Michelle Wie: Hated by all on LPGA tourney

Jun 19, 2007
lookingforitallthetime said:
Good question. I don't get it either.

I believe hate is healthy. And she impacts my life. I have to look at her, read about her and see people like Annika, Karie Webb and Lorie Kane suffer because of her. So, thus, she affects me greatly.
Mar 19, 2006
TrivialPursuits said:
Just like Paris Hilton (hate her, even though I banged her)
Big deal, who hasn't. I have it on tape, do you?

TrivialPursuits said:
I was merely making a comment about her pathetic life.
In the process you inadvertently made a statement about your pathetic life.
Mar 19, 2006
TrivialPursuits said:
I believe hate is healthy. And she impacts my life. I have to look at her, read about her and see people like Annika, Karie Webb and Lorie Kane suffer because of her. So, thus, she affects me greatly.
Why? Are you Lorie Kane's caddy?


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Is there a doctor in the house...

TrivialPursuits said:
I believe hate is healthy. And she impacts my life. I have to look at her, read about her and see people like Annika, Karie Webb and Lorie Kane suffer because of her. So, thus, she affects me greatly.

Hate:- The emotion of hate; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action.

You definitely need help. Do you still suck your thumb? The juvenile attitude combined with adolescent post indicates a severe emotional problem that you should have addressed.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I find Wie annoying... but to "hate" her? come on. She's a spoiled kid, nothing more. No one should "hate" her. A lot of that hate is jealousy.


Uncaring bastard!
Aug 28, 2006
The Centre of the Universe!
Dear TrivialPursuits

Definition of trivial:

1. of very little importance or value; insignificant: Don't bother me with trivial matters.
2. commonplace; ordinary.
3. Biology. (of names of organisms) specific, as distinguished from generic.
4. Mathematics. a. noting a solution of an equation in which the value of every variable of the equation is equal to zero.
b. (of a theorem, proof, or the like) simple, transparent, or immediately evident

I suggest that #1 applies to your opinion.
#2 equates to your existence!
#4 applies to you as a person, namely, equal to zero!

As others have noted, you need professional help! And not with your golf swing! Get a life and quit obsessing over this 17 year old girl...what, she didn't reply to your email? Or is this a racial thing, her being part Asian?

I pity the people you actually know, if this is your reaction to someone whom you will never meet!:rolleyes:


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
hoser1970 said:
As others have noted, you need professional help! And not with your golf swing! Get a life and quit obsessing over this 17 year old girl...what, she didn't reply to your email? Or is this a racial thing, her being part Asian?
My guess is that he asked her out on a date and she told him to go away. Rejection hurts.


New member
Apr 16, 2004
TrivialPursuits said:
Interesting article in the back page of the Toronto Star sports section.

Michelle Wie is hated by all, and is contemplated retirement based on the treatment she is receiving from others.

She has no friends on the tour and is segregated from the rest of the group. She is claiming racism.
That's funny. The LPGA should be kissing her feet for bringing in more money into ladies golf.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
TrivialPursuits said:
Michelle Wie is an adult. Let's get that clear.
She's 17 (as of right now) and thus considered a MINOR. She can't drink, vote, be tried as an adult (in many places), or be legally nailed by someone older than her.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Don said:
She's 17 (as of right now) and thus considered a MINOR. She can't drink, vote, be tried as an adult (in many places), or be legally nailed by someone older than her.
You can have sex with a 17 year old virtually everywhere. In Canada, it is legal as long as you are not in a position of authority over her (e.g. her teacher, her coach, etc.). I don't think I would be in a rush to date Michelle Wie though.

This thread, though deeply disturbing, is also a Terb classic, in my opinion.
Jun 19, 2007
hoser1970 said:
Dear TrivialPursuits

Definition of trivial:

1. of very little importance or value; insignificant: Don't bother me with trivial matters.
2. commonplace; ordinary.
3. Biology. (of names of organisms) specific, as distinguished from generic.
4. Mathematics. a. noting a solution of an equation in which the value of every variable of the equation is equal to zero.
b. (of a theorem, proof, or the like) simple, transparent, or immediately evident

I suggest that #1 applies to your opinion.
#2 equates to your existence!
#4 applies to you as a person, namely, equal to zero!

As others have noted, you need professional help! And not with your golf swing! Get a life and quit obsessing over this 17 year old girl...what, she didn't reply to your email? Or is this a racial thing, her being part Asian?

I pity the people you actually know, if this is your reaction to someone whom you will never meet!:rolleyes:
You are embarassing yourself son. I am much older and wiser than you. Many people that I surround myself with have written books and have great knowledge of many things.

