McGuinty is going down ugly.......


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
I've never heard so much venom on this guy lately. Everywhere I turn, no matter which cultural group, or education level, or sexual group, whatever......there is a real hate on for this guy, and all for different reasons. I was in a discussion yesterday on politics and the guy across the table had his veins popping out of his neck he was so pissed at him.

I haven't found anyone on this guy's side recently, I think he's doomed and the whole party is going to go down ugly, maybe down to the number of seats in a corvette.:Eek:

I think many of the Liberals know it and some are starting to bow out of the election, and many still thinking about it. First the Feds, now the province.....I've never seen or read the Liberals at such a low point.

What do you think?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I will vote for McGuinty.

1. There is too much tory blue in Toronto (Mayor Bob) and now federally. Having a tory provincial gov't would not be good. There needs to be checks and balances.

2. I don't like Hudak, he's far more neo-con than even Mike Harris was.

3. If Hudak gets elected, he will kill the McGuinty transit programs for GO Transit and TTC (Elglinton cross town) and I don't want to see that.

4. I'm not exactly sure what McGuinty has done that is so bad. The HST was required, it is much better for business, and it will create jobs supposedly.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
McGuinty made promises he didn't keep big time. I've never heard that word Fiberal until McGuinty came into power.

Right is right Jim, so I wouldn't mind Hudak at the helm in this province which has lost it's pre=eminence as the economic engine of the nation.

Hydro is out of control unless they can truly promise a date that the old debt will be repaid and taxpayers can reap savings amongst other things.

I have met and supported Hudak, however, I must read up on his promises (I wouldn't mind that Eglinton to Airport LRT system).

To be fair, the HST is in theory, just as the GST was, good for business and can create jobs. It also saves on government administrative costs. But I hate the Recaptured Input Tax Credits part of it. That's an administrative headache for businesses affected and an old tax grab.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Ontario has been hammered by the economic meltdown.

800,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost, plants closed, the tax base eroded.

There has been very little help from Harper - other than a loan to GM and Chrysler (but the Americans were on his back about that one, so he didn't have fuck all choice and even then, there have been huge downsizings in the auto industry)

It has not been an easy ride for McGuinty.

Hudak will not be good for the City of Toronto and the GTA in my opinion. For that reason, I'm not voting for him. Besides, the idea of chain gangs? Come on, is that all you've got?


Geek "Extraordinaire"
Apr 30, 2007
I too keep wondering what McGuinty has done so wrong. Someone want to remind me?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
I too keep wondering what McGuinty has done so wrong. Someone want to remind me?

With the Ontario Provincial Election coming up in October, and with Liberal Organizations like the "Working Families Coalition" out there spreading their pro-Liberal pro-Union agenda (see: Disgraceful "Working Families Coalition" Defines Anti-Family in Ontario...), I though it absolutely necessary to pull together a list with supporting details of 30 Dalton McGuinty Ontario Liberal Scandals that have taken place over his 2 terms as the Premier of Ontario (from 2003 to 2011).

Without a doubt, Dalton McGuinty is the most scandal-plagued, tax-spend-and-waste, unethical, integrity-deficient Premier that Ontario has ever had in its entire history. And even though this should be obvious to all Ontarians, McGuinty's gift of being able to talk his way out of anything often leaves Ontarians questioning their hurtful experiences and falling for his "Premier Dad" routine of manipulation. McGuinty could literally get away with murder by convincing Ontarians that "though this was not the easy thing to do, it was the right thing to do".

Given this gift of his, even I find myself sometimes caught up in his rhetoric about being responsible and taking our tough medicine even if it tastes awful, only to find myself later waking up in a proverbial hangover with my head pounding realizing that he got me once again! This is why I compiled this list of many of Dalton McGuinty's more publicized scandals (along with links to applicable news stories from reputable news organizations that have reported on them). Now every time I find myself questioning my disgust with Premier McGuinty, I simply just review this list and remember everything that he has done to Ontario and Ontarians.

Though this list has many Scandals, Broken Promises and New Taxes/Fees that Premier Dalton McGuinty has plagued Ontarians with since being elected, in no way is this a complete list. If you find that I have missed any Scandals, Broken Promises or New Taxes/Fees, please feel free to add a more posting and note them along with any supporting websites.

