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Musings of Porn Shop Clerk


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
As most of you who know me are aware, my day job is working at an adult store. As I was slaving away this weekend a few interesting things occured, so I thought I would share a few of them with you.

1> A "gentleman" (I use that term in the loosest possible sense) comes into the store Saturday afternoon, and, since I bring my dog to work with me, he crouches down and pets her for a while. She was of course loving this up, cause she is as much of an her owner. After he browses around for a while and picks out a couple movies, he comes up to the counter to check out his rentals, gives me this sly sort of sideways look and whispers:

Him: "Do you have any movies with animals, you know, bestiality?"
Me: "That is illegal, we are not allowed to carry things of that nature!"
(At this point I grab my dog and take her to the back room and shut the door)
Him (following me): "I am sure you must have *something*, under the counter perhaps?"
Me: "NO! It is illegal, though if that is what excites you do an internet search I am sure you can find something!"
Him: "Can you get any in for me?"
Me (getting angry): "NO! Absolutely not! We cannot, will not and never will by any stretch of the imagination carry such videos!"
Him: "Okay, okay, no need to get defensive!"

At this point he leaves with his two videos under his arm, and I am trying to stop myself from grabbing the baseball bat behind the counter and knocking his head off.

Now maybe I would not have been so upset if he hadn't been loving it up with my dog, but was interesting *chuckles*

2> Today I am at the store again, and I decided that I wanted to peruse one of the popular movies that we sell so much of. The movies are called "Barely Legal" so I am sure I don't have to draw a map to let you know what they are about. First and foremost, the movie combines both the young girl "fetish" with the whole peeing "fetish", which led to many comments by me (a la Mystery Science Theatre 3000). I will admit that porn is not well known for its ability to have a compelling plot and I try not to hold it against them.

One scene in particular got my juices going (creative juices guys, minds out of the gutter now!). This 18 year old goes to visit her father at the fire station where he works. Instead she finds this young, handsome firefighter, who tells her that her dad is not there. (The title of this section is "Fireman's Knob") She offers to help clean the fire truck, because she thinks she "would like polishing knobs". Of course you can all guess what this leads to.

But this is not the part where I got creative. It was further in the scene, as the young buff fireman is having his way with this young innocent girl, and he asks rather forcefully: "Where is your daddy now, kid?"

I pipe in with a plot twist:

(The sound of a zipper is heard in the background and suddenly the fireman feels something poking him)
Dad: Right here! (in a low growl)

Now what guy in their right mind, fully aware that a girl's father could be appearing at any second would, one, be able to perform and two, do it??!! If I were a guy my first thought would be. " might be awkward if her dad walks in!"

Anyways, enough musing for one night, perhaps I will post more in the future, as more things happen in my interesting day life as the illustrious porn store clerk!

*insert eerie and interesting-sounding music here*



Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Seriously now...

do you carry beastiality movies? How about under the counter? Could you check the back room?


New member
Sep 6, 2004

I think you're suffering from overexposure to porn - it leads to these troubling issues, such as looking for plot and logic and continuity and things like that.


Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle
That's why you're not a guy

Kassidy said:
Now what guy in their right mind, fully aware that a girl's father could be appearing at any second would, one, be able to perform and two, do it??!! If I were a guy my first thought would be. " might be awkward if her dad walks in!"
Absolutely not - men are from penis, women are from Venus. This a the flashback to the sneaking in the bedroom in high school, at the cottage, in the shed, garage, wherever, whenever thing. Part of the thrill is the danger of getting caught, part of it is just being plain old horny enough to be stupid. Any guy in his right mind is easily distracted by tail, plain & simple.


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
*eyes WhaWhaWha menacingly*

AMWBT- What to you suggest PA (Pornaholic Anonymous)? But in all honesty, since I am surrounded by porn all day at work, I rarely watch it. IT is like people who work in a fast food place, it get to the point where they don't eat fast food cause they are surrounded by it all the time!

TheNiteHwk- Sorry, no, and I am sure it is breaking YYC's heart *chuckles*

Rogie- I can understand the appeal of maybe getting caught, but not the appeal of getting caught by my parents. Even back when I was a wee youngster *giggles* I may have had sex in a few places that were a bit risky (ie. the middle of a ball diamond at night with the flood lights on), but never did I risk the wrath of my parents, oh, I don't know, killing my boyfriend *chuckles*



New member
Oct 14, 2004
Although it may be disgusting and illegal, I don't think it's a surprising question. Some bookstores on Young used to carry European vids and BDSM and even rape stuff in the back of the store. I'm sure you could find beastiality there as well, although last time I checked they had cleaned this up.

