Me and Winston????


PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.


PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.
Yeah yeah yeah. :p thphththtpppphthththphhtt!


C Note

Aug 24, 2006
Moet said:
Ohh I know I think Winston is awesome... but was kinda ticked off by the fact that some of the guys on terb wanted to yap and lie all at the same time...

Maybe me and Amara will do you next or wait a minute Skeik is the one with the big dick...NEVER MIND *runs to sheik*:D
Maybe you should choose a well-groomed, decent guy like Sheik over Winston?

I saw on that other board numerous members are angry at him because he has an avatar that sexually exploits a young girl. The avatar photo shows a little girl who is not older than 10 years old sitting on a Donald Duck chair. The only problem is that Donald Duck's mouth is right where her crotch is.

Now I have heard numerous stories about this Winston character, but I'm glad he's no longer a member of Terb. I am also glad that Terb doesn't allow horrible child like porn photos to be displayed like what Winston is displaying on that other site. Whether he is joking or not, it is a serious matter, and even some of the rudest posters on that site are bashing him for it. There was not one single person who came to his defense.

C Note

Aug 24, 2006
Svend said:
Sounds like a boring discussion, keep it over there.
I don't post on that board, I just read it. But I totally agree with what you have to say regarding this matter. There is no denying that he has sick fantasies.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Why not tell him that on a board where he's able to respond?

C Note

Aug 24, 2006
Svend said:
Why not tell him that on a board where he's able to respond?
Well, there was already about 10 people bashing him for it. But I decided to bring it to the members attention here. It's in your best interest not to defend him since it is wrong and sickening what he did, and regardless, I am now finished with this topic.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
C Note said:
Well, there was already about 10 people bashing him for it. But I decided to bring it to the members attention here. It's in your best interest not to defend him since it is wrong and sickening what he did, and regardless, I am now finished with this topic.
If it is such a horrible board why are you reading this other board then?:confused:

C Note

Aug 24, 2006
Meister said:
If it is such a horrible board why are you reading this other board then?:confused:
There is a few good threads, and I am sometimes midly entertained. However, I usually do not approve of what goes on over there, hence my reason for not being a posting member on that site. There are some weird individuals on that site, and due to what I've heard regarding Winston's past actions, and how he behaves online, he is not a normal person. I mean, what person in their right mind would have an avatar up that sexually exploits an underage girl on a sex industry board?

And Mister, didn't I tell Svend that I was done discussing this topic? Consider yourself to be a very lucky man that I chose to answer your unnecessary question.

I am new to these boards, but I find Terb to be the best of the lot. It is well-managed, has a huge membership and many great features.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
C Note said:
And Mister, didn't I tell Svend that I was done discussing this topic? Consider yourself to be a very lucky man that I chose to answer your unnecessary question.
I'm still thanking my lucky stars that you answered my unnecessary question, especially since you are done discussing this topic.
I always find it funny that people soak up other less censored boards and then come here to complain about it.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
C Note said:
The avatar photo shows a little girl who is not older than 10 years old sitting on a Donald Duck chair. The only problem is that Donald Duck's mouth is right where her crotch is.
I went and checked it out and your description is correct.

Though I believe that the purpose of the picture was to make fun of the positioning of the duck in relation to the young girls crotch area, I do find it strange that someone would even have a picture of a little girl in an avatar (regardless of the joke), on a board that is generally intended for people who discuss adult oriented sexual themes.

But then again, I'm pretty fucked up so who am I to question someone else's motives...Aside from the fact that I get a laugh out of it.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
C Note said:
There are some weird individuals on that site, and due to what I've heard regarding Winston's past actions, and how he behaves online, he is not a normal person. I mean, what person in their right mind would have an avatar up that sexually exploits an underage girl on a sex industry board?
Well instead of boring us with how evil someone that is banned from here is, why not go pick a fight with him over there?

If you want to challenge the guy why not doing in a forum where he can respond. Bitching about him over here is a pretty cowardly way of attacking if you ask me.

