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Monique Review


New member
Aug 19, 2007
Others have been dredging up old Monique posts lately so I figured that I would add my two cents. IMO she is pretty good sometimes and pretty bad at others. I know that she is only human but when I pay top dollar for a top service provider I expect to have top service provided everytime. One of the last times that I saw her her hair was soaking wet, she had no makeup on (except for too much lip gloss) and looked like she had not slept the night before. I felt really let down. I brought my "A" money but it looked like she could have cared less. As for being a good conversationlist. A stream of questions and Oh my gods or Me toos is not good conversation - it is a parlour trick to look like a good conversationalist. Try not saying anything for a few minutes and you will find that she really has nothing to say. She just sits there looking uncomfortable. Hey maybe its me or we didn't click. Maybe she is great for the first couple of times and then not. All I know is that I will not see her again.


New member
Sep 6, 2003

I think you might be in for a rough ride after those comments. I happen to agree with them, however. I have had encounters with this woman and her behaviour has always screamed that she could'nt care less about the client and treats them with disrespect. I have wondered why she gets good reviews. My theory is that most sps in this town are much, much worse so once the Hobbyist gets a nibble of something a little better there is an overreaction and they make the sp sound much better than she is. I have fallen into the same trap myself. Anyway, I see you have only one post so it took some guts to call it like it is. Be prepared to get bashed but stick with it. I do not hobby here much anymore (only visitors) but always hope things will turn around.


New member
Sep 15, 2003
Chacun à son gout

Hi folks,

Limited hobbist here. I've only met Monique once, and the companionship was mediocre. Sure, she is tall, blonde, and somewhat attractive. That said, the service was ho-hum.

I am sure there are others who believe she's one of the best, as there are plenty of very positive reviews and recommendations. I just don't think she ranks up there. I've been with several other SPs (which I choose not to review, respecting their "no review" policy), and have had a much more pleasant visit.

To each his/her own. Monique is available, she's just not on my "short list".

Casino Ming


New member
Jul 11, 2007
Well. I never post on this board. I'm from Winnipeg so PERB is my stomping ground. But I have to say, Monique is the best sp I'VE ever seen. It just goes to show different people will have different experiences. I have very very good memories of the two hours we spent together. To me, she's very beautiful and friendly and sexy and kind hearted. And very very easy to talk to. She's the complete package and I'm soooo looking forward to seeing her again.


Jan 3, 2007
kman32 said:
Well. I never post on this board. I'm from Winnipeg so PERB is my stomping ground. But I have to say, Monique is the best sp I'VE ever seen. It just goes to show different people will have different experiences. I have very very good memories of the two hours we spent together. To me, she's very beautiful and friendly and sexy and kind hearted. And very very easy to talk to. She's the complete package and I'm soooo looking forward to seeing her again.
I can see a little of both sides with this lady. monique was my first :D and I certainly had a great time with her. Saw her a number of times after that but my interest waned for the reasons some have cited hear.

I prefer to see her friend Erica. She isn't the looker Monique is (although I think she has a great body) but she more than makes up for it with enthusiasm, passion, DFK, and all round charm! After two hours with Erica we are both drenched in sweat!

Hmmm gotta go make a call!


New member
Aug 19, 2007
Thanks for the warning FalconHawk. I didn't mean to paint a target on my back. I only wanted to bring some balance to the discussions surrounding Monique that keep reappearing. The way I see it I am helping out Moniques fans because if my comments make some guys think twice about booking her it just makes it easier for her fans to get a date. And there is always the chance that Monique herself might see these posts and tweek her game. Either way it is a win win for her fans. It could be she gets bored with her regulars and sends them packing with poor service. Maybe she can afford to be more picky now? Who knows but I spent good money figuring out that she isn't worth the risk of a lame date. All the facts I mentioned in my 1st post are true and stand by what I have said.


Nov 3, 2001
small town
There is nothing in your post that we "Monique fans" should get upset about. Although I have seen Monique several times and have really enjoyed the experience there is no reason to believe that everyone would feel the same way.
Whenever two strangers meet there is no reason to believe there will be a good personality fit. The fact that we frequently do mesh well with a new lady is really a credit to her skill and experience at adapting to us.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
neverwas said:
There is nothing in your post that we "Monique fans" should get upset about. Although I have seen Monique several times and have really enjoyed the experience there is no reason to believe that everyone would feel the same way.
Whenever two strangers meet there is no reason to believe there will be a good personality fit. The fact that we frequently do mesh well with a new lady is really a credit to her skill and experience at adapting to us.
I have to agree 100%.
Being in the service industry myself I have to deal with customers daily.
There are some customers that are always great to deal with and you will go above and beyond for them. Then there are some that you know are always gonna be nit picking and you know you can never make happy SO naturally you just go thru the motions till you re done.
I think she is only human and will not always mesh with some of the terbies just due to a lot of character flaws or lack of personality etcc... that we all know about and we wont start listing more here.
If someone has something bad to say about an SP then tell her first and see how she might make things better and usually she will. But dont start bashing an SP just because you didnt feel fullfilled after seeing her.
Thats not very fair.
The customer is not always right.....!!


