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Meditations from the Centre


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
langeweile said:
I haven't met one Canadian yet, that is in agreement with supporting the Governor General.
In general i don't care what traditions you chose to observe. As an outsider I find your love of the monarchy a bit strange.

Between paying millions of dollars for the GG, the traditional court uniforns and the guy from parliament, all dressed up..sorry that looks and sounds just a bit odd to me....but hell to each his own.
Obviously the sampling technique of your survey is deficient. If you can name a nation that pays nothing for their Head of State, I'll buy lunch when you're up for meeting a Canadian who supports the GG. She did go to my high school, after all, but I betcha I can put a serious "for" to every "against" raised.
Considering he enjoys all the trappings appropriate to the monarchies of the 1770's, (from a palace, to a palace guard, to personal anthemns, and didn't Washington insist on "Your Excellency"? I know Nixon designed Secret Service uniforms worthy of The Prisoner of Zenda). I've always thought your President a tad under-costumed.
More seriously, I'd prefer a Head of Government who wasn't quite so invested with the majesty of office. We can and do 'beat up' our PMs on a regular basis without worrying about their high office, 'cause they're just pols. But you did say it's all in your point of view, didn't you?
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