I think there is a harder core segment in Toronto, mainly because of the stupid OFRB's policies of censoring films. It almost forces porn afficionados to seek out harder stuff... I can't explain it.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
Why the panic?

1 - come on, you've never heard of customers asking about stuff from the vault? How long has your porn shop owner been in business? Back in the 90's the goalposts would move all the time and stuff was pulled off or put back on the shelves accordingly. When it's off, it had to get sold somehow. I used to go through it in my variety store all the time.

2 - What kind of dog do you have? Most dogs are well able to rebuff advances from strangers in their own way, aren't they?


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
Hard Idle: The owner has been in business for 7 years now, and I have been working there for just over a year. I am not opposed to anyones particular kink, as long as it does not involve me. As an aside to this story, this customer has apparently been a regular for a few years, and had NEVER asked the owner the same question he asked me.

My dog is a yellow lab/staffordshire terrier cross (which ends up making her look rather pitbullesque), and since I bring her to work with me, I can't have her of the mind set to rip the nuts of people. Though I do believe if I were ever threatened, she would defend me pretty quickly. As for her ability to rebuff approaches, I hope she would if some guy tried to mount her! Otherwise I don't think there is anything wrong with the fact that she likes to love it up with customers.



Aug 21, 2001
at her six
Kassidy said:
the young buff fireman is having his way with this young innocent girl, and he asks rather forcefully: "Where is your daddy now, kid?"

I pipe in with a plot twist:
"ah he's in the Captains office....actually he is your captain." :p


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Actually Kassidy you can blame the porn shop owners of the past for their business methods. I dont know what it is about my looks, but in the late 80s I was often approached by the clerks inquiring If I would like to see additional stock behind the counter that doesnt fit onto the shelves? They dont drag it all out because of "space constraints". bear in mind I dont ask -- I just give off a pervert vibe.

I'm sure I'm not the only person they approached and even more sure they eventually got themselves busted for their indiscretions.

btw -- The extra stock items .... don't ask.



Busty Member
May 7, 2003
WhaWhaWha: Well no point in screaming at them now *chuckles* Though it might make me feel better! Maybe I should make up a sign:

"We hae nothing under the counter, in the back room or anywhere in this known universe that includes animals, children, dead people etc. What we have is on the shelves. Any other movies that may be under the counter or in the back room are of the same legal genre as the rest of our stock!"

And how come I am not allowed to ask! *pouts* Here I share about my life, and you have to hide *winks* (just kidding)

Bboy: Very nice! That could qualify as a mood spoiler! *giggles*



Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Kassidy said:
And how come I am not allowed to ask! *pouts* Here I share about my life, and you have to hide *winks* (just kidding)
Oh you are certainly allowed to ask. You just don't want to. (No kidding :()

On the other hand you can ask anything about me that your heart longs to know but your brain isnt strong enough to force you to resist asking.

A few tidbits in advance. I drive a small Chevy, a V8 Pontiac, and a full sized Chevy van. I like Kosher Salami for lunch (no that is not a euphamism). I wear boxer briefs. I listen to Balladeers and Crooners from the 40s to the 80s. I like my women tall, curvy, and tolerant (especially of me).

Now what else is there to know?


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
WhaWhaWha: I wil refrain from asking, cause chances are you are right, and I don't want nightmares for the next few weeks!

As for asking other questions...hmm....I will have to think up a few good ones! Though you did skip the whole a/s/l part in your attempt to answetr the obvious *grins*

What kind of Pontiac? I am a Pontiac fan myself, used to have a nice Grand Am *sighs* I miss her! The comment about salami, I am not touching with a 10 foot pole cause it is far to easy! As for what you like in women, define tall. Like 6' and over?!


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Kassidy said:
Though you did skip the whole a/s/l part in your attempt to answer the obvious *grins*
Kassidy said:
What kind of Pontiac?
85 Parisienne 4-door V8 305
With original paint, upholstery, and factory installed AM radio

Kassidy said:
As for what you like in women, define tall. Like 6' and over?!
My ex is 4'10". Can you beat that?

Oh yes I almost forgot -- do you have any underage-sheep-snuff movies?
My favorites are "Absolute Silence of the Lambs" and "I'm Gonna Get EWE Sucka"


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
Wow, talk about a quick response WWW!

Or are you just trying to make it that I have no time to come up with good questions?!?!

And YES I can beat 4'10", I am a whole 5'5" *giggles*

*goes back to thinking of more questions*
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