You can't hide behind definitions to get away with it. It doesn't matter if you call a prostitute an SP, or a service worker, or an escort or a crisis counsellor.
It's a question of what a prostitute & prostitution actually are, not what i call them. If the lady i'm seeing is not a prostitute but an SP & the time spent with her involves no prostitution, then we are not subject to the laws re prostitution.
If all SP's in Canada became pay for the company, rather than for the sex act, SP's, then Canada would be prostitution free & the Tories would have their wish.
If, for example, i pay for a SP's "diner & a movie" offer at XYZ dollars, do you think LE has anything against me that will stick? I may even have an email as evidence that this is what i booked. And i expect she would back that email up with testimony in court, in the extremely rare event (one in a billion chance) this ever went that far, saying that no sex occurred.
Even if i slipped her additional cash while on the date for "something extra special", LE won't have a clue. It would only take a minute at the beginning of a session with an SP to discuss our agreed upon "story" in the extremely unlikely event of a LE "intervention". If the SP has no personal data re the client to cough up under "arm twisting tactics" from LE, then that is one less concern for her customers.
BTW it is practical M.O.'s to reduce risk, such as with the above example, that i am looking for.
LE's only hope of an arrest leading to a conviction is through coercionary & deceitful tactics where they try to intimidate weak, ignorant people into a confesion, thererby fucking themselves. Or via a raid to catch one "in the act". Or undercover means mentioned below. Dealing with an experienced savy hobbyist, they will run into a break wall, a dead end & a waste of their time.
What has changed is that giving money for sex is going to be illegal, even if you leave the money on the table in an envelope, even if you didn't utter one word about it;
But my money will be given for time and/or company, not sex. So called "sexual services", whatever that is, may not even be involved or be in the plans and is certainly never guaranteed even when it is expected.
How are LE going to know whether or not money was given or "sexual services" occurred? Are they omnipresent or with Superman's powers to see through walls? An undercover officer present pretending to be a SP is easily avoided by dealing only with known SP's.
" "Bylaw violations are the best way to crack down on the illegal outfits, given the burden of evidence required to charge someone under the prostitution laws."
“You almost have to be in the room and see it or find it when the person is engaged in the act, so that’s pretty hard,” said Det.-Sgt. Belgrade."
Of course, proving it is another matter, but it leaves a lot of possibility when comes time to get charged. The law is so broad that technically, if you give taxi fare to a one night stand, you will be breaking the law.
1] If so then the Tories will have criminalized the vast majority of sexually active Canadian males.
2] I think it's safe to say we won't be seeing the courts overrun with cases like that. The chance of ever seeing even one? One in a trillion? At those odds should i be worried?
It doesn't matter if the law is unjust, there are going to be some LE that are going to be very aggressive with it, until the SCC strikes it down. That's because police budgets have to see a return on investment, and only going after traffickers is not going to yield much results, as was the case a few months ago when there was a province wide sweep of known massage parlours and individual SP premises.
1] Give me a sec to consult my crystal ball re the tells me history repeats itself, LE enforcement of prostitution laws in Canada has been extremely rare & lazy. They simply don't have the funds to allocate the resources & many top brass don't support an aggressive approach or the laws, anyway. So there is little to be paranoid about.
Odds of having an interaction with LE in this regard: one in a million "dates", more or less, with some variance depending on the province? Odds of being arrested: one in a billion. Odds of a conviction? One in a trillion. Odds of conviction + prison time [i.e. free room & board courtesy of Harper]: one in 100 trillion. Should i be scared? Give up the hobby? Spend the rest of my life patheticly wanking at home alone? Bow down on my knees to Heil Harper's rule of terror & intimidation?
2] Perhaps if LE devoted more attention to multi million dollar busts with loads of cash and lucrative drugs involved, they'd be getting more bang for their buck?
3] John school's have been bringing them in some loonies from those who were ignorant enough to get caught. Fines under the new law will catch some more suckers who get nabbed & pay them. Though LE have a reputation for not showing up in court for cases re certain violations [e.g. traffic], thereby letting the alleged offenders off scott free.
" Vancouver with soliciting sex from a prostitute.... Of those who plead not guilty, only 12 percent are actually convicted."
"Few men are sentenced to jail, and community-service workers complain that the men are routinely discharged by the courts."
"Critics say the school allows johns to pay their way out of serving time in jail. But in Vancouver, at least, johns aren't spending much time in jail anyway. Instead, police have been working to divert prostitution actitivity away from residential areas of the city without making arrests...."
" "We've learned that putting these offenders in jail doesn't help the problem," says Chambers."