Nobody should have even bothered watching the senate hearings. All they did was just aggravate and piss people on here off. This bill will pass and everyone in the senate is just going through the motions. It will get Royal accent in November and become law in December. All we can do now is just see how the law plays out in our area and see how LE will and to what extent they will go to enforce it. Will I Stop hobbying? Not Completely, I will lay low for a bit just to see how things are playing out. I don't hobby THAT much and I only deal with sps I know, so should I really be that worried? This advertising ban won't achieve anything since a lot of sites that advertise "sexual services" are already hosted outside of Canada. TERB has moved outside of Canada. So we know TERB aint going anywhere. It's not illegal to talk about illegal things on a forum and I'm sure if the crown try to use anything written on here as evidence they won't get anywhere with a judge. I've heard of some people on here saying they want their account cancelled when this law passes which I think is pretty extreme and paranoid. It's not illegal to post on the forum. It's also not a secret agencies have met with lawyers to discuss how they will protect themselves when C-36 becomes law so right now it's better to focus on damage control rather then cry and get our nerves worked up. This law is coming folks we gotta deal with it.
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