Monty Hall RIP


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
I heard him being interviewed many years ago. Apparently after doing Let's Make a Deal for many years he wanted out, so he told his agent to ask for the moon, thinking the TV station would not go for it. Evidently his agent presented Monty's demands and the TV station said okay, so he was back in the saddle again. He was also my first brush with Canadian greatness(!). I was around 10 years old visiting granny with my brothers and my cousin. Monty's mom and my granny lived in the same apt. block. Then at one point in the evening my cousin entered granny's apt and told us Monty Hall was in the lobby. Myself and my brothers rushed down to meet him. He had his coat on and was on his way out, but he stuck around long enough to meet us. He shook my hand and after some brief niceties he was out the door. To a ten year old kid this was a big deal.

You may recall he often told the contestants to choose one of door number 1, 2, or 3. After the contestant made the choice, Monty would then reveal what behind one of the remaining doors. Then he would ask the contestant if she wanted to choose the remaining door instead of what she'd already picked. This subsequently became known as the Monty Hall or the Let's Make a Deal dillemna. There was always a single valuable prize, and two loser prizes, and Monty would reveal one of the loser prizes. Apparently it's better for the contestant to change their choice. because at that point the odds are more likely that the valuable prize is behind the remaining door. This has been covered by mathematicians, I understand it when it's explained to me, but don't ask me to explain.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You're thinking of Bob Barker on the Price is Right....not Monty on Let's Make a Deal.
I knew that was the case on TPIR, but thought it might have been for both.
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