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Michael Jackson was America


New member
Jul 27, 2004
JUST another example of the interest of tooo many people in this nation!!


Michael Jackson dies and it’s 24/7 news coverage. A real American hero dies and not a mention of it in the news.

Ed Freeman
You're a 19-year-old kid. You're critically wounded and dying in the jungle in the Ia Drang Valley , 11-14-1965, LZ X-ray, Vietnam . Your infantry unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac helicopters to stop coming in.

You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns, and you know you're not getting out. Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away and you'll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.

Then, over the machine gun noise, you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter and you look up to see an unarmed Huey, but it doesn't seem real because no Medi-Vac markings are on it.

Ed Freeman is coming for you. He's not Medi-Vac, so it's not his job, but he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire, after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come.

He's coming anyway.

And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire as they load 2 or 3 of you on board.

Then he flies you up and out, through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses.

And he kept coming back, 13 more times, and took about 30 of you and your buddies out, who would never have gotten out.

Medal of Honor Recipient Ed Freeman died on Wednesday, June 25th, 2009, at the age of 80, in Boise , ID. May God rest his soul.

Medal of Honor Winner
Ed Freeman!
Since the media didn't give him the coverage he deserves, send this to everyone you know.


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Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Michael Jackson dies and it’s 24/7 news coverage. A real American hero dies and not a mention of it in the news.
Well, Michael Jackson is on record not liking America all too much, so I don't find him to be an American hero whatsoever.

Gyaos Baltar.


Hunting..what ??
Apr 21, 2006
Very Retired
this post needed to be repeated

Michael Jackson dies and it’s 24/7 news coverage. A real American hero dies and not a mention of it in the news.

Ed Freeman
You're a 19-year-old kid. You're critically wounded and dying in the jungle in the Ia Drang Valley , 11-14-1965, LZ X-ray, Vietnam . Your infantry unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac helicopters to stop coming in.

You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns, and you know you're not getting out. Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away and you'll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.

Then, over the machine gun noise, you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter and you look up to see an unarmed Huey, but it doesn't seem real because no Medi-Vac markings are on it.

Ed Freeman is coming for you. He's not Medi-Vac, so it's not his job, but he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire, after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come.

He's coming anyway.

And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire as they load 2 or 3 of you on board.

Then he flies you up and out, through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses.

And he kept coming back, 13 more times, and took about 30 of you and your buddies out, who would never have gotten out.

Medal of Honor Recipient Ed Freeman died on Wednesday, June 25th, 2009, at the age of 80, in Boise , ID. May God rest his soul.

Medal of Honor Winner
Ed Freeman!
Since the media didn't give him the coverage he deserves, send this to everyone you know.




New member
Jan 18, 2009
Enough of this equivalency bullshit already.

"Heroes" die every fucking day. They don't get the coverage Jackson did for obvious reasons. Now, pretty please, go blow a goat or do something useful.


Dec 16, 2008
I cant think of one original thing that MJ created. His music was all Quincy Jones, the moon walk was a tap dance move from the forties, the glove was just goofy. What was the contribution that deserves the adulation? please fill me in because I dont see it...


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
aldershot said:
I cant think of one original thing that MJ created. His music was all Quincy Jones, the moon walk was a tap dance move from the forties, the glove was just goofy. What was the contribution that deserves the adulation? please fill me in because I dont see it...
You're smoking too much of that cheap stuff.

Most of the songs on Thriller and on other albums were written and composed by Michael Jackson, including Bill Jean, Black or White, Beat It, The Girl is Mine (with Paul McCartney), Heal the World, and on and on....... Quincy Jones was the producer on many songs, but not all. He was a major player on Motown and thousands grew up listening and enjoying his music, he was part of our culture.
The moon walk was an adaption of an old dance step, and many have imitated him but can't duplicate him. When Fred Astaire says Michael is a great dancer, I think it says something.

