working for themselves.

Guess 30 years is enough?

Shout out to Tyler, Mak, Olivia, Jemma, Kelly, Gigi, Leaha, Summer, Star, Steph, Mode, The Cambodian Family , Jo Jo, Dragona and The Staff. Oh and John for only banning me once! And to those I can't remeber their names, does not mean I don't for get the times... :D
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New member
Apr 15, 2007
Lurker --

I think I know Jo Jo -- she has a cute figure, and she is pretty funny, but she is pretty blunt about things. In fact, the very first time I went in and sat down (scared to death, of course), she was the first person to walk up to me with the usual question ... "Shooter?" Hell, I didn't even know what a shooter was, or what a shooter girl was -- I figured she was the cocktail waitress, so I said I wanted a scotch and water. Definitely wrong answer (smile). Her response, "SHOOTER??" She ended up being nice and finding the cocktail waitress, but nobody in Canda seems to know what a scotch and water is -- I ended up with 3 glasses: one with scotch, one with water, and one with ice. I usually sit over by the candy machine and on more than one occasion I have helped the ladies with change; its a good spot to see the TV and the stage at the same time.

I enjoy Lea's company a lot, and I have gotten to know Divine and Maude on recent trips as well. I have learned a lot about the industry just talking with them and some of the other ladies. As I have told them, its a lot more fun than just sitting in the hotel which can get VERY lonely if you travel a lot. They have pointed out things going on around me in the club that I would have never noticed on my own.

As to the whole extras issue, Lea seems to get a bit angry with the ladies giving extras, and the one time I saw fire in her eyes was when there was another girl giving out a steady stream of BJs one evening -- that girl ended up getting canned on the spot apparently as Lea and some of the other ladies thought it was so blatant they were all going to get in trouble. And as to her current "team," that's kind of a personal topic to talk about, but I will just say that I don't think the guys should give up by any means (smile).

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Lol O' Jo jo does not take no for an answer... hahaha She is a peach! Was there tonight, but it was dead. Oh well... Saw a fav and the dances were on par. Just wish the play would continue. Alas. Not looking forward to tomorrow. My ladies will be on and will not have the usual for them. :(


New member
Sep 8, 2004
Anyone had a dance from Aisha? I was in yesterday and she is around 5'4 with blonde or plat. blonde hair and C cups.

I had a dance from an Aisha about a year ago at Barb's but never saw her again.

Curious if anyone knows about her, if she's the same or even new to the club. Either way, I think I'll partake soon.



Left-handed user
Jan 6, 2007
The outer fringe
temporary return of the air dance?

Drop by Barb's yesterday, and was told by my preferred lady that there has been a temporary return of the air dance... thought you should know...
Apparently, by-laws, cops, and fire marshalls are taking turns paying visits to them this week.

Now, from this newbie to the old hand(le)s: how long these episodes tend to last? does each SC get its turn in the spotlight, or should we think that somebody brought it on Barb's by being foolish?
Does it tend to happen as well to MPs?

Anyway, I think it had an impact on the type of crowd they got yesterday: mainly young guys w/o cash to spare on air dance; there seemed to be few regular customers, but many dancers getting bored.



Apr 3, 2006
toine said:
Drop by Barb's yesterday, and was told by my preferred lady that there has been a temporary return of the air dance... thought you should know...
Apparently, by-laws, cops, and fire marshalls are taking turns paying visits to them this week.

Now, from this newbie to the old hand(le)s: how long these episodes tend to last? does each SC get its turn in the spotlight, or should we think that somebody brought it on Barb's by being foolish?
Does it tend to happen as well to MPs?

Anyway, I think it had an impact on the type of crowd they got yesterday: mainly young guys w/o cash to spare on air dance; there seemed to be few regular customers, but many dancers getting bored.


I suspect Barbarella's gets more than its share of attention because of the ongoing visible presence of HA at the club...guys with prospect patches in their every time I've been for the past three or four years.

That having been said, I don't think that makes it a dangerous place to just means the place will attract extra attention.


toine said:
Drop by Barb's yesterday, and was told by my preferred lady that there has been a temporary return of the air dance
Does this mean a temporary return of the $10 dance? :D


New member
Sep 8, 2004
s_licker said:
I suspect Barbarella's gets more than its share of attention because of the ongoing visible presence of HA at the club...guys with prospect patches in their every time I've been for the past three or four years.
Really? I see nothing but public service middle managers and tradespeople at lunch. I've heard of a couple of incidents of 'danger' but nothing too serious.


New member
Nov 29, 2006
I have been to Barb's during the day. Met Nina, she is fantastic. I had three dances and the g string stayed on but it appeared that it was about to come off when the song was over (and I reached my $ limit).

I don't have much experience at SCs, I wanted to ask about extras but was too shy. My guess is that it would not be available.

(yes I am a newbie and a lurker)


New member
Apr 15, 2007
I can confirm the change in "decorum" as I am in town right now across the street from Barb's and in between trips over. Heading back right after this message. No sitting on a guys lap, which has cut down on the "grind factor" substantially. The ladies seem concerned about it as the guys dont tend to stick around for that many dances, espectially the guys that are frankly only looking for a little "snuggle time." One of the more experienced dancers said that they hope it only lasts for a few weeks and that its really hurting some of the ladies that dont have an established clientele.
The very latest is that they appear to have replaced some of the chairs -- just in the last day -- in the CR, and the new chairs are a little taller which seems to allow the ladies to keep a bit closer eye on what's going on, although I suspect that's a coincidence.
I know its not a perfect analogy, but it just seems weird to me that you can sit in a public park with a lady on your lap and kiss her, but you can't do it in the CR where you should have a greater expectation of privacy, relatively speaking.


Apr 3, 2006
dtr said:
Really? I see nothing but public service middle managers and tradespeople at lunch. I've heard of a couple of incidents of 'danger' but nothing too serious.
Fair enough...the HA presence is at night. Yeah, during the day its downtown types having "lunch". :cool:


This must be a Barb's rule because the 'petting zoo' is still open at the Fax.


New member
Sep 8, 2004
Went to the Playmate today and it is business as usual. Having trouble finding a 'fun' and attractive girl there. The place can be scary.


New member
Apr 15, 2007
I wonder if its more of a nighttime thing. I was there Tues-Thurs night (not day/lunch) between 9-12:30 and never saw the local constables stop by either, but apparently last week, according to the ladies, was different, with them stopping by multiple days, and apparently 4-5 times one evening, and the fire and health inspectors as well. I dont think anyone was actually taken out, but they were more aggressive than usual and did question some of the ladies. Makes you wonder whether someone in authority didn't get their "usual" dance :rolleyes: and got crabby.

I certainly still enjoy my time!! As I have said, its a heckuva lot better than sitting at the Delta watching reruns on TV, and they do have sports events on a big screen TV near the stage. There are some absolutely gorgeous women working right now.
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