Discreet Dolls

Move over Rocket Roger, the Mark Mcgwire steroid circus is about to begin.

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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Jesus H Christ his own brother is ratting him out. Personally I give big (or not so big now) Mac credit. At least he rode off into the sunset and kept his mouth shut. He does not admit to do them but does not deny either. I get the feeling he wishes that he had never done them but whats done is done. Before we judge him to harshly lets remember he did alot of charity work and donated more money than most athletes. His off the field character was stellar and he always carried homself well.

Let's not compare him to Canseco or Bonds. Now those two get me going.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The Oracle said:
Let's not compare him to Canseco or Bonds.
Or Clemens.

MM has not sought out the spotlight and he was never a brash, loudmouth, boor like the others.

Forget about HoF now. And maybe this will set a precedent for Bonds and Clemens not getting in as well, although they both did have considerably better career numbers than McGwire.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
guyroch said:
Question ... Has McGuwire ever denied he took steroids ??? I don't think he has ...
As far as I know he doesn't even address the subject when asked. He just wants the whole subject to go away. Now the "born again christian" brother who's peddling a book wants to clear all. Yea right. And if I have to hear roid rage again I'm going to throw up. Everybody has an agenda and the fact is it's all old news.

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
But the fact remain that steroids were his reason for sucess, he was a shrimp before steroids. He is just as guilty as the rest of them. He was out there bowing for the applause right alongside Sammy Sosa. If not for steroids he would have been a bust, he will never enter the H.O.F .


good to go said:
But the fact remain that steroids were his reason for sucess, he was a shrimp before steroids.
That "shrimp" set the rookie record for HRs. Unless you figure he was roiding from Day 1 in the bigs, you got some 'splainin to do!

Toronto Passions

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When Marks brother gets a publishing deal, things are going to heat up.

It's kinda weird to have such publicity, and to go public with a book idea without a publishing deal. With a story as good as this, Marks brother must have a horrible book agent, and they must need this publicity to spark interest with publishing houses.
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