Mexican immigration


Jan 18, 2004
Cute In A Kilt said:
Oh yeah when they need "us" latin american's for slave labour, they say nothing, now they have a problem it's all the "hispanics" fault...... This whole topic just infuriates me to no end, my latin counterparts are treated like shit in America, whether they are illegal, legal or like me just visiting the damn country. This is a pretty pathetic excuse to be a bunch of racists in my opinion, and it is nothing BUT racism.
Unfortunately it's a symptom of the whole Illeagal problem. Imagine if we could curb or eiminate the illegal influx into the US how much the general attitude about Latin americans would improve. Only the most obnoxious of any type of people are noticed because of the commotion they cause. if there were only law abiding legally emigrated latin americans and naturalized latin americans the negative imapact and related profiling would be reduced. I am sure there would still be a minority of bigots and racists still trying to stir shit about latin americans but they would have few examples to call on and would be largely ignored.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Anyone know where I can get an INS t-shirt or jacket, would be perfect to wear to these rallies.



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
onthebottom said:
Anyone know where I can get an INS t-shirt or jacket, would be perfect to wear to these rallies.


That would be a great selling item i'm sure. The t-shirt and ball cap as a combo gift. I think I'll buy one for old jones, just to watch him cry.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
LancsLad said:
That would be a great selling item i'm sure. The t-shirt and ball cap as a combo gift. I think I'll buy one for old jones, just to watch him cry.
And the blue windbreaker (in South Park ATF fashion) with yellow INS on the back. How fun would that be.

I can't believe the INS isn't showing up at these rallies in force with container trucks....



Farkin Icehole
Mar 1, 2004
dont bend over
How about a trade.

Hows about we give mexico all those on welfare (with the exeption of those who truly need it ) and we will take all there migrants willing to work .Sounds like a sweet deal to me.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
onthebottom said:
And the blue windbreaker (in South Park ATF fashion) with yellow INS on the back. How fun would that be.

I can't believe the INS isn't showing up at these rallies in force with container trucks....


You could drive around near the rally in an unmarked truck with speakers telling people to form orderly lines and don't leave the area. Then have another sound track telling them to move to the other side of the street.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Cute In A Kilt said:
I was not commenting on whether there are benefit to the Latinos being in America but merely the fact that it is OFTEN such treatment shows how much RACISM DOES go on in America. And it's not like winning the lottery, because WE HAVE TO EARN OUR WAY TOO working for minimum wage is still working for, the lottery is simply handed to you. And what do you propose HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS latin americans do?!?!? Simply starve to death in their countries? Watch their children die of disease and malnutrition while American companies sue Brazil for offering affordable HIV antivirals????

If you look at historically why Latin American countries are in such a sorry state, look at your US history and then tell me why "us" Latin people are so insensed with the state of the world and particularly America. It's people like you who THINK that all these benefits are simply handed to us when we reach your country, and how dare "demand" anything back! Talk to black youth in the ghettos, ask them how they feel about their country..... And since people in America are so quick to judge the "mexicans" I look around and see that the American war is STILL fought mostly by the poor and mostly those are minorities.

And while we like to pretend that there is not as much racism in the US as the rest of the world, everytime I see stuff related to race issues in the US, it is ONLY about the blacks and whites....... there is a HUGE latin-american population in the states, it is slowly changing the face of america and yet latin americans have next to no polictical or social mite there. And the racial profiling is NOT the illegals fault, why can't the media show more positive faces of Latino/as, whenever I watch CNN and a latin person is on, it's always negative if there is ANY coverage at all. Spanish is the second MOST spoken language in the US and yet it's virtually ignored.... So before some of "you" critize me for my attitude, recognize that is is BASED on history. Americans (the yucky god fearing gay hating racist politcal majority) have fucked Latin Americans up the ass for so long, it's about time there was a revolution, it's about time some people remove their heads out of thier asses and look at history and the global picture and why it affects the dynamics of people. Just look at the history of Nicaragua and then tell me that the "latin" people have nothing to be pissed about.

And I agree with Fred Zed, if they really wanted to stem the problem, go after the employers who employ illegals. It's like the whole debate on prostitution, most ppl blame the street whores for being street whores but rarely do we recognize that without the johns there wouldn't be whoring on the streets. Without the employers there would be a lot less illegals because they can't find the jobs. So I guess at the end of the day it's just easier to blame the "illegals" then the people within the country who encourage such behavior or those who can design policies to stem the flow, afterall they might not be dirty latins.

If the US is such a horrible place full of racists why not stay home and make your own country a better place instead of sneaking into ours?

I think immigration is a strong force for economic development in the US, I think we should have a large guest worker program. I also think we should get to control our boarders, we have almost 12m (no one really knows the numbers) illegals here, I think we have the right to the enforcement of our boarders and laws.

How does Mexico deal with their illegal immigrants, perhaps we should take a page out of that book?