Without any further delay, here is the list. (Please note that this list is not in any particular order related to importance or timelines or etc.)

1. The McGuinty Ontario Health Premium - The highest tax increase in Ontario's history, implemented months after Dalton McGuinty was elected in 2003 on a promise to not increase taxes (even after signing a contract with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation to not increase taxes). McGuinty justified his healthcare tax increase on Ontario's Working Families by saying that he inherited an unknown deficit from the previous Government, yet here we stand today in Ontario with the highest deficit that Ontario has ever had, literally multiplied by the McGuinty Government and Ontario's Unions. This was the first tax of many new taxes and user fees that Dalton McGuinty has imposed on Ontario's Working Families in order to support his Union Boss buddies and allow the scandalous corruption to continue. (See: Globe and Mail: The health care premium).

2. The McGuinty Delisting of OHIP Covered Necessary Health Services - Where after Dalton McGuinty promised not to decrease any health services covered by OHIP, and also not to raise taxes, he did both on the same day by implementing the Ontario Health Premium and delisting coverage of Optometry (Eye), Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Services for Ontarians. (See: Canadian Cancer Care Society: Mixed reaction to McGuinty government’s budget and Toronto Star: Hampton pledges to pay for delisted health services.)

3. The McGuinty eHealth Scandal - That cost Ontario's Working Families a Billion dollars in wasted tax dollars (and unprecedented delays in the computerization of Ontario's health records), and is a true definition of "gravy", a term that also defines McGuinty's wasteful mismanagement of the Ontario Government. Here we stand years after this initiative started and Billions of dollars in the hole, and still it is not completed. The eHealth failure was famous not only for its complete lack of progress, but also for its constant usage of sole-sourcing and untendered contracts to Liberal friends, along with scandalous expenses logged by useless consultants, eHealth Executives and Upper Management. "eHeatlh" has now become a term that is synonymous with scandal, waste and boondoggle. (See: Toronto Star: EHealth operation bled $1B and Toronto Star - Coverage of eHealth Ontario.)

4. The McGuinty Slush Fund Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty's Government gave $32 Million to Liberal friendly groups (in the form of Government Grants) over a 2 years span with no formal application process and no accountability for how the money would be spent. Just, "here you go, vote Liberal!" (See: Toronto Star: Insults and accusations fly in Ontario 'slush fund' affair and Toronto Star: New charges fuel 'slush fund' scandal.)

5. The McGuinty Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG) Scandal - Where on the McGuinty Government's watch, there were multiple accounts of catastrophic corruption related to Lottery Winnings being stolen from Ontario families by Lottery Retailers, countless OLG insider wins, Ontario family tax dollars being corruptly given out via sole-sourced untendered contracts to Liberal friendly firms, and massive Ontario family tax dollar waste via the horrifying expenses by OLG staff again allowed by the McGuinty Government (in exactly the same way it was allowed in eHealth). (See: CTV: Ont. gov't scrambles to control OLG scandal damage and CTV: OLG: Billions in profits, but lots of headaches.)

6. The McGuinty CancerCare Ontario Scandal - Yet another eHealth-style scandal costing Ontario Working Families millions of dollars. (See: CBC: Cancer Care Ontario broke rules: audit and Toronto Sun: A 'scandal behind another scandal'.)

7. The McGuinty Municipal Property Assessment Corp. (MPAC) Scandal - Where on the McGuinty Government's watch, Ontario Families had their homes either significantly undervalued or significantly overvalued by the MPAC, resulting in either a huge loss of their home's value, or them being significantly overcharged for property taxes. When provided the auditor's report, the MPAC rejected investigating into the issue. In addition to their failures in providing the basic service for which they are employed, they also were caught in yet another eHealth-type expense scandal. (See: The Ottawa Citizen: Ontario auditor-general says MPAC shortchanges homeowners, hospital wait times not improving and National Post: Ontario's Audit.)

8. The McGuinty Children's Aid Society (CAS) Scandal - Where on the McGuinty Government's watch, Ontario working family tax dollars that were supposed to go towards vulnerable children in Ontario, were instead squandered on Luxury Vehicles, All-Inclusive Luxury Resort Vacations to the Caribbean and other vacation destinations, Gym Memberships and Executive Allowances for CAS Management. (See: CBC: Ontario children's aid societies misspent money, auditors allege, National Post / The Ottawa Citizen: Children's Aid funds misused, auditor says and Toronto Star: Opposition slams Ont. Liberals over CAS.)