Think before you speak young chap.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
TrivialPursuits said:
I am much older and wiser than you. Many people that I surround myself with have written books and have great knowledge of many things.

You know, TrivialPursuits....

Counting your Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist as "people who surround you" doesn't really count.....:D

(sorry...couldn't help myself).....
Jun 19, 2007
Jasmine Jazz said:
but the racism part is so funny to me she thinks people are racist to her when 50% of the ladys in LPGA are asian LOL LOL LOL! Birdie Kim is one of the most popular players all the time so whay arent the "racists" after her? Its just same as always shes try to make everything not her own fault, its the world being mean! Sorry i dont think shes ever gonna be great. Im a golf holic and i can see she doesnt have the correc personality to be top golfers. She has skill but not the right brain.

Finally, someone intelligent. She agrees that Michelle Wie is an idiot for claiming racism due to being Asian. Birdie Kim is not good either and she is Asian.
Mar 19, 2006
I agree with Jasmine. Good point about the racism argument.

Golf is 90% mental and the other 10% is in your head. It's Tiger's mental strength that makes him the greatest in the game. Fortunately his parents realized his potential and did an incredible job preparing him what was to come. Living in the spotlight isn't easy, especially for a 15 year old.

Tiger had the mental strength at 17, Michelle doesn't. This is a lesson that demonstrates talent can only take you so far. You have to have it between the ears, especially in professional golf.

She's still a kid though and hopefully someone helps her to change her focus soon. Her talent has potential to be great for the game, I hope she comes around.
Mar 19, 2006
guyroch said:
It must say something that this thread has gotton close to 500 views and lot of replies but Rob Ramage is found guilty of killing somebody and nobody seems to care about the story ...

We will spend the time to say we hate Wie for being a spoiled teenage star
but Ramage gets zero interest .... Interesting ??? is it ???
Just because there is no comment doesn't mean there is no interest.

Ramage was found guilty by a jury of his peers. What more needs to be said?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
TrivialPursuits said:
Just like Paris Hilton (hate her, even though I banged her)


boy your comments and delusions get sadder with each post.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

lookingforitallthetime said:
Tiger had the mental strength at 17...
...how do we know?

One thing people should try to remember when making the Tiger / Wie comparison is that Tiger did not join the tour to play professional until age 20...and if you are referring to their amateur careers, in some ways Wie has had more success at this age than Tiger (though in other ways it is Tiger who comes out on top).

Really, those who say she is without talent simply do not know what talking is talking about. NO ONE associated with the sport has EVER questioned her talent, and as much as she is floundering now, her list of accomplishments for her age exceeds any and every golfer in history...including Tiger.

She turned 18 today people, and while she certainly needs better guidance and management, she is EIGHTEEN. Her career and life aren't over quite yet...she just entered college.
Mar 19, 2006
MLAM said:
...how do we know?
Ummm, his record proves it for one thing.

MLAM said:
and if you are referring to their amateur careers, in some ways Wie has had more success at this age than Tiger (though in other ways it is Tiger who comes out on top).
Tiger won 6 straight national ameteur titles. I wasn't aware that Wie accomplished anything close to this in her career. Not to mention the men's ameteur titles are much more competitive than the women's. This may be sexist, but it's a fact.

When Tiger beat Trip Kheune after being down 7 (i think it was 7?) heading into the final round of the Ameteur, that demonstrated to me he had no equal among his peers regarding mental strength. He continues to be alone in this regard today, playing among the world's best. He actually wills the ball into the cup.

MLAM said:
Really, those who say she is without talent simply do not know what talking is talking about. NO ONE associated with the sport has EVER questioned her talent, and as much as she is floundering now, her list of accomplishments for her age exceeds any and every golfer in history...including Tiger.

She turned 18 today people, and while she certainly needs better guidance and management, she is EIGHTEEN. Her career and life aren't over quite yet...she just entered college.
I agree with all of this and essentially have been saying the same thing all along.
Mar 19, 2006
guyroch said:
Jury finds Ramage guilty of murder .... Article finds Wie guilty of being hated by public ..
One deserves 50 + coments and the other 0 ... ???

How about glad he and super lawyer didn't get him off on it and hope not a light sentance ??? Or my heart went of for Ramage cause of one stupid act
done on one night ???

Micheal Vick is found guilty and wow we are following everything ... ???
The jury's verdict is final, public opinion isn't.

The only reason I got involved in this thread is because of the original poster's stupidity. Why anyone would hate someone (especially a kid) they don't know is beyond me.
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