New member
Sep 10, 2001
I have a simple question. Why are all the newspapers, television , radio guys all calling todays protests "A day without immigrants"? Screw that , we all know we need immigrants thats how this country was built. What we dont need are ILLEGAL ones. I for one have a feeling that what is going on today is going to backfire for the people who put this all together.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
LancsLad said:
You could drive around near the rally in an unmarked truck with speakers telling people to form orderly lines and don't leave the area. Then have another sound track telling them to move to the other side of the street.
Kinda like when the Blues Brothers drove around in their old beat up cop car with a megaphone on top .:eek:


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
mrpolarbear said:
I have a simple question. Why are all the newspapers, television , radio guys all calling todays protests "A day without immigrants"? Screw that , we all know we need immigrants thats how this country was built. What we dont need are ILLEGAL ones. I for one have a feeling that what is going on today is going to backfire for the people who put this all together.
Because "A day without illegals" doesn't sound as warm and fuzzy.

There is massive hispandering going on with the media, why do you think they prefer the term "undocumented".



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
mrpolarbear said:
Kinda like when the Blues Brothers drove around in their old beat up cop car with a megaphone on top .:eek:

Fun thing we did as kids was find some street corner and a bunch of you point at a nearby roof. Take turns saying things like " there it is", " what the hell is that", " don't see those often". It doesn't take long until you get a group of people all looking and pointing. Stand back watch then walk away.
We were young, it didn't cost anything to do and it was funny.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
The right in the USA is making a big mistake if it allows itself to get mixed up with nativism or anything that even resembles it again.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Truncador said:
The right in the USA is making a big mistake if it allows itself to get mixed up with nativism or anything that even resembles it again.
Well, of course it would be, but I'm pretty sure they're going to do it anyway. Or at least enough of them to tarnish the whole lot.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Asterix said:
Well, of course it would be, but I'm pretty sure they're going to do it anyway. Or at least enough of them to tarnish the whole lot.

You would be suprised at how many of us relize we are the sons, daughters and grandchildren of immigrants. Many of which came here seeking a better life.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
papasmerf said:
You would be suprised at how many of us relize we are the sons, daughters and grandchildren of immigrants. Many of which came here seeking a better life.
I wouldn't be surprised at all, papa, but truncy's fear of the right in the US returning to a nativist mindset is more than possible.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
papasmerf said:
You would be suprised at how many of us relize we are the sons, daughters and grandchildren of immigrants. Many of which came here seeking a better life.

While that may be true I imagine that it was done legally and following the guidelines in place when they did. There is a major difference between legal immigration and illegal which is what we are talking about here.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Cute In A Kilt said:
I was not commenting on whether there are benefit to the Latinos being in America but merely the fact that it is OFTEN such treatment shows how much RACISM DOES go on in America. And it's not like winning the lottery, because WE HAVE TO EARN OUR WAY TOO working for minimum wage is still working for, the lottery is simply handed to you. And what do you propose HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS latin americans do?!?!? Simply starve to death in their countries? Watch their children die of disease and malnutrition while American companies sue Brazil for offering affordable HIV antivirals????
When you say that latinos are used for slave labor you indicate that they do not get any benefit from being in America...

Below you shit on the Americans when they try to interfere in other countries politics... but now it's their fault that people are dying in latino countries...

Cute In A Kilt said:
If you look at historically why Latin American countries are in such a sorry state, look at your US history and then tell me why "us" Latin people are so insensed with the state of the world and particularly America.....

So before some of "you" critize me for my attitude, recognize that is is BASED on history. Americans (the yucky god fearing gay hating racist politcal majority) have fucked Latin Americans up the ass for so long, it's about time there was a revolution, it's about time some people remove their heads out of thier asses and look at history and the global picture and why it affects the dynamics of people. Just look at the history of Nicaragua and then tell me that the "latin" people have nothing to be pissed about.
Granted that America caused a great deal of problems in many countries.. often resulting in governments that took advantage of their countries and people...... but more often than not... your own people have been fucking each other up the asses much more than the US ever did... .so get off your asses...

What's your excuse for what's happening in Venuzula.... why do you think that Cubans are selling their women to tourists... or that the best jobs in Cuba are working in the hotels and bars catering to foreigners.......


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
LancsLad said:
While that may be true I imagine that it was done legally and following the guidelines in place when they did. There is a major difference between legal immigration and illegal which is what we are talking about here.
Don't be so sure
One of my Great Grand Fathers had a warrent for his arrest when he fled Ireland. Seems the man had the gaul to fish in a British lake.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
papasmerf said:
Don't be so sure
One of my Great Grand Fathers had a warrent for his arrest when he fled Ireland. Seems the man had the gaul to fish in a British lake.

Ireland you say, that may explain your calm and easy nature then. ;)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
LancsLad said:
Ireland you say, that may explain your calm and easy nature then. ;)
That it does and my love of mothers milk, Guinnness.
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