9. The McGuinty Tire Tax - Yet another blatant lie by Dalton McGuinty where he said he would not implement a tire tax, and then went right ahead and implemented one (calling it a fee and not a tax, as to act like he didn't lie yet again). (See: Toronto Sun: Tired of all the taxes and Toronto Star - Costly tire recycling plan will replace one that only needs tweaking.)

10. The McGuinty Ontario Ministry of Health, Local Health Integration Networks (LHIN) and Ontario Hospitals Consultant Hiring & Expenses Scandal - Where under the McGuinty Government, yet again another eHealth-type of fiasco took place, where untendered contracts were awarded to consultants and lobbyists, in addition to lax expense controls leading to lavish world-wide vacations in thousand-dollar-a-night hotels, expensive lunches and boozy dinners all paid for by Ontario's Working Families. (See: Toronto Star: Ontario tightens lobbying rules after scathing report and Global TV: Ont. auditor general says rules on health consultants still not followed.)

11. The McGuinty Tax Collectors Getting $45,000 Severance Packages for switching their job titles from "Provincial" to "Federal" Scandal - Where when Dalton McGuinty implemented the HST in Ontario, he overlooked the severance packages that would be rewarded to Ontario's Tax Collectors who, though they would not be losing their jobs, would still get this massive payout from Ontario's Working Families (many of which can only dream about making $45,000 a year) for moving from the Provincial Ontario Government to the Federal Government. (See: Toronto Star: Tax collectors get $45K severance, keep jobs.)

12. The McGuinty Niagara Falls Commission Scandal - Yet another eHealth-type fiasco, where countless tax dollars from Ontario's Working Families were blown on fancy dinners, nights out, expensive hotels and countless other unethical expenses by Management at the Niagara Parks Commission, not to mention the usual untendered contracts and sole-sourced deals given to Liberal friends. (See: The Hamilton Spectator: Niagara Parks exec ran up $400,000 in expenses and Toronto Sun: Call in the auditor!: Blizzard.)

13. The McGuinty General Motors Auto Pensions Bailout - Where Dalton McGuinty, after rejecting for years that Ontario taxpayers wouldn't be expected to bail out the GM Pensions (as many Ontarians don't have pensions themselves), Dalton McGuinty like usual, went ahead and broke that promise and provided Ontario Working Family tax dollars to GM to bail out their auto pensions. (See: National Post: Canada may hold stake in GM until 2018.)

14. The McGuinty Nortel Pensions Bailout - Where again, Dalton McGuinty for years said that Ontario taxpayers shouldn't be expected to bailout the pensions of private companies, as many Ontarians don't have pensions themselves, went ahead and bailed out Nortel's workers' pensions in an effort to buy votes for a by-election. (See: CityTV: McGuinty Shrugs Off Accusations Of Vote-Buying With Nortel Pension Guarantee.)

15. The McGuinty Workers Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) Tax Increase - Where Dalton McGuinty's Government allowed the WSIB to mismanage itself so horribly, that after years of lax controls, the WSIB had to increase rates on Ontario Businesses in order to recover from its failures. (See: CTV: New Year brings hydro rebates in Ontario plus higher EI and CPP premiums and Northbay's The Bay Today: CFIB blasts the WSIB’s hike in payroll taxes.)

16. The McGuinty Nanticoke Coal Power Plant Shutdown Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty, in the election in 2003, promised then to shut down all Coal Power Plants by 2007, and then later admitted to breaking that promise, and instead said they would all be shutdown by 2009. Now, in prep for the 2011 election, McGuinty is saying that all Coal Power Plants will be shutdown by 2014! Yet another blatant lie and broken promise by Dalton McGuinty against Ontario Working Families. (See: CBC: McGuinty takes blame for broken promise on coal plant closures and Toronto Sun: Dalton McGuinty’s mind games: Goldstein.)

