Moslem Imam Preaching the usual and the norm in islamic world, HATE!!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Boy isn't he spacial


Nov 15, 2006
you cant even spell "moslem" right, why would anyone want to listen to anything your saying, plenty of christioan ministers, and jewish rabbis preach the same type of hate.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
you cant even spell "moslem" right, why would anyone want to listen to anything your saying, plenty of christioan ministers, and jewish rabbis preach the same type of hate.
were you the one seated in the middle of the 11th row?


New member
Aug 18, 2006
Name us one Christian minister or Jewish rabbi that preaches that kind of hate. If you can't name one then shut the hell up.


Sep 23, 2006
These preachers are not muslims, but extremists. Just like you have the KKK or the Aryan nation or that weirdo in Waco Texas. when you have over a billion people in a faith, you are bound to get at least several hundred loony tunes!.......and the best way to get people involved politically is to play the religion card.


Nov 15, 2006
Kitwat said:
Name us one Christian minister or Jewish rabbi that preaches that kind of hate. If you can't name one then shut the hell up.

How about Pastor Thomas Robb? Real proud of him eh? Because even religious leader can say anything they want and will have followers who listen, we shouldnt only focus our attentions on those leaders. It's unfortunate but when a Jewish Rabbi, or a Christian Leader condones and incites the crimes being commited by people of their religions no one makes any sort of condemnation of it. Every time a Muslim Imam opens his mouth they have a glenn beck special on cnn.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
How about Pastor Thomas Robb? Real proud of him eh? Because even religious leader can say anything they want and will have followers who listen, we shouldnt only focus our attentions on those leaders. It's unfortunate but when a Jewish Rabbi, or a Christian Leader condones and incites the crimes being commited by people of their religions no one makes any sort of condemnation of it. Every time a Muslim Imam opens his mouth they have a glenn beck special on cnn.
I believe it was the wish for their distruction that is in question


Sep 25, 2006
How about Pastor Thomas Robb? Real proud of him eh? Because even religious leader can say anything they want and will have followers who listen, we shouldnt only focus our attentions on those leaders. It's unfortunate but when a Jewish Rabbi, or a Christian Leader condones and incites the crimes being commited by people of their religions no one makes any sort of condemnation of it. Every time a Muslim Imam opens his mouth they have a glenn beck special on cnn.
excellent, now name one christian/jewish suicide bomber. Now name one christian country that bans muslims to the rights of land ownership, Now name one christian country that bans muslims to build mosques. I can name muslim countries that ban christians many rights and religious freedoms. My point is that muslim ignorance, racism, intolerance, and hatred of others is far greater than that of christians and jews


Sep 23, 2006
Matt...Suicide bombing was started by Sri-lankans, who are not muslims. It is a political movement and nothing to do with religion. As far as non friedly muslim countries, Saudi arabia comes to mind. The Saudis happen to be best friends with the Bush and Cheney family. The last time I checked, Saudi aramco paid George Bush Sr. 5 million dollars to sit on their board and he had no problems accepting it.


Sep 25, 2006
alan9080 said:
Matt...Suicide bombing was started by Sri-lankans, who are not muslims. It is a political movement and nothing to do with religion. As far as non friedly muslim countries, Saudi arabia comes to mind. The Saudis happen to be best friends with the Bush and Cheney family. The last time I checked, Saudi aramco paid George Bush Sr. 5 million dollars to sit on their board and he had no problems accepting it.
It is illegal to build a church in Saudi Arabia, do some research and you will find out. And what the hell do i care if the bush's are friends with the saudi's? they are also friends with the bin laden's


Aug 29, 2004
papasmerf said:
Boy isn't he spacial
Yap, he is so special, the sob sings during his sermon. I guess killing Christians and eradicating Jews from the face of the earth turns him on, big time!!!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Xtoronto, if it will make you feel validated then I will say this, even though I am not a Minister I am a Christian and I wish that all of you would just go away.

I get a flu shot to protect against the flu virus, why can't we get some program in place to protect us from the moslum virus.:mad:

Feel better now, good, then piss off.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
LancsLad said:
Xtoronto, if it will make you feel validated then I will say this, even though I am not a Minister I am a Christian and I wish that all of you would just go away.

I get a flu shot to protect against the flu virus, why can't we get some program in place to protect us from the moslum virus.:mad:

Feel better now, good, then piss off.
Not all muslims are hate-filled biggots with no tougt beyond themselfs.

Some are god people who want to live in peace and respectfull of others


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
papasmerf said:
Not all muslims are hate-filled biggots with no tougt beyond themselfs.

Some are god people who want to live in peace and respectfull of others

Okay that one in a million can stay if he behaves.


New member
Feb 22, 2004
you cant even spell "moslem" right, why would anyone want to listen to anything your saying, plenty of christioan ministers, and jewish rabbis preach the same type of hate.
Check your dictionary. "moslem" is a quite acceptable alternative spelling to "muslim." Both words mean the same thing.


