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Michael Jackson Guilty?

Is Michael Jackson Guilty or not Guilty?

  • Guilty!

    Votes: 96 80.0%
  • NOT Guilty!

    Votes: 24 20.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Although , as I recalled ZZap, you were more a Bangkok man than elswehere, it's good to know you're sound and safe.

Back to Wacko....... M.J. definitely creeps me out.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Of course not guilty!!

Just as we're not guilty when we call SP's
It's just for companionship and nothing more


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Escohort said:
Of course not guilty!!

Just as we're not guilty when we call SP's
It's just for companionship and nothing more
By that insinuation you must somehow know he is guilty, which you obviously do not. The question begs for an opinion only.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Well, similar accusations were leveled at him 8 years ago. Why did he continue to see boys after that????

Do you see little boys and share a bed with them, pool????
I certainly dont and no normal grown 42 yr old man has sleepovers with kids
Thats Sicko with a capitol S

BTW How do you know he's innocent??


How can we discuss this when we don't even know the evidence against him?

By the way, I read this passage yesterday and thought I'd pass it along

"The reason we cannot accept pedophilia as we accept many other sexual practices is that it requires an innocent partner, whose life could be irreparably harmed. We do not have the right to do that. If there is no other way to achieve sexual satisfaction, that is our misfortune, but not an excuse. It is not the pedophile that is evil, but the pedophilia. That is true of all sins and crimes and those tempted to perform them: It is not that we are capable of transgression that condemns us, but that we are willing."


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Escohort said:
Well, similar accusations were levelled at him 8 years ago. Why did he continue to see boys after that????
Perhaps because he is innocent of the charges. Maybe not the smartest course of action, but it certainly doesn't imply guilt of sexual advances/ activity.

I certainly don't and no normal grown 42 yr old man has sleepovers with kids. Thats Sicko with a capitol S
I never said he was normal. That doesn't make him guilty of the the charges against him. I believe he has psychological issues, in that he has not matured in line with what society considers a mature male. Could you please define what you call "sick", because it seems you use it in derogatory sense and see anything that doesn't live up to your standard of what is normal as being "sick".

BTW How do you know he's innocent??
I don't. I believe there is a good chance he could be innocent and do not have enough insight to reach anything close to an absolute conclusion. I only posted "not guilty" to balance things out, predicting in advance the usual silly rhetoric.


Active member
I have to agree with pool. I placed a "not guilty" vote. Remember, its innocent until proven guilty to which some people already has seen fit to declare. Is he weired, damn straight but i don't think he's guilty. Messed up he is, but who isn't in show biz.


New member
Think what you want about this info. I can't be too specific because it would possibly reveal more than a trust should, however...a friend of mine I've known for...hmm..25 years. She is an SP. I have never known her to lie. She was with michael jackson a couple of times.. his perversion extends beyond 'kids'..beyond humans...according to her, he's one sick dude.

Myself, I think he will crack under pressure. He's not used to not being in control... and this is going to be a long, long affair.


a muddy reclining Buddha
Well it may be true because he did have a Monkey that he use to admit he slept with too but as a pet. The poor Monkey would have had no way of telling anyone he was being molested too.
I wonder what ever happened to that Monkey???


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Mcluhan said:
.. his perversion extends beyond 'kids'..beyond humans...
Sure, why not throw some alien beings into the arena.

I don't see why people are so quick to assume MJ is guilty. I actually do hope that he is, in fact, innocent. For his sake and the sake of the boy(s) involved.
Michael Jackson Evidence - Wow what a report!

The Smoking Gun has been very reliable in getting documentation in many cases.

Michael Jackson called the boys "Doo Doo Head" and "Blowhole." He served them Bacardi, Jim Beam, vodka, tequila, and wine during visits to the Neverland Ranch. During those stays, the trio surfed lewd web sites together, engaged in lurid conversations, played drinking games, and placed vulgar prank phone calls.

Then, at the end of their relationship, the performer allegedly committed heinous acts against one of the children. Confidential law enforcement documents provide a harrowing behind-the-scenes account of the Jackson case--and a glimpse at serious weaknesses in the prosecution's version of events. A TSG exclusive at:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I would have to answer, "I don't know"

And that is not one of your options.


Jan 27, 2003
pool said:
Sure, why not throw some alien beings into the arena.

I don't see why people are so quick to assume MJ is guilty. I actually do hope that he is, in fact, innocent. For his sake and the sake of the boy(s) involved.
pool, you are living in a dream. Of course, none of us know for sure whether he's guilty or not, just as none of us know for sure that OJ is guilty. But the probability that they are both guilty is staggeringly high.

Oh sorry, that's just my opinion!


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Pool & Incognito. I respect your opinions and I applaud the fact you want to protect the "innocent till proven guilty" statute, but your logic and attempt at fairness pushes normal reasoning to its extreme and completely abolishes any common sense IMHO


Escohort said:
Pool & Incognito. I respect your opinions and I applaud the fact you want to protect the "innocent till proven guilty" statute, but your logic and attempt at fairness pushes normal reasoning to its extreme and completely abolishes any common sense IMHO
Common sense? This is TERB man! TERB and common sense are mutually exclusive - have you taken a look at the Politcs forum lately?!?!?!


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
banshie said:
pool, you are living in a dream.
I only wish that were the case. I don't think I need to tell you how many people have been wrongly convicted, because all the evidence seemed to strongly point to the probability that they were guilty. The reality is that it's entirely possible he is not guilty, although I just happen to think there is also a good possibility that he is.

To compare this case to OJ's might be fair in retrospect, but MJ's trial hasn't even begun, except in the media : (

The converse to my hoping he is not guilty would be to hope he is, so if that's your reality that is just sick. But, of course, no rational person would wish that is the case for the sake of MJ and the alleged victims.

Oh sorry, that's just my opinion!
... and a narrow minded one at that.


Originally posted by Eschort
your logic and attempt at fairness pushes normal reasoning to its extreme and completely abolishes any common sense IMHO
I feel that we are not dealing with "normal" circumstances, which in my mind sometimes calls for extreme reasoning.

I retracted my vote for "not guilty", which was only cast to help balance out the lynch mob scenario, and took the liberty of adding "I don't know" - magic, ya know : )
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