17. The McGuinty Caledonia Scandal - Where the McGuinty Government has been turning a blind eye to an illegal protection racket run by militant natives who have assaulted citizens and police officers, and Dalton McGuinty has prevented them from taking back control of Caledonia, all for the fear of another Ipperwash type scandal (see: Ipperwash Crisis - Wikipedia). McGuinty has once again turned his back on Ontario Working Families, this time those living in Caledonia. (See: National Post: Caledonia redux and National Post editorial on Dalton McGuinty's Caledonia policy: 'The coward at Queen's Park'.)

18. The McGuinty G20 Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty implemented illegal regulations to enable the police to detain people during Toronto's G20 summit without cause. Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin said in regards to the McGuinty Government's G20 actions, "For the citizens of Toronto, the days up to and including the (June 26-27) weekend of the G20 will live in infamy as a time period where martial law set in in the city of Toronto, leading to the most massive compromise of civil liberties in Canadian history". (See: G20 law was 'massive' breach of rights, Marin says (Toronto Star) and Toronto Star: Report details ‘shocking’ abuses at G20 summit.)

19. The McGuinty Local Health Integration Networks (LHIN) Review Delay Until After October Election - Where Dalton McGuinty purposely delayed the Auditor's review of McGuinty's much-loved LHINs, who via freedom of information inquiries has been found to be yet another eHealth type fiasco. The LHIN scandal is different in that many of the findings from the report happened after McGuinty implemented regulations to stop further eHealth type fiascoes. Where McGuinty has been protected before by saying these scandals happened before these new regulations, the LHIN scandals happened afterward, proving the continued complete lack of oversight and mismanagement by Dalton McGuinty of Ontario Working Families' tax dollars. (See: CBC: McGuinty says LHINs can do better and McGuinty Blocks LHIN Review to Hide Another eHealth-Style Insider Scandal.)

20. The McGuinty Government has made Ontario Tuition Fees the highest in Canada - Ontario College/University Tuition fees have skyrocketed under Dalton McGuinty to become the highest in Canada, again making life extremely hard for Ontario's Working Families to send their children for post-secondary education. (See: CP24: Ontario university students paying highest tuition fees in Canada.)

21. The McGuinty Foreign Scholarships Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty, after continuously raising College/University Tuitions for Ontario students and making Ontario Tuitions the highest in Canada, then goes and gives free scholarships to foreign students. (See: Toronto Sun: Don't send our scholarships to China: Zimonjic and Toronto Sun: PCs would flunk plan to fund foreign students.)


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
22. The Dalton McGuinty Auto Insurance Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty promised to reduce Auto Insurance rates by 10% during the 2003 election, he instead has done the exact opposite increasing Auto Insurance rates in Ontario to skyrocketing heights, and at the same time has allowed the reduction of insurance coverage with those new higher rates. Yet another blow to Ontario Working Families by the Dalton McGuinty Government. (See: Toronto Sun: McGuinty's insurance debacle and Globe and Mail: New auto insurance rules in Ontario.)

23. The Dalton McGuinty Eco-Fee Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty snuck in an Eco Tax along with the HST, and after outrage in Ontario from Ontario Working Families, along with a completely failed implementation by the Ontario Stewardship, he back-pedaled on the new (supposedly necessary as per McGuinty) tax. (See: National Post: Poor communication blamed for failed Ontario eco fee and Toronto Sun: Eco fees recycled.)

24. The Dalton McGuinty Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) - Where Dalton McGuinty imposed yet another tax, this time a massive tax that was applied on almost everything including: Home Heating Costs, Gasoline, Natural Gas, Electricity, Tobacco, Quit Smoking Aids, Newspaper/Magazine subscriptions, Fast Food (over $4), New Homes (over $400,000), Vitamins, Used Vehicles, Internet Access, Airfare, Bus fare, Taxi Fares, Haircuts, Hotels, Legal Services, Gym Memberships, Accountants, Real Estate Commissions, Lawn Care and Landscaping, Dry Cleaning, Snow Removal, Campsites, Audio Books, Home Renovations, Massage Therapy, Green fees for golf, Live Theatre, Hockey Rink fees and Hall rentals, Funeral Services, Fitness Trainer, Esthetician Services, Hunting and Fishing Licenses. This is how Dalton McGuinty helps Ontario's Working Families, by increasing taxes on everything they depend on to survive. (See: Dalton Sales Tax - Dalton's Sales Tax on Everything - HST News and Ontario Ministry of Revenue: What's Taxable Under the HST and What's Not?.)