Michael's contribution to music is absolutely noteworthy, both in writing and composition, he is one of the greatest entertainer, that's why he's always sold out, he must have done something right.

enjoy this clip


Hunting..what ??
Apr 21, 2006
Very Retired
Mia.Colpa said:
michael's contribution to music is unparralleled, , he is one of the greatest entertainer.

can't argue with that and i never will..


omg can we move on?
i am sick of hearing about him



Dec 16, 2008
I have worked in the music business in several capacities from A&R to production over the years. I know that MJ uses association contracts to be able to list his name as writer on songs when in reality the songs are written by others. This is acceptable under the ASCAP rules as long as both parties sign off, and there is no conflict of royalty administration. Quincy Jones is one of the most brilliant producers and writers of our time. He openly admits that he is in an association agreement with ATV catalogue/MJ regarding writing credits and shares. The credit for for the Thriller album should go to him not MJ. Again I will say that I dont think there is anything more than great marketing at work here. The master mind is Quincy Jones. Jim Vallance has written several songs for MJ as well as Rod Temperton, Mick James and several others. These writers all have association contracts with other big name artists who claim writing credits for marketing reasons. All im saying is dont mistake marketing for artistic merit.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
amber-jade said:

they didn't love children as much as MJ did?

lol here we go again *rolls eyes*

amber-jade said:

can't argue with that and i never will..


omg can we move on?
i am sick of hearing about him

Yeah, that's why this thread shouldn't exist. But you wanted it to.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
aldershot said:
I have worked in the music business in several capacities from A&R to production over the years. I know that MJ uses association contracts to be able to list his name as writer on songs when in reality the songs are written by others. This is acceptable under the ASCAP rules as long as both parties sign off, and there is no conflict of royalty administration. Quincy Jones is one of the most brilliant producers and writers of our time. He openly admits that he is in an association agreement with ATV catalogue/MJ regarding writing credits and shares. The credit for for the Thriller album should go to him not MJ. Again I will say that I dont think there is anything more than great marketing at work here. The master mind is Quincy Jones. Jim Vallance has written several songs for MJ as well as Rod Temperton, Mick James and several others. These writers all have association contracts with other big name artists who claim writing credits for marketing reasons. All im saying is dont mistake marketing for artistic merit.
Look, let's get past it already. Enough with the MJ song writing conspiracies. Stick to the moon landing hoax soap opera.

For those that don't understand why he got news coverage while many others didn't (including other big named stars who passed), you have a few screws loose.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
amber-jade said:
Michael Jackson dies and it’s 24/7 news coverage. A real American hero dies and not a mention of it in the news.

Ed Freeman
You're a 19-year-old kid. You're critically wounded and dying in the jungle in the Ia Drang Valley , 11-14-1965, LZ X-ray, Vietnam . Your infantry unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac helicopters to stop coming in.

You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns, and you know you're not getting out. Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away and you'll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.

Then, over the machine gun noise, you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter and you look up to see an unarmed Huey, but it doesn't seem real because no Medi-Vac markings are on it.

Ed Freeman is coming for you. He's not Medi-Vac, so it's not his job, but he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire, after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come.

He's coming anyway.

And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire as they load 2 or 3 of you on board.

Then he flies you up and out, through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses.

And he kept coming back, 13 more times, and took about 30 of you and your buddies out, who would never have gotten out.

Medal of Honor Recipient Ed Freeman died on Wednesday, June 25th, 2009, at the age of 80, in Boise , ID. May God rest his soul.

Medal of Honor Winner
Ed Freeman!
Since the media didn't give him the coverage he deserves, send this to everyone you know.

He died a year before MJ so what's the connection?



Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
papasmerf said:
Ed was a hero

MJ was a pedophile

There is no connection just a question as to why people see MJ as a hero
The purported connection was the big, bad media. Nice to see you shoot that down.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
jwmorrice said:
The purported connection was the big, bad media. Nice to see you shoot that down.

Yo wish to honor a child molester that is your call. As for me I have no sympathy for his death


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
papasmerf said:
Yo wish to honor a child molester that is your call. As for me I have no sympathy for his death
Nice non sequitur, pappy. You must have forgotten to suggest I was also pissing on the memory of a medal of honor winner.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
jwmorrice said:
Nice non sequitur, pappy. You must have forgotten to suggest I was also pissing on the memory of a medal of honor winner.

Shows your character

Do you also beat women?
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