New member
Aug 19, 2007
JPsoHot I am also in the service industry and I do agree with you about problem customers. They are a pain. This makes me very careful when I am in the customer roll. I always go above and beyond to be a great customer. This fact only multiplied my disappointment when I showed up immaculately prepared and she looked the way she did (we all know she can look pretty nice). I did confront Monique that day about her not being prepared and she was very defensive and played hurt rather than making things better as you put it. Respectfully, I have done nothing but lay out the facts of my experiences to help bring balance to an unbalanced account of one SP. I do not considered this bashing. I just don't get how some here feel that anyone who has anything negative to say about this girl must be in the wrong as it surely couldn't be her fault.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
BHave said:
JPsoHot I am also in the service industry and I do agree with you about problem customers. They are a pain. This makes me very careful when I am in the customer roll. I always go above and beyond to be a great customer. This fact only multiplied my disappointment when I showed up immaculately prepared and she looked the way she did (we all know she can look pretty nice). I did confront Monique that day about her not being prepared and she was very defensive and played hurt rather than making things better as you put it. Respectfully, I have done nothing but lay out the facts of my experiences to help bring balance to an unbalanced account of one SP. I do not considered this bashing. I just don't get how some here feel that anyone who has anything negative to say about this girl must be in the wrong as it surely couldn't be her fault.
Thats fair. There's always 3 sides to a story, her side your side and the truth. I believe you and not knocking you. Thanks for lettting us know you tried to resolve it with her and that she got defencive about it.
There is not much more you can do when this happens.


New member
Aug 19, 2007
JPsoHot said:
Thats fair. There's always 3 sides to a story, her side your side and the truth. I believe you and not knocking you. Thanks for lettting us know you tried to resolve it with her and that she got defencive about it.
There is not much more you can do when this happens.
Thanks for understanding and not knocking me. It's bad enough having to permanently close the door on an SP like Monique but being ridiculed for it on TERB would be really crappy.


New member
Sep 6, 2003

Your last point is very good. There are many people who are still members of this board who have stopped making comments because it is so difficult to say anything negative (albeit accurate and fair) without getting abused or bashed in some way. This is why I was a little worried for you given your original post on this thread and especially given that Monique has many followers. But it seems that you can handle yourself very well indeed. I hope you continue to post.


New member
Aug 19, 2007
JPsoHot said:
Thats fair. There's always 3 sides to a story, her side your side and the truth. I believe you and not knocking you. Thanks for lettting us know you tried to resolve it with her and that she got defencive about it.
There is not much more you can do when this happens.
Actually there is a little more you can do in a situation like this. You can stick to what's right and never see the provider again AND you can come to a forum like this one and share your experiences for the greater good. Done and done.

FalconHawk thanks for the encouragement. TERB has been very helpful to me so I figured I owed the community some insight. I will drop it now.


New member
Jun 22, 2007
Monique - the best yet!

I met Monique last weekend. Very easy to set up the date - I emailed in advance and she called me that day to confirm.
We sat on the couch for a while to get acquainted - she is a smart girl and good conversationalist --and then moved to the bed. I am not into graphic play by play descriptions but let's just say that I can not imagine anyone being disappointed with her. She has a stunning body and knows how to have fun in bed. She even noticed that I had a smile on my face the whole time!
I definitely plan on repeating. Monique is one of the few I have met who really provide GFE



New member
Aug 21, 2004
joejouons said:
I met Monique last weekend. Very easy to set up the date - I emailed in advance and she called me that day to confirm.
We sat on the couch for a while to get acquainted - she is a smart girl and good conversationalist --and then moved to the bed. I am not into graphic play by play descriptions but let's just say that I can not imagine anyone being disappointed with her. She has a stunning body and knows how to have fun in bed. She even noticed that I had a smile on my face the whole time!
I definitely plan on repeating. Monique is one of the few I have met who really provide GFE

Joe welcome to Ottawa!!!!!


It's good to be king!
Jun 8, 2005
I suspect it has to do with "fit"

I used to travel to Ottawa a fair bit and I'd often see Monique over the years. She is definitely VERY good looking... she's very smart, a great converstationalist and I'd hasten to say amazing in the bedroom, but most of all, she's a lady. Having said that, I could see how it would be tough as a SP to be that for everyone. Monique and I hit it off (or at least she made feel as if we did). She would remember little things about our previous conversations that made me think I wasn't just a number.

I loved messing around with her. She made my trips to Ottawa in the dead of winter very memorable. I haven't been to old YOW for more than a year and I miss her a lot. She's got class.


Jan 19, 2005
Monique - one of if not the best in Ottawa. When I found the gif I am using I often "almost always" think of Monique - some rather startling similarities - if I do not say so myself.


It's good to be king!
Jun 8, 2005
RemyMartin said:
mapsonburt, you sound like joejouons. are you brothers?
No, I've never heard of him. I'm guessing he's from La Belle Province... I'm from the Centre of the Universe - well not really but you'd think so based on reading the local rags! :) Just thinking of Monique again brings back a big smile to my face. A classy lady.
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