New member
Aug 18, 2006
How about Pastor Thomas Robb? Real proud of him eh? Because even religious leader can say anything they want and will have followers who listen, we shouldnt only focus our attentions on those leaders. It's unfortunate but when a Jewish Rabbi, or a Christian Leader condones and incites the crimes being commited by people of their religions no one makes any sort of condemnation of it. Every time a Muslim Imam opens his mouth they have a glenn beck special on cnn.
Who the hell is Pastor Thomas Robb? It seems you have to come up with someone pretty obscure to make your point.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Voice of the Klan. I see the difference that the western/Christian world loudly denounces these idiots. The criticism in the muslim world is a little quieter. (With reason? Ask Mr. Rushdie)


Aug 29, 2004
you cant even spell "moslem" right, why would anyone want to listen to anything your saying, plenty of christioan ministers, and jewish rabbis preach the same type of hate.
Speak for yourself. Thank God for living in a democracy. Everybody is entitled to listen, read, and form his/ her own opinion, based on the facts.

As for the spelling, and if you think the word moslem is misspelled, check your own spelling for “Christians”.

And, before accusing any Christian Ministers and Jewish Rabies, you need to back up your claims with proof, or “Shut the Hell up”, as Kitwat eloquently summed it up. :D


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The settlers are on average nuts but Israel, being a democracy with rules on appropriate behaviour have given outright bans to a number of political parties that preach the destruction of the Arabs.
wikipedia said:
1985 Amendments

In 1985, the Knesset approved a law which, for the first time, allowed the committee to disqualify a party list on the grounds of its ideological platform. The law allowed the committee to bar parties from elections that negate the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, made incitements to racism, or supported the armed struggle of an enemy state or terrorist organization against the state of Israel [2]. The first provision, dealing with the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, has been the most controversial since it is possible that parties favoring a one-state solution could be banned under it.

[edit] 1988 Party Bans

The committee decided to ban the Progressive List for Peace (PLP) and the Kach Party in 1988. The former was banned for allegedly negating the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state; the later party was banned because of incitements to racism. The Supreme Court of Israel sustained the ban against Kach, but overturned the ban on the PLP reasoning that it was impossible to determine that "the real, central and active purpose [of the list] is to bring about the elimination of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people." [3].

[edit] 2003 Party Ban Controversy

In 2003, Likud MK Michael Eitan initiated a move to ban the Ta'al Party from participating in that year's Knesset elections. MK Michael Kleiner, the leader of the right-wing Herut Party, initiated a similar move against the Balad Party, arguing that Balad was "a cover-up for illegal activity" and that it "supports terror organizations, identifies with the enemy and acts against Israel as a Jewish and democratic state."[4]

The Central Election Committee proceeded to vote by a one-vote majority to disqualify Balad and Ta'al lists from the elections. Supreme Court Justice Michael Cheshin, who chaired the committee, voted against the ban, stating that there was insufficient evidence to sustain the claims against the parties and individuals within those parties, but also said that Balad's leader Azmi Bishara's past expressions of support of the militant pro-Iranian Hezbollah in Lebanon had angered him. [5].

The bans were appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court, where the Court unanimously overturned the bans on the Ta'al list and party leader Ahmad Tibi. The Court also overturned the ban on Balad and party leader Azmi Bishara by a 7-4 majority [6].
There has been attempted abuse of the law but the only banning the courts have upheld is against the racist Kach party.

Take an actual look at the Israeli political parties.

Kadima (29 seats) supports a Palestinian state and withdrawal from settlements.

Labour (19 seats) opposes military actions against Palestinians and supports 2 states.

Shas (12 seats) is religous but doesn't state a clear view on the Palestinians

Likud (12 seats) traditionally wanted all of "Israel" but have moved from that stance, through the past while.

Beytenu (11 seats) is very "zionist" but supports 2 states

NRP (9 seats) are religous zionists parties opposed to a Palestinian state.

Gil (7 seats) allied with Kadima

UTJ (6 seats) religous parties with no clearly stated view on 2 state.

Meretz-Yachad (5 seats) focused on 2 state soln.

Ra'am-Ta'al (4 seats) Arab party coalition - obviously 2 state

Hadash (3 seats) very left - wants exactly '67 borders

Balad (3 seats) Arab nationalist party.

(source - wikipedia)

According to party policies, the vote for a 2 state solution appears to be:
81 votes clearly for a 2 state solution,
30 unclear votes
9 votes against a Palestinian state.

Isn't democracy grand?

The only reason that the religous or settler parties have importance is the need for coalition governments. If the Knesset members ever put asisde party politics to call this question, the results would be clear. Unfortunately, there is the power struggle between the center and center right parties that gets in the way.
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Toronto Escorts