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Mindfulness/not good

Mindfulness-though seemingly not sexy-shares principles in common with lustful sex. You understand this further when you consider a little sexual metaforeplay so to speak.

Sex is just a sweaty form of meditation. Think about it. The best lustful sex is about being in the moment, not obessing about the past or the future...or if your thighs looks fat in a particular position... and so this means that orgasm is not the ONE AND ONLY big lure of lustful sex. A less obvious secondary benefit is that feeling of supreme peace that comes after sex-and this peacefulness isn't entirely due to reaching orgasm, but ALSO due to reaching one's metaphysical spirit, by being fully in the metaphysical moment. So when we feel good after lustful sex, it's partially because we've emptied our cluttered brain of its chattering.

yes lust is liberating on SO many levels, SO much SO it comes with a WARNINGIf you DON'T express or act upon feelings of strong lust you can make your spirit week... even kill your spirit... so you must let yourself get LOST IN LUST

by karen salmansohn
auther of the 7 lively sins how to enjoy your life dammit
and How To Be Happy Dammit


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Spice... you really need to get laid don't you? Okay... it's obviously time for another combination session of therapy and porno gymnastics. I'm ready... just call. :p
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