Mussels, are they bad for your health?


Jun 6, 2009
moresex4me said:
Forget the TV shows. How about Pickton out west? He was the inspiration for that Criminal Minds episode.
I figured that when I saw the episode, but even in real life, I can't look at a wood chipper the same way ever. Back to the thread.

Sushi, Mmmm, love it although I was a late comer to it, better later than never, right.

Actually one young lady I met, after I after I asked her about her favourite cuisine, said seafood- if I see it I eat it. She must of had a high metabolism cause she was a looker, and smart to.

Her momma must have told her not to order the most expensive thing on the menu, it's rude.

See food eat food. Kinda like baseball in a nut shell; see ball, hit ball.

I ramble, tea today, no coffee.

mediaguy said:
Same can be said for the diet of lobsters. They used to be considered a trash item in the maritimes that only the poor would eat. Now look at the image and price of these!
MMMMMmmmmm Lobster!

It should also be noted that regardless of what these sea creatures eat in their diet... seafood is highly beneficial to the human body as a food source!

And a whole helluva lot better for our bodies than all that processed crap that those big food companies market to us as "food"! :rolleyes:


Apr 2, 2009
Criminal minds

moresex4me said:
Forget the TV shows. How about Pickton out west? He was the inspiration for that Criminal Minds episode.
That episode just pissed me off they way the walked into Canada searched a home befor our police arrived and made it look like they where in the back 50 of some bush country


Jun 6, 2009
renaissance said:
That episode just pissed me off they way the walked into Canada searched a home befor our police arrived and made it look like they where in the back 50 of some bush country
Where they were is bush country. mind you it all depends on your definition of bush.


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
Ceiling Cat said:
I know several guys that go to buffets and eat loads of steamed mussels. I know another guy that tells me to stay away from them because they are dug up in brackish waters that are close to maritime cities that dump their sewage into the ocean. The mussels feed off the sewage and get big and plump.

I don't fell well. I just barfed!

This is very true, but its not the sewage (human waste) that will kill you, its the factory run offs that build up toxins and heavy metals in the mussels. They are small creatures so the build up can be quite bad and rapid.

The cheaper the price in mussels and shrimp the better your odds of getting the bad ones. Buffets are using the lowest priced shellfish around.
Best to get Canadian or US raised mussels as opposed to Chinese or Tiwan.
Want a good book on the subject try "Bottom Feeder" I forget the writer but pretty interesting stuff.


Apr 24, 2005
Cycleguy007 said:
And a whole helluva lot better for our bodies than all that processed crap that those big food companies market to us as "food"!
Stay away from hot dogs and ground beef, especially if made by Maple Leaf Food:mad: .
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