25. The Dalton McGuinty Smart Meters Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty forced Ontarians to have so-called "Smart Meters" installed which impose Time-of-use pricing on Ontario's Working Families. The Time-of-use pricing is forcing Ontario Working Families to do their dishes at midnight, their laundry at 3am, and ensure to get their kids dressed and off to school before 7am in the morning, if Ontario Families don't want their electricity bills to skyrocket. The Smart Meters have cost Ontarians $1 Billion to implement, and have failed to provide the cost savings that they were touted to be able to do originally (even when Ontarians abide by the time-of-use recommendations). Not only is this hurting Ontario's Working Families, but it is making life impossible and completely unaffordable for Ontario's Seniors. (See: Toronto Star: What’s the return on $1 billion smart meter investment? and Financial Post: Lawrence Solomon: McGuinty’s reality.)

26. The Dalton McGuinty Skyrocketing Hydro Rates and disgraceful 10% so-called rebate Scandal - Under Dalton McGuinty, Ontario's Working Families have seen their Hydro rates skyrocket, firstly because of McGuinty's failed Green Energy experiments, second because of bloated Unionized Workers wages and benefits, and third because again of severe mismanagement by the McGuinty Government. As if the constant increases Ontario Working Families have already seen aren't enough, his Government has provided another low-ball estimate of rates rising another 46% over the next 5 years. Obviously this is just a pre-election number that will most likely increase 10 times over after the election. In addition, Dalton added his HST on top of these increasing rates, adding another 8% on top! Then, in order to manipulate Ontario's Working Families, McGuinty gave back a 10% rebate (for 5 years only mind-you), and made sure to glorify it on Ontarians' Hydro Bills, in yet another disgraceful attempt to manipulate Ontario's Working Families. (See: Toronto Sun: Expect a 46% hydro rate hike and CityTV: Hydro Rates Set To Skyrocket Over Next Five Years.)

27. The Dalton McGuinty Offshore Wind Turbines Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty forced Ontarians to accept that Offshore Wind Turbines would be created, completely dismissing health concerns raised by Ontario Working Families (citing studies that had been done which proved the contrary), and now just before an election he suddenly says that they are postponing it to perform a study on their safety? Typical McGuinty. Not only did McGuinty hurt Ontario Working Families with this flip-flop, he also hurt Ontario Businesses who invested in this technology only to see it scrapped, and also weakened Ontario's Global Reputation as it can no longer be trusted to follow through on its initiatives. (See: CBC: Wind farm decision not election-related: McGuinty and Globe and Mail: Ontario’s wind power ‘flip-flop’ draws ire.)

28. The Dalton McGuinty Green Energy Strategy for Solar Power in Rural Ontario Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty offered Ontario Working Families in Rural Ontario 80 cents per kWh if they implemented small solar power installations on their properties, only to renege on that deal and chop that rate to 58.8 cents, after many Ontarians already invested in the technology... Suddenly Ontario Working Families won't get that return on investment in the time they were told. Now Ontarians are looking at timelines of over a decade, and still after this latest price change, that is not even certain. In addition to the rate slashing, many Rural Ontarians are now being told that their contracts can no longer be fulfilled, after they've invested their retirement incomes into these Solar Power Systems. This is how Dalton McGuinty protects Ontario's Working Families. (See: Toronto Sun: Dalton McGuinty 's solar chop: Woodcock, Globe and Mail: Ontario's search for a solar system and CBC: Ont. goes ahead with large green energy projects.)

29. The Dalton McGuinty Samsung Deal Scandal - Where Dalton McGuinty awarded the Korean Conglomerate Samsung with "the mother of all sole-sourced untendered contracts", a sweetheart deal worth $7 Billion to develop Green Energy Technology in Ontario. In exchange for the deal, Samsung will get Ontarians to pay significantly higher feed-in-tariff energy rates for the next 25 years. Is this looking out for Ontario Working Families? What about looking out for Ontario businesses that could have done the same work that Samsung is being allowed? (See: Toronto Star: Tories seek probe into $7B green energy deal and Globe and Mail: Ontario's green deal raises ire of energy developers.)

