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Murderous porn star/stripper on the loose. Headless torso found.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
Apparently he is from Montreal and is a stripper and bi-sexual porn star...he has a number of pseudonyms and is linked to a number of VERY disturbing animal cruelty videos (such as a kitten being fed to a python) - from what I understand a truly weird individual (although has not had previous contact with police) - which would be unusual in this type of situation - I think!

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
He is originally from Ontario and has a criminal record for fraud.


Apr 24, 2005
There is now a rumour that he ran away to Europe (I assume France). If so, he will never face Canadian justice.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
how long will it take before the news stations stop saying "gay" porn star/ usually a few hours into the day, they all drop any mention of politically incorrect descriptions.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
This story reminds me of the Andrew Cunanan case.

5 part documentary



New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
a gay porn star who likes to video cats suffocating in plastic bags, this guy has a real problem with ceiling cat, run.

night ride

Active member
Jul 23, 2009
Yes, it's too bad about the kittens. But what about the poor guy who got murdered? There's not much coverage on who he was.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
The video of the purported murder and dismemberment can be viewed here. Some believe it's fake, others think it's real. That type of shocking graphic violence is too much for me to watch, so I have no opinion about it.

All of these activities are apparently captured on the video:
"The murderer cuts kills the man with an ice pick, cuts off his limbs, has sex with the dead body, eats the flesh then feeds it to a dog and then masturbates with the mans hand"


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
This is a post he made on a porn blog in 2008:

Luka Magnotta : My Stepmom
[2008-08-21 08:37:30 pm]
My name is Luka Magnotta and this is my nightmare.
Well this is a hard story to write for the wounds are still very fresh . Don't think they will ever be healed ..

I made a big mistake a few years ago, you see..while my father is a very nice person..he also has a horriable dark side. He is an alcohalic and prescription drug abusier and pill addict.
For days he would take overdoses of pills and fall asleep in the bathtub, My stepmother Joanne and I would try and try to help him...but it was no use. He would fall down stairs drunk and would have to be rushed away in ambulances constantly...he even broke his rib, and on one occasion he broke his leg and arm because he was so self medicated he fell into a ditch at 2am and almost frooze to death...luckily a neighbour of his was able to save him.

He would sleep 23hours out of the day and ended up gaining an enormous amount of weight. So my stepmother got really tired of being alone. She would always call me for support on the phone and we would talk all night long...she would call me for help and advice when she wouldnt know what to do.

So slowly I began comming over to my parants house and spending time with her...while my father was still asleep on the sofa.
She would offer me drinks and we would sit up all night watching movies like Basic Instinct and Point of No Return.

One night she didnt want to watch movies with me..she wanted to take things further...She started to speak about sex and she told me it was very hot in her she took her top off. Then without warning she kissed me. I personally was shocked and didnt know what to expect? All I could think of AND SEE was my father ..laying right there next to us passed out and drunk.

Joanne still wanted to go further so we took eachothers clothing off and began to kiss and have sex. This kept going on for months. I know what you may be thinking if your reading this..but im NOT sick...sometimes things just happen and you cant control them.
Joanne and I would spend our time at the Metro zoo..we even had sex next to the wolfs chages. Very erotic. We would have sex at her mother place while her mom was at work. Then Joanne said she wanted to leave my father and marry me! I was very confused and didnt know what to do. So I tryed to back her off a bit. We continued to have relations at my parants place for a few more weeks and then I told her I found someone else. I still feel very bad, and my father doesnt know. Everytime I look at him I feel guilty and dont know what to say.

He has gotten help and is not an alcohalic anylonger...thank god and him and Joanne are back with one another.They are happy and we all go on trips to the beach. Joanne still flirts with me and we see each other naked..but other then that...noone knows.

Was I wrong to have sex with her? Even though my father couldnt fullfil her needs and she was lonely and depressed?
I feel like I was helping everyone and doing my father a favour.

I thinks its best he doesnt know about our affair? Or randevouz as I like to call it.
Luka Magnotta


Finding the Showstoppers
May 28, 2008
For those of you in Ontario, I couldn't beleive the news that he used to date Hamolka.... crazy!


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
This is a post he made on a porn blog in 2008:

Luka Magnotta : My Stepmom
[2008-08-21 08:37:30 pm]
My name is Luka Magnotta and this is my nightmare.
Well this is a hard story to write for the wounds are still very fresh . Don't think they will ever be healed ..

I made a big mistake a few years ago, you see..while my father is a very nice person..he also has a horriable dark side. He is an alcohalic and prescription drug abusier and pill addict.
For days he would take overdoses of pills and fall asleep in the bathtub, My stepmother Joanne and I would try and try to help him...but it was no use. He would fall down stairs drunk and would have to be rushed away in ambulances constantly...he even broke his rib, and on one occasion he broke his leg and arm because he was so self medicated he fell into a ditch at 2am and almost frooze to death...luckily a neighbour of his was able to save him.

He would sleep 23hours out of the day and ended up gaining an enormous amount of weight. So my stepmother got really tired of being alone. She would always call me for support on the phone and we would talk all night long...she would call me for help and advice when she wouldnt know what to do.

So slowly I began comming over to my parants house and spending time with her...while my father was still asleep on the sofa.
She would offer me drinks and we would sit up all night watching movies like Basic Instinct and Point of No Return.

One night she didnt want to watch movies with me..she wanted to take things further...She started to speak about sex and she told me it was very hot in her she took her top off. Then without warning she kissed me. I personally was shocked and didnt know what to expect? All I could think of AND SEE was my father ..laying right there next to us passed out and drunk.

Joanne still wanted to go further so we took eachothers clothing off and began to kiss and have sex. This kept going on for months. I know what you may be thinking if your reading this..but im NOT sick...sometimes things just happen and you cant control them.
Joanne and I would spend our time at the Metro zoo..we even had sex next to the wolfs chages. Very erotic. We would have sex at her mother place while her mom was at work. Then Joanne said she wanted to leave my father and marry me! I was very confused and didnt know what to do. So I tryed to back her off a bit. We continued to have relations at my parants place for a few more weeks and then I told her I found someone else. I still feel very bad, and my father doesnt know. Everytime I look at him I feel guilty and dont know what to say.

He has gotten help and is not an alcohalic anylonger...thank god and him and Joanne are back with one another.They are happy and we all go on trips to the beach. Joanne still flirts with me and we see each other naked..but other then that...noone knows.

Was I wrong to have sex with her? Even though my father couldnt fullfil her needs and she was lonely and depressed?
I feel like I was helping everyone and doing my father a favour.

I thinks its best he doesnt know about our affair? Or randevouz as I like to call it.
Luka Magnotta
Great job keeping such a personal deed a secret. Posting this on line somewhere really helps. Classic narcissist.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
They interviewed a schoolmate of his from high school, she said he was a loner who was also severely bullied
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