Maybe a hooker, maybe not. What would you have done in this scenario?


New member
About two months ago I made arrangements to meet a buddy in at Yorkdale because it was convenient to our respective place and time. He is a professional educator, a friend for years, and knows nothing of my hobby interests. We met at the bar of a popular restaurant over some beers. The rest of the long semi-circular bar was empty except for we two old friends talking over things in general.

Comes to the bar a young couple, guessing about 19 to 21 years of age. They are about twenty feet away. The well-dressed girl, a brunette, mid height in stature is an absolute knockout and based on her aura maybe the sexiest female I have seen in quite some time. My spidy senses hit the max on first glance. I do not stare although I can barely prevent taking my eyes off her. My buddy seems oblivious to her existence. (not a wolf)

Her date leaves for somewhere. He is a shorter guy, a boyish man with the apparent benefit of money working on his behalf. Who knows, he could have possessed the charisma of a Jerry Seinfeld, or the financial skill of a teenage wunderkind, it is impossible to judge fairly, nevertheless he looked like joe-average daddy’s boy probably with a Porche for a college tuition gift and the girl looked like she was a bought and paid for item, even at her age of probably 19.

The man-boy leaves for somewhere. The girl is now alone. Within thirty seconds she turns her head forty-five degrees toward me and we lock eyes in a straight line. We engage in full-bore unblinking eye contact for a prolonged moment that seems far longer. If this had been kissing my tongue would have been down her throat. My heart races and breathing freezes. She is giving me a come-on like I have only experienced in a brothel. You know the look I speak of exactly. It is calm, it is level. It is saying, “Its your move sailor.�

Then she turned away. As you know, women can see you perfectly fully completely without looking directly at you. It is one of the evolutionary quirks of separation within the species. She continued to study me peripherally. My strategy processor went wild, flipping on the after burners. I knew I had to make a move quickly, but which one. Through the bartender? He was no where to be seen. Should I approach directly and risk looking the fool? It was the gambit. I stalled. After a moment, she looked again. A direct hit of similar strength and magnitude. “Well?� She was saying silently, “ Are you man enough?�

I froze again, momentarily as I tried to come to terms with the fork in the road. Hooker or Schoolgirl? Playing with my head or direct marketing herself. I was just about launched off my bar stool, when her date re-appeared. As they moved off the bar to their table in the restaurant some where out of view, my buddy called for the tab. It was now time to leave.

The unanswered question caused by my indecisiveness lingered in my mind as unresolved for the balance of the evening.

So, have you been in this or a similar situation with maybe a working girl, or maybe not? What did you do? How did it go? What would your advice to me be? What move do you recommend?


World Champion Girl Lover
Nov 18, 2001
You have passed one of the tests of dating guru David DeAngelo with flying colours: Never look away first when making eye contact, the woman is testing your confidence!!! Next time this happens to you, forget debating if she is a "pro" or not, you beat her at the eye contact game, so she's yours. Wave her over, charm her with humour: women love to be teased, tell her "you make an odd looking couple, what's a hot guy like him doing with a girl like you?"


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
It would likely never have occurred to me she might be a "working girl" although she may work somewhere ...

I'd likely have been looking around to see who the fuck she is looking at and wondering if she may just have some form of tourettes ...


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
It's not uncommon for a lot of us who practice the hobby to see girls in everyday places and wonder if they are SP's - I do it all the time.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
On second thought, I do too, but I'm not sure I would under those circumstances ... but, I digress ...


New member
I was rather hoping to provoke some interesting stories of similar encounters...more stoking the coals than anything. Enjoyed your comment LoveThemGirls. Bang On!

I likely should have emphasised the fact that I'm not green around the gills when it comes to picking up stray women. However this girl threw me a curve, partly because of her age (I am 50 she was all of 19) and the fact that my hooker-radar lit up instantly when I gazed into her eyes... (I have a well trained eye, bought and paid for via regular installments on the lay-away-plan hehe). I almost never think ' hooker' when a girl gives me a glance out of "the trade scene" environment, however this gal fired a lasar beam signal at me that spelled one thing... and at my age difference she definitely wasn't trolling for mere attention.

Conversely, a working girl friend of mine once fessed up her story of how she entered the trade. She was sitting at a hotel piano bar alone one night in a foreign city...a man approached her and asked her point blank without any small talk if she would consider doing him for $500.00 (USD). She blinked, swallowed the ballance of her cocktail, got up off the bar stool, and went along to his room...

and Back should email Letterman...he could use some fresh talent :)


New member
Farrah Foxxx said:
Sometime's female's like to look around to see who's looking @ them. I doubt she was an escort and was probably just looking around and caught you staring @ her so she stared back.
Sometimes? heheheh... do you know one who doesn't? And I probably sound like someone who wouldn't know the difference...

I will pose the question again. "what would you have done?"


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Farrah's is probably the most reasonable response yet. Bottom line, she knew her boyfriend was coming back and had a free play to flirt or tease. By the way, you're dead on about women being able to see periperally much better than men. Almost spooky sometimes.


New member
Farrah Foxxx said:

I suggest you drop this as you'll never know why this girl was was looking your way & you'l be wondering & guessing for the rest of your life.

Happy Holiday's & Happy New Year,

Farrah Foxxx
Comical. I am not obsessed with whether she was hooker or not. Trust me, if she was not then, she will someday be.

The question was to the guys, "what would you do?" LOL

There isn't a guy reading this that hasn't been in the situation where a girl hit on him and he froze. It's just a little twist added. Here she is possibly/probably/likely for hire.

The questions is, and I will re-phrase it plainly. "How would you qualify the girl, ("discretely" in Parenthesis LOL)

You're right. This thread is de-railed. Let's talk about the night you entered the business.

XO and Merry Christmas!


New member
Farrah Foxxx said:
I find your comment to be rude & very immature. Never judge a book by it's cover sweetie.
I'm not sure we want to go to that level with this discussion...

BTW, you have a great body!

I'll take it under advice. However, you were not the one looking into her eyes. LOL


Active member
May 18, 2003
I have no idea why you think its it is any more likely she is or will be a hooker vs any other flirtatious 19 year old.


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
The thought that she might be working likely wouldn't have entered my mind. I would have just assumed she was on a date or out for drinks with a friend. Given that, I would have let it pass as you did and forgotten it.

If she had been alone maybe a different story.

The thought that she is either working or some day will be seems a bit much of a stretch to me.


Feb 25, 2004
Good Topic.

Great post. Acting swiftly when an unexpected moment arises is always difficult. Who hasn't blown it in a similar situation?

To answer your original question I bet that she is definitely a working girl... how many 19 year olds come on to guys who are 50!



New member
Sep 6, 2003
It happened to me on an aircraft. I was traveling to New York and this gorgeous brunette made eye contact with me. Sent chills up my spine. After the flight I saw her ahead of me. She "dropped" her bags. I helped, being the gentleman I am. She offered my a ride to the city. Turns out a limo was waiting for her. Married to a tycoon. Anyway, no time lost in the limo. Went at it big time. She dropped me off at my hotel. Never saw her again. One of the most delicious experiences of my life. No she was not a hooker.


New member
Sep 18, 2004
east of eden, west of sodom
Couple of things going on here. Have to agree with Powershot, it is entirely possible she is just like thousands of other young women today. They have so much more confidence and chutzpah.
But, I think being with a friend and having a couple of drinks, I would definitely have offered to buy her a drink. A drink and a little conversation can reveal a lot, even if it meant inviting the boyfriend over. I've done it a few times in hotel bars while travelling, usually develops into nothing, but occasionally you get lucky
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