C Note

Aug 24, 2006
Ref said:
I went and checked it out and your description is correct.

Though I believe that the purpose of the picture was to make fun of the positioning of the duck in relation to the young girls crotch area, I do find it strange that someone would even have a picture of a little girl in an avatar (regardless of the joke), on a board that is generally intended for people who discuss adult oriented sexual themes.

But then again, I'm pretty fucked up so who am I to question someone else's motives...Aside from the fact that I get a laugh out of it.
I find that a lot of people on these boards have issues and this is mainly because they have a low self-esteem and from what I've heard, Winston fits into this category. I just find it to be repulsive that he would put up a picture of a young girl being sexually exploited. He truly is a sick man for doing so, but thank God not all of us are like him.

Compromised said:
Well instead of boring us with how evil someone that is banned from here is, why not go pick a fight with him over there?

If you want to challenge the guy why not doing in a forum where he can respond. Bitching about him over here is a pretty cowardly way of attacking if you ask me.
Like I have said already, there is already 10 people bashing him for it over there, so I decided to bring it to members attention over here. But I guess you never saw me type that? It was my 2nd last post in this thread if you're having trouble. The truth is, I feel that all hobbyists should be warned about him, especially the industry workers. I hope you do not approve of Winston's twisted actions?

Please keep in mind that until recently on that "other board" he has been owning a disgusting, child-porn like avatar. I'm sure something like this would never be tolerated on Terb, and the mods and ownership of this site knew exactly what type of person he was when they banned him.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
C Note said:
Please keep in mind that until recently on that "other board" he has been owning a disgusting, child-porn like avatar. I'm sure something like this would never be tolerated on Terb, and the mods and ownership of this site knew exactly what type of person he was when they banned him.
Come on, get over yourselves. First of all it was not a disgusting child-porn avatar, there was no nudity. It was a riding duck looking at the wrong location of a girl, as he puts it a poor industrial design. It would be not my choice of an avatar, but so what. This industry is filled with fucked up morality. On terb there is at least 3 or 4 threads a week regarding how to cheat on your SO, gangbangs, masochism.... We are all no saints here.

For your information the reason he got banned was because somebody from terb asked him to organize a christmas party and invited people outside the terb realm. terb then disassociated itself from that party and organized another one which apparently sucked. So Winston got canned.

C Note

Aug 24, 2006
Meister said:
Come on, get over yourselves. First of all it was not a disgusting child-porn avatar, there was no nudity. It was a riding duck looking at the wrong location of a girl, as he puts it a poor industrial design. It would be not my choice of an avatar, but so what. This industry is filled with fucked up morality. On terb there is at least 3 or 4 threads a week regarding how to cheat on your SO, gangbangs, masochism.... We are all no saints here.
I know none of us are saints. I never said any of us were. But it seems that nobody in this thread or on that "other board" would ever put up an avatar that is sexually exploiting a 10 year old girl. However, Winston seems to think that such an avatar is appropriate for an online sex discussion board. You shouldn`t defend his actions because it only makes you look bad in the end.

Meister said:
For your information the reason he got banned was because somebody from terb asked him to organize a christmas party and invited people outside the terb realm. terb then disassociated itself from that party and organized another one which apparently sucked. So Winston got canned.
From what I`ve heard Winston was banned weeks before the Christmas parties took place and that the Terb Christmas Party last year was more successful than Winstons party.

There was more people in attendance, more industry women and more money raised. I heard that Winston`s party was nothing more than 30 people hanging out in a strip joint called Seductions. Last time I checked, that place was a dump and no one ever goes there. Well, nobody except for Winston it seems. It`s obvious tha Terb management had other reasons for banning him, and I am glad that he is not a member of this board. Judging by the way he is, he has no business being here.

C Note

Aug 24, 2006
Sheik said:
Ok C note, thats enough.

Winston is a grown man and he can deal with his own issues, his own way. There is no need for you to rehash pass issues as they are considered dead.
Not a problem Sheik. I have made my point and I praise Terb for their efforts thus far.
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