30. The Dalton McGuinty Ontario Sunshine List's Skyrocketing Total Membership Scandal - Where under Dalton McGuinty, the number of Ontario Public Sector workers making $100,000 or more has skyrocketed from just over 12,000 members in 2003, to a whopping 63,371 in 2009, or in total, an over 500% increase while Dalton McGuinty has been Premier. And Ontario's Working Families wonder how taxes seem to constantly rise under Dalton McGuinty while the services provided in return are decreasing, because in addition to his Government's countless failures (see the 29 points above), he still finds a way to give them raises and push them into the six-figure salary range. Meanwhile, Ontario Working Families pick up the bill and can't afford to live. This is how Dalton McGuinty protects Ontario's Working Families? (See: Toronto Star Clipping from 2003: Strike overtime helps pad province's $100,000 club ; More than 12,000 on 'sunshine' list; Hospital network CEO highest paid and CTV: AGO gallery CEO is No. 3 on province's sunshine list.)

After these 30 examples of failures by the Dalton McGuinty Ontario Liberal Government, you would think that this would be it, but truthfully, there are many, many, many more examples of his failures that have cost Ontario's Working Families their entire livelihood.

Again, if you feel that I have missed any Scandals, Broken Promises or New Taxes/Fees, please feel free to add more posting below describing the Scandal, and also providing any supporting websites that terbites can visit to get further details.


Dec 20, 2010
Great Job! I could not have said it any better - PornAddict.

I was in the midst of compiling a list of my own until I saw PornAddict's great summary as to the list of scandels and broken promises.

I am a PC but not a great fan of Hudak but who else are you going to vote for.

Let's remember the only reason McGunity even got a 2nd term in office was thanks to John Tory's stupid idea to introduce religious schools during the last Ontario election. It was John Tory that got McGunity re-elected in 2008 because of his dumb idea! Had Tory not introduced this he would be premier.

I just hope Hudak can get it together and formulate a great campaign because McGunity would not have stuck around if he didn't think he could defeat Hudak in an election. McGunity is very good a manipulating people to go his way.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
24. The Dalton McGuinty Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) - Where Dalton McGuinty imposed yet another tax, this time a massive tax that was applied on almost everything including: Home Heating Costs, Gasoline, Natural Gas, Electricity, Tobacco, Quit Smoking Aids, Newspaper/Magazine subscriptions, Fast Food (over $4), New Homes (over $400,000), Vitamins, Used Vehicles, Internet Access, Airfare, Bus fare, Taxi Fares, Haircuts, Hotels, Legal Services, Gym Memberships, Accountants, Real Estate Commissions, Lawn Care and Landscaping, Dry Cleaning, Snow Removal, Campsites, Audio Books, Home Renovations, Massage Therapy, Green fees for golf, Live Theatre, Hockey Rink fees and Hall rentals, Funeral Services, Fitness Trainer, Esthetician Services, Hunting and Fishing Licenses. This is how Dalton McGuinty helps Ontario's Working Families, by increasing taxes on everything they depend on to survive. (See: Dalton Sales Tax - Dalton's Sales Tax on Everything - HST News and Ontario Ministry of Revenue: What's Taxable Under the HST and What's Not?.)…edit…
About as far from the truth as can be. What McG did, at Harpo and Flattery's urging was sign onto the GST. Like the Maritmes, Quebec and BC. That harmonized Ontario's old PST with the feds' sales tax which applies to all that stuff you mentioned (or maybe, didn't read the whole list). What makes it harmonize is now there's just one list of what's taxable, and it's the feds'. Complain to them if you don't like the list. Complain to Hudak too, because he's says he won't be undoing it. Strangely some folks think we should vote for such an incompetent, lazy or unimaginative Premier.

There may be other reasons why he wouldn't undo this heinous McGuintyism, but I can't think of them. Anyway there are smarter things to do than vote against something no one's gonna fix


New member
Jan 26, 2004
The problem with the HST OJ is that it was done without anyone knowing about it. It should have been an election issue.
Contrary to what a lot of people believe, the GST was part of the Mulrooney platorm on the last election he won. The HST should have been part of the McGuinty platform in the last election. It wasn't and was thrown on the people of Ontario without any warning. I'm not going into whether the HST is good or bad, that's not the point. For the way it was shoved down our throat, he deserves any scorn thrown at him.


Sep 8, 2010
The problem with the HST OJ is that it was done without anyone knowing about it. It should have been an election issue.
Contrary to what a lot of people believe, the GST was part of the Mulrooney platorm on the last election he won. The HST should have been part of the McGuinty platform in the last election. It wasn't and was thrown on the people of Ontario without any warning. I'm not going into whether the HST is good or bad, that's not the point. For the way it was shoved down our throat, he deserves any scorn thrown at him.
Precisely. That's exactly the point. And he did the same thing with the Health Tax as soon as he took power. McGuinty should not have won the last election. He did so only because the conservatives under Tory screwed up big time with the idea of religious schools. It's well past time we get rid of the incompetent Fiberal.

By the way PornAddict... hell of a post. Well done!!


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
ok.....he's messed up hydro ( though previous regimes left him a mess) and he lied about no tax increase, then brought in the 500 buck health levy....but hudak is an assclown and i'd rather see ndp in power than an even scarier version of mike harris.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Nice compilation PornAddict but really, isn't it all Mike Harris's fault?:D


Jan 31, 2005
The Ontario Health Premium, HST, etc. are necessary. Ottawa slashed transfers to the Province in order to fund a Federal tax cut. Ontario needed to rise provincial taxes in order to cover the difference. From the taxpayers point of view it was a shift from paying Federal to paying Provincial taxes.

In fact we should do more of this. It is idiotic that the Federal govt. has such a surplus of cash that it can transfer large sums to provinces to pay for provincial services like healthcare. Really the feds should cut more, and the province should raise taxes more, until the level of government that is paying for the service is collecting the money to pay for it. Perhaps we should contemplate a complete elimination of the Federal portion of the GST, with Ontario sales tax rising to 13% (taking all of it).

It's just stupid that we pay the federal government tax towards a provincial service. It's just out of balance.

Among other things it makes it hard in Canada to hold politicians to account. If you complain about healthcare the feds say it is a provincial issue, and the province complains that the fed cut funding. They get away with that circular buck passing because we are paying too much tax to one level of government, and not enough to the other.

Short story is we should be voting for Federal politicians who will cut taxes, and Provincial politicians who will rise them.


Sep 8, 2010
The Ontario Health Premium, HST, etc. are necessary. Ottawa slashed transfers to the Province in order to fund a Federal tax cut. Ontario needed to rise provincial taxes in order to cover the difference. From the taxpayers point of view it was a shift from paying Federal to paying Provincial taxes.

In fact we should do more of this. It is idiotic that the Federal govt. has such a surplus of cash that it can transfer large sums to provinces to pay for provincial services like healthcare. Really the feds should cut more, and the province should raise taxes more, until the level of government that is paying for the service is collecting the money to pay for it. Perhaps we should contemplate a complete elimination of the Federal portion of the GST, with Ontario sales tax rising to 13% (taking all of it).

It's just stupid that we pay the federal government tax towards a provincial service. It's just out of balance.

Among other things it makes it hard in Canada to hold politicians to account. If you complain about healthcare the feds say it is a provincial issue, and the province complains that the fed cut funding. They get away with that circular buck passing because we are paying too much tax to one level of government, and not enough to the other.

Short story is we should be voting for Federal politicians who will cut taxes, and Provincial politicians who will rise them.
Ontario is now a "Have not" province. Don't be looking the equalization payment gift horse in the mouth! Oh.. and when did Ontario become a "Have Not" province? Was it during McGuinty's reign? Oh ya!! I think it was! Hmmmm... so what should we do about it? Well, let's vote for him again!! You gotta love Liberals! We'd have very little to laugh about if it wasn't for them.


Jan 31, 2005
Ontario is now a "Have not" province. Don't be looking the equalization payment gift horse in the mouth!
Only according to a weird formula. Ontario still delivers much more tax to Ottawa than it receives in return. We are getting our own money back in those "transfer" payments, and still paying a hefty amount to Ottawa on top of that.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't McGuinty already on course to double Ontario’s debt by 2012 and more than trippled the current Sunshine List of public sector employees making $100,000 to over 60,000?